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  • BusinessDoes newly established company have to submit financial statements in Vietnam?

    Does newly established company have to submit financial statements in Vietnam?

    Newly established companies appear a lot in the Vietnamese economy nowadays because many people want to start a business. When a company starts to operate, it has to submit reports to the authorities. One of the most important reports is the financial statement, this is the basis for the tax authorities to work with the company. However, does a newly established company have to submit financial statements in Vietnam? In this article, LSX legal firm…

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  • BusinessCases requiring audit of financial statements in Vietnam

    Cases requiring audit of financial statements in Vietnam

    When it comes to ensuring business transparency, auditing plays a very significant role. Auditing entails checking and verifying the accuracy of financial statements in order to provide the most accurate information about an organization’s financial status. As a result, Vietnamese law imposes stringent auditing regulations. In this article, LSX legal firm would like to provide you information about: “Cases requiring audit of financial statements in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on Independent Audit 2011Law on accounting…

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  • BusinessTaxes to pay when opening a coffee shop in Vietnam

    Taxes to pay when opening a coffee shop in Vietnam

    According to the law, we can operate a coffee shop, or milk tea shop under many types of business registration such as limited liability company, joint stock company,… However, coffee shop owners mostly register their coffee shop businesses under the individual business household. Besides, establishing a business means you have to pay taxes to the competent authorities. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will give you information about: “Taxes to pay when opening a…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on tax audits under Vietnam Law on Tax administration

    Regulations on tax audits under Vietnam Law on Tax administration

    Tax audit is a very essential activity to ensure the correctness of tax administration. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are rules for tax audits? How shall tax audit be carried out? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Vietnam Law on Tax administration What are rules for tax audits? Apply risk management to tax administration; apply information technology to tax audits and…

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  • Legal serviceApplication of electronic invoices and documents in Vietnam

    Application of electronic invoices and documents in Vietnam

    Application of electronic invoices and documents in tax administration can solve many problems. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what does an electronic invoice mean? What are rules for issuance, management and use of electronic invoices? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Vietnam law on tax administration What are electronic invoices? An electronic invoice means an invoice in the form of electronic data,…

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  • Legal serviceLaw of Vietnam on Unilateral cancellation of notarized real estate purchase and sale contracts

    Unilaterally cancel the notarized real estate purchase and sale contract in Vietnam

    Currently, buying and selling land is not too strange for us. Some people buy land for investment, some people buy land to build houses, build companies, etc. for many different purposes. However, there are times when, for some reason, the seller doesn’t want to sell anymore. So is it possible to “Unilaterally cancel the notarized real estate sale and purchase contract”? Let’s go with Lawyer X to find out this issue! Legal grounds Civil Code…

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  • Legal serviceResponsibility of car owner when driver cause accident in Vietnam

    Responsibility of car owner when driver cause accident in Vietnam

    In life, there may be times when a relative or friend borrows your car. However, they may cause traffic accidents and result in legal consequences. Many car owners do not know if they have to take responsibility in this case. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will provide information about: “Responsibility of car owner when driver cause accident in Vietnam” Legal grounds Civil Code 2015Criminal Code 2015 Responsibility of the vehicle owner when the…

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  • BusinessArbitrarily repairing apartment for business in Vietnam

    Arbitrarily repairing apartment for business in Vietnam

    Nowadays, many families live in an old apartment buildings with deteriorating construction. So, they want to repair and renew their apartment to perform business. However, they do not know whether the law allows them to do it or not. Therefore, in this article, LSX legal firm will provide information regarding: “Arbitrarily repairing apartment for business in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on Housing 2014Law on Construction 2014Decree 99/2015/ND-CPDecree 16/2022/ND-CP Can you use apartment as a business…

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  • Legal serviceDoes the law recognize oral testament in Vietnam?

    Does the law recognize oral testament in Vietnam?

    In usual, people will make a testament in writing. However, there are also many cases where a testament will be made orally by the testator, also known as an oral will. So, what does an oral testament means? Does the law recognize an oral testament validity? In this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: “Does the law recognize oral testament in Vietnam?” Legal ground Civil Code 2015 What does an oral testament means?…

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  • BusinessLegal regulations on tax cancellation, tax remission, tax chargeoff in Viet Nam

    Legal regulations on tax cancellation, tax remission, tax chargeoff in Viet Nam

    Viet Nam Law has regulations on tax cancellation, tax remission, tax chargeoff. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask how shall cancellation of tax on exports be carried out? What are cases of tax exemption? How can I apply for tax remission? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Viet Nam Law on Tax Administration Regulations on cancellation of tax on exports and imports –…

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