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  • Legal serviceDo students need to register for temporary residence in Vietnam

    Do students need to register for temporary residence in Vietnam?

    Temporary residence registration is the most popular form of registration of residence today. Citizens working away from home, students living in dormitories, military personnel… all have to register for temporary residence. So about the matter “Do students need to register for temporary residence in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Residence Law 2020 What is temporary residence registration? According to Article 2 of the Residence Law 2020 stipulates: “[…]…

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  • Legal serviceWhat do you need to notarize a rental contract in Vietnam?

    What do you need to notarize a rental contract in Vietnam?

    LSX legal firm has received a question from our customer: “I just rented a house as a place to open a business for 3 years. However, I and the landlord did not notarize this contract. So, does my rental contract violate the law? In case I have to necessary to notarize the contract, what is the need for notarization of the rental contract?”In this article, LSX legal firm will provide you with information to answer…

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  • Legal serviceSettling disputes between co-owners of land in Vietnam

    Settling disputes between co-owners of land in Vietnam

    Co-ownership disputes are a fairly common form of dispute today. The settlement of co-owned property, also known as common property, must have the consent and agreement of the owners. However, when owners have conflicts and can not come to an agreement, a third party will get involved and settle the case. In this article, LSX legal firm will inform you: “Settling disputes between co-owners of land in Vietnam” Legal grounnds Circular 23/2014/TT-BTNMTCivil Code 2015 Co-owners…

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  • Legal serviceDo you need marital status certificate to make red book in Vietnam?

    Do you need marital status certificate to make red book in Vietnam?

    Recently, LSX legal firm has received a question from our customer:“I have a large amount of money and have bought a piece of land. I need to apply for a red book, but people told me that I need a certificate of marital status to carry out this procedure. Do I really have to certify my marital status for a red book?”In this article, we will help you to answer the question: “Do you need…

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  • Legal serviceHow to calculate loan shark interest rate in Vietnam?

    How to calculate loan shark interest rate in Vietnam?

    Loan sharking means an illegal form of lending. When applying for this kind of loan, people will not enjoy protection from the law. So, how does the law handle the sharking loan? In this article, LSX legal firm would like to provide you with information to answer the question: “How to calculate loan shark interest rate in Vietnam?” Legal grounds Civil Code 2015Decree 01/2021/ND-CPCriminal Code 2015 The current maximum loan interest rate According to Article…

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  • Legal serviceCrime of human trafficking under Vietnam law

    Crime of human trafficking under Vietnam law

    In recent years, economy is becoming more and more developed. This will have a result in the increase of crimes, including human trafficking. Human trafficking criminals have taken sophisticated actions to deceive and traffic in people, especially women and children. So about the matter “Crime of human trafficking under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Penal Code 2015Decree 09/2013/ND-CP Crime of human trafficking under Vietnam law The crime…

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  • Legal knowledgeThe law applied to property relations and personal relations in Vietnam

    The law applied to property relations and personal relations in Vietnam

    Vietnam Civil Code has regulations on property relations and personal relationsinvolving foreign elements. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to aske how are property classified in Vietnam? What law shall be applied to property relations and personal relations involving foreign elements? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2015 Vietnam Civil Code Regulations on classification of property The classification between moveable and immoveable property shall be…

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  • Legal serviceMortgage of common property of husband and wife in Vietnam

    Mortgage of common property of husband and wife in Vietnam

    Vietnam is in the process of integration and development, leading to economic growth as commercial and service activities as well as marriage and family life are also becoming more and more diversified. For example, marriage, divorce, separate property before marriage, etc. So “Mortgage of common property of husband and wife in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Civil Code 2015Law on Marriage and Family 2014 How is mortgaged property…

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  • Legal serviceHow long does it take to dissolve a company in Vietnam?

    How long does it take to dissolve a company in Vietnam?

    Besides the efficient companies, many underperforming companies have lost during the Covid-19 pandemic. This problem causes difficulties for the management agencies as well as the company owners themselves. Therefore, companies decide to dissolve to ensure the interests of the company and its employees. In this article, LSX legal firm will give you information on: “How long does it take to dissolve a company in Vietnam?” Legal grounds Law on Enterprise 2020Decree 01/2021/ND-CP Dissolve a company…

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  • Legal serviceHow long can a company suspend from business in Vietnam?

    How long can a company suspend from business in Vietnam?

    In the course of business, many businesses have to suspend operations for many objective reasons. To suspend a company from business, the owner has to pay attention to the law’s regulations regarding the business suspension. However, not everyone understands clearly about this issue, particularly the time limit of suspension. So, in this article LSX legal firm would like to answer the question: “How long can a company suspend from business in Vietnam?” Legal grounds Law…

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