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  • Legal serviceInstructions on how to draft a civil contract in Vietnam

    Instructions on how to draft a civil contract in Vietnam

    In life, there are many agreements, and exchanges, and one of those agreements becomes a civil contract. Civil contracts governed by the Civil Code. Here, let’s find out with Lawyer X about “How to make a civil contract” through the following article! What is a civil contract? A civil contract is an agreement, exchange, and unification of the will of the parties to achieve the purpose of establishing, changing, or terminating civil rights and obligations.…

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  • Legal serviceTax refund procedures under Viet Nam Law on Tax Administration

    Tax refund procedures under Viet Nam Law on Tax Administration

    In some cases tax payers may be refunded tax in accordance with relevant laws. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask when shall tax authorities refund tax? How can I prepare for tax refund dossiers? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Viet Nam Law on Tax Administrations What are cases of tax refund? Cases of tax refund comprise: – Tax authorities shall refund tax…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on Notarization Contract Cancellation Fees in Vietnam

    Regulations on Notarization Contract Cancellation Fees in Vietnam

    In today’s business activities, to ensure the commitment between the parties needs a notarized contract. However, in some situations, the notarized contract will need to cancel. However, many people still wonder about this type of notarized contract when canceling, how does it affect transactions and cancellation conditions? Is the notarization contract cancellation procedure complicated? Cost of notarization contract cancellation? These issues need to understand so that when business operations not missed or other problems arise.…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations of Vietnamese law on the crime of bringing people illegally across the border

    Regulations of Vietnamese law on the crime of bringing people illegally across the border

    The act of bringing people illegally across the border is a common practice recently, the media mentions the situation of illegal people crossing the border a lot, especially the situation of covid 19 happening everywhere. So what is the legal regulation on the crime of bringing people illegally across the border? The following article by Lawyer X will answer your questions. Hope this article brings many useful things to readers. Legal grounds Penal Code 2015…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations of Vietnamese law on the crime of manipulating the stock market

    Regulations of Vietnamese law on the crime of manipulating the stock market

    Currently, for young people who are passionate about investment, securities are no longer a strange term. Besides, the stock market is growing day by day. Therefore, individuals and organizations take advantage of them to commit illegal acts, including manipulating the stock market. So what is the law on manipulating the stock market? Let’s find out the above content with Lawyer X in the article below. Legal grounds Securities Law 2019Decree 156/2020/ND-CPPenal Code 2015 was amended…

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  • BusinessDossiers and procedures to set up an English center in Vietnam

    Dossiers and procedures to set up an English center in Vietnam

    Currently, with the trend of integration and development, English has become an indispensable language for communication. Due to that reason, the demand for learning English increases day by day. Therefore, the establishment of English centers increases strongly to serve the needs of people. However, to establish an English center, you have to prepare valid dossiers and carry out certain procedures according to the law. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will provide information regarding:…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on the use of e-invoices with codes of tax authorities in Vietnam

    Regulations on the use of e-invoices with codes of tax authorities in Vietnam

    There are two types of e-invoices: e-invoices with tax authorities’ codes and e-invoices without tax authorities’ codes. So “Is it mandatory to use e-invoices with tax authority codes?” are not? Here, let’s find out with Lawyer X about the issue. Legal grounds Law on Tax Administration 2019Decree 123/2020/ND-CP What is an invoice? What is an electronic invoice? An invoice is an accounting document made by an organization or individual selling goods or providing services, and…

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  • Legal serviceHow much money you have to owe to be criminally prosecuted in Vietnam?

    How much money you have to owe to be criminally prosecuted in Vietnam?

    A customer has sent a question to LSX legal firm: “Currently, my friend owes a large amount of money and he is being threatened by creditors. I want to ask how much money my friend has to owe to be criminally prosecuted?”In this article, we will provide you with information to answer the question: How much money you have to owe to be criminally prosecuted in Vietnam? Legal grounds Civil Code 2015Criminal Code 2015 Forms…

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  • BusinessDo brokerage fees taxable under Vietnamese legislation?

    Do brokerage fees taxable under Vietnamese legislation?

    Recently, our firm has received a question from a customer: ” I am working as a broker for a real estate company. I want to ask if the brokerage fee taxable under the current regulations? What rights, obligations, and responsibilities do I have as a broker?”In this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: Do brokerage fees taxable under Vietnamese legislation? Legal grounds Law on Commercial 2005Circular 111/2013/TT-BTC The fee of brokerage The Law…

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  • Legal serviceArticle 85 What are the highlights of Vietnam's Law on Insurance Business?

    Article 85 What are the highlights of Vietnam’s Law on Insurance Business?

    “Hello, Lawyer. Because I do not have much knowledge about legal issues related to insurance. I hope that you can answer my questions about insurance agents, especially Article 85 of the Law on Business. Article 85 of the Law on Insurance Business? Article 85 of the Law on Insurance Business?“. Thanks for your question. To clarify this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Article 85 What are the highlights of Vietnam’s Law…

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