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Procedures for applying for a license to practice veterinary medicine in Vietnam

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Veterinary medicine is one of the professions that must meet several statutory conditions to allow to practice, namely to have a license to practice veterinary medicine. So, what is the procedure for applying for a veterinary license? So, follow the article below of Lawyer X for more information!

Legal grounds

– Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015;

– Decree 35/2016/ND-CP;

Types of veterinary practice

According to Article 107 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine, the types of veterinary practice include:

– Firstly, vaccination, treatment, animal surgery, consulting activities related to the field of veterinary medicine.

– Secondly, examination, diagnosis, and testing of animal diseases.

Trading in veterinary drugs.

– Then, producing, testing, testing, exporting, and importing veterinary drugs.

Conditions for practicing veterinary medicine

Article 108 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015 stipulates the conditions for veterinary practice as follows:

For individuals practicing veterinary medicine:

Having a Veterinary Practice Certificate suitable for each type of veterinary practice;

– Having professional ethics;

– Being healthy enough to practice.

For veterinary practice organizations:

– Some individuals meet the following requirements: Having a certificate of veterinary practice suitable for each type of veterinary practice; Having professional ethics; Being healthy enough to practice.

– Having material and technical foundations suitable to each type of veterinary practice as prescribed by law.

Conditions for veterinary practice detailed in Article 21 of Decree No. 35/2016/ND-CP:

“Article 21. Conditions for veterinary practice

Organizations and individuals practicing veterinary medicine must fully satisfy the conditions specified in Article 108 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine and must satisfy the following professional requirements:

1. Those who practice animal diagnosis, treatment, surgery, and consulting activities related to the veterinary field must have at least an intermediate degree in veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, or aquaculture. aquaculture, aquatic pathology for aquatic veterinary practice. Practitioners of animal vaccination must have a certificate of graduation from a technical training class issued by a competent state management agency at the provincial level.

2. Persons in charge of techniques of establishments for animal surgery, medical examination, diagnosis, and testing of animal diseases must have a university degree or higher in veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, or aquaculture or disease. aquatic education for the practice of aquatic veterinary medicine.

3. Veterinary drug dealers must have an intermediate or higher degree in veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, or an intermediate degree in aquaculture or aquatic pathology, for aquatic veterinary practice.

4. The person in charge of the technique of the facility testing, exporting, or importing veterinary drugs is prescribed as follows:

a) Establishments testing, exporting, and importing veterinary drugs for terrestrial animals must have a university degree or higher in veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, a pharmacist, a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy or chemistry, or a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine. biological;

b) Establishments testing, exporting, or importing veterinary drugs for aquatic animals must have a bachelor’s degree or higher in aquaculture, aquatic pathology, a pharmacist, a bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical chemistry, or a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. The study, of biology.

5. Persons in charge of techniques of establishments manufacturing and testing veterinary drugs are prescribed as follows:

a) Establishments that manufacture and test drugs being pharmaceutical drugs used in veterinary medicine for terrestrial animals must have a university degree or higher in veterinary medicine, pharmacist or pharmaceutical chemistry; used in veterinary medicine for aquatic animals must have a university degree or higher majoring in aquaculture, aquatic pathology, pharmacist or pharmaceutical chemistry;

b) Establishments manufacturing and testing drugs that are vaccines, biological products, microorganisms, or chemicals used in veterinary medicine for terrestrial animals must have a university degree or higher in veterinary medicine or animal husbandry. , pharmacist, bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical chemistry, chemistry, biology; used in veterinary medicine for aquatic animals must have a university degree or higher majoring in aquaculture, aquatic pathology, biology, pharmacist, bachelor’s degree in pharmacy or chemistry”.

Veterinary practice certificate

Veterinary practice certificates are granted to organizations and individuals that fully meet the conditions for practice as prescribed in Article 108 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015, Article 21 of Decree 35/2016/ND-CP, and the required documents. in Clauses 2 and 5, Article 109 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015.

The contents of the Veterinary Practice Certificate include:

– Firstly, full name, date of birth;

– Residential address;

– Thirdly, professional qualifications;

– Type of practice;

– Besides, location.

– Lastly, to promulgate together with this Decree the Appendix on the form of the Veterinary Practice Certificate and the Application for the issuance of the Veterinary Practice Certificate.

