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  • Legal servicePenalty rates for trademark counterfeiting of enterprises in Vietnam

    Penalty rates for trademark counterfeiting of enterprises in Vietnam

    Trademark belongs to the protected subjects by the law of Vietnam as well as the world. Along with the development of the economy, violations of trademarks keep increasing in these years, especially the counterfeiting of trademarks. So, how does the law regulates and handles this issue? Will trademark violators face penalization from the state? In this article, LSX legal firm will provide you with: “Penalty rates for trademark counterfeiting of enterprises in Vietnam” Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceGuideline for making judicial records directly in Vietnam

    Guideline for making judicial records directly in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer X! Currently, I am about to establish a cooperative, so I need to do a criminal record. Can a lawyer analyze for me the guidance on making a direct criminal record according to current regulations? I hope the lawyer will respond soon to answer my questions. Thank you. Hello. Thank you for submitting your question to Lawyer X. We will answer your questions through this article. Please refer. Legal grounds Law on Judicial…

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  • Legal serviceCost of management accounting in Vietnam

    Cost of management accounting in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer. My name is Quang Anh, looking forward to the lawyer’s answer to the question: How is the cost of management accounting understood? How many types of management accounting costs? What is the nature and goal of cost management accounting? Thank you very much. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Lawyer X. To answer the question “What does management accounting cost? Classification of management accounting costs? and also understand some issues surrounding…

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  • Legal serviceProvisions on prohibited roads under Vietnam law

    Provisions on prohibited roads under Vietnam law

    When participating in traffic, each citizen must strictly abide by traffic safety laws to ensure the safety of themselves and the society. One of the implementations to comply with the road traffic safety law is not to enter the prohibited road. If the driver of a road vehicle enters the road identified as a prohibited road, he will be handled according to regulations. So about the matter “Provisions on prohibited roads under Vietnam law” Let’s…

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  • Legal knowledgeAdministrative boundaries and base investigation on land

    Administrative boundaries and base investigation on land in Vietnam

    Vietnam Land law has regulations on administrative boundaries and base investigation on land. Let’s find out this issue with lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to aske what are Administrative boundaries? How can the state make base investigation on land? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2013 Vietnam Land Law What are administrative boundaries? – The Government shall direct the identification of administrative boundaries and the compilation and management of administrative…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is a legal aid center under Vietnam law

    What is a legal aid center under Vietnam law?

    Today, society is developing more and more, transactions arising in life are increasing. So many people seek the help from legal aid centers. So about the matter “What is a legal aid center under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on Legal Aid 2017What is legal aid? Article 2 of the Law on Legal Aid 2017 defines Legal Aid as the provision of free legal services to…

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  • Legal serviceAbuse of position and power to appropriate property in Vietnam

    Abuse of position and power to appropriate property in Vietnam

    Our Party and State have always focused on equal rights among all citizens, putting the interests of citizens first, which is the core for the development of the country. But in fact, it can be seen that there are many cases of “big fish eating small fish” where some people have abused their positions and powers to coerce and oppress the weak. So about the matter “Abuse of position and power to appropriate property in…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on land lease in industrial zones in Vietnam

    Regulations on land lease in industrial zones in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer X, I want to rent a plot of land but that land is located in an industrial zone, is it possible? What are the current regulations on land lease in industrial zones? Please advise. Hello, Currently, many investors and businesses have the need to rent land in industrial parks more and more to expand their business scale. However, what is the regulation for renting land in industrial zones? To answer the above question,…

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  • Legal serviceApply for a criminal record for foreigners in Vietnam

    Apply for a criminal record for foreigners in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer X, I am a Korean currently living and working in Vietnam, because of work and family factors, I have to move to the US to live and continue to work, so I need to apply for a resume. Justice. So how to apply for a criminal record for foreigners in Vietnam? Please advise. Hi, criminal record is one of the types of information papers issued by competent state agencies to individuals who need…

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  • Legal serviceCan Vietnamese residing abroad own a house in Vietnam

    Can Vietnamese residing abroad own a house in Vietnam?

    Hello everyone and Lawyer. I have a question that I would like answered as follows. My friend is Vietnamese but currently resides abroad. My friend asked if he could own a house in Vietnam. Looking forward to receiving help from everyone and Lawyers. Thank you. Hello! To answer the above questions, please read with Lawyer X to find out the above issue through the article “Can Vietnamese residing abroad own a house in Vietnam?” The…

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