The use of the Veterinary Practice Certificate

The use of the Veterinary Practice Certificate regulated as follows:

– Veterinary practice certificates for vaccination, diagnosis, treatment, animal surgery, and consulting activities related to the field of veterinary medicine used nationwide. So, the practicing certificate-issuing agency does not record in the Section of Practice location;

– Besides, veterinary practice certificate of the person in charge of technology at the facility of animal surgery, medical examination, diagnosis, testing of animal diseases, and trading of veterinary drugs used within the province or city directly centrally;

– Therefore, veterinary practice certificate of the person in charge of technology at the facility manufacturing, testing, testing, exporting, and importing veterinary drugs is used nationwide.

Issuance and renewal of Veterinary Practice Certificate

Competence to issue Veterinary practice certificates is as follows:

– Veterinary management agencies at the provincial level shall grant veterinary practice certificates in the following cases: Vaccination, treatment, animal surgery; consulting activities related to veterinary medicine; Examination, diagnosis, and testing of animal diseases; Sale of veterinary drugs.

– The Department of Animal Health shall issue the Veterinary Practice Certificate in case of production, testing, testing, export, and import of veterinary drugs.

An application file for a veterinary practice certificate includes:

– Registration form;

– Professional diplomas and certificates suitable for each type of veterinary practice;

– Health certificate;

– Identity card or citizen identification card. Foreigners, in addition to the above provisions, must also have a criminal record certified by a competent authority.

Order and procedures for granting a veterinary practice certificate:

– Individuals wishing to grant veterinary practice certificates shall submit dossiers to veterinary specialized management agencies;

– So, within 05 working days from the date of receipt of a valid application, the application-receiving agency shall decide on the grant of a veterinary practice certificate; In case of refusal, a written reply must give clearly stating the reason.

– A veterinary practice certificate is valid for 5 years.

The dossier, order, and procedures for renewal of the veterinary practice certificate:

– Individuals wishing to renew their Veterinary Practice Certificate shall send their dossiers to the veterinary specialized management agency 30 days before the expiry date. The dossier includes the renewal application form, the issued Veterinary Practice Certificate, and the Health Certificate;

– So, within 03 working days from the date of receipt of a valid application, the application-receiving agency shall decide on the extension of the veterinary practice certificate; in case of non-renewal must reply in writing and clearly state the reason.

Rights and obligations of organizations and individuals practicing veterinary medicine

Article 113 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015 stipulates the rights and obligations of organizations and individuals practicing veterinary medicine

“1. Organizations and individuals practicing veterinary medicine have the following rights:

a) Be allowed to practice according to the contents stated in the Veterinary practice certificate;

b) Receive advanced training and professional training in veterinary medicine;

c) Receive support and encouragement from the State when participating in local animal disease prevention and control activities.

2. Organizations and individuals practicing veterinary medicine have the following obligations:

a) Comply with regulations of law on veterinary medicine and relevant laws in practice; compensate for damage caused by his/her fault in veterinary practice;

b) Provide relevant information to the veterinary specialized management agency; comply with and participate in veterinary activities at the request of competent authorities”.

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Frequently asked questions

In which case is an individual not granted a Veterinary Practice Certificate?

Individuals who are not granted a Veterinary Practice Certificate are specified in Article 111 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015:
– Not having appropriate professional diplomas and certificates;
– Being banned from practicing under a court judgment or decision;
– Besides, being subject to a discipline related to the veterinary profession;
– Being prosecuted for criminal liability;
– Then, being in the period of serving a criminal sentence of the court; is being applied administrative handling measure sending to the compulsory education institution, compulsory detoxification establishment;
– Lastly, having a limited or lost capacity for civil acts.

When is the Veterinary Practice Certificate revoked?

Veterinary practice certificates are revoked in the following cases:
– Deleted, edited content;
– Detecting fake papers and untruthful information in the application file for issuance of the Veterinary Practice Certificate;
– Violating professional ethics and relevant laws.

Which agency has the authority to revoke the Veterinary Practice Certificate?

– The veterinary specialized management agency of the province shall grant the Veterinary Practice Certificate as prescribed in Clauses 1, 2, and 3, Article 107 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015.
– Besides, the Department of Animal Health issues the Veterinary Practice Certificate as prescribed in Clause 4, Article 107 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015.

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