Block Title

  • Legal serviceProcedures for applying for Vietnamese citizenship

    Procedures for applying for Vietnamese citizenship

    In order to be guaranteed the rights and obligations of citizenship and human rights in the territory of Vietnam, citizens need to have Vietnamese nationality. Subjects to be naturalized in Vietnam? Are foreigners required to acquire Vietnamese nationality when coming to Vietnam? What is the current order and procedures for applying for Vietnamese citizenship? Please refer to the following article of Lawyer X. Hope the article is useful for you to read! Legal grounds Law…

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  • Legal serviceProcedure to open a foreign company in Vietnam

    Procedure to open a foreign company in Vietnam

    With policies to expand many incentives to encourage economic development and attract foreign investment, Vietnam is one of the markets targeted by many foreign investors. Current law has specific regulations on procedures for opening foreign-invested companies in Vietnam. So about the matter “Procedure to open a foreign company in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Investment Law 2020; Decree 31/2021/ND-CP guiding the Law on Investment; Decree 50/2016/ND-CP stipulating penalties…

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  • Legal serviceFee for naturalization in Vietnam

    Fee for naturalization in Vietnam

    Nationality is the legal relationship between an individual and a sovereign state. If a person has the nationality of a country then that person is said to be a citizen of that country. Nationality grants the country legal authority over the individual and allows the individual to receive the protection of the country of which he or she is a national. The different specific rights and obligations that an individual has will depend on the…

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  • BusinessHow long does it take to start a foreign-invested company in Vietnam?

    How long does it take to start a foreign-invested company in Vietnam?

    To encourage foreign investment, the Vietnamese government now maintains a number of favorable policies for international investors when conducting business in Vietnam. As a result, Vietnam is seeing an increase in the number of foreign-invested businesses. On the other hand, foreign investors need to have an insight into Vietnamese law to start investments. First of all, to open and run a company, they have to apply for two kinds of certificates. In this article, LSX…

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  • Legal serviceTransferring foreign trademarks in Vietnam

    Transferring foreign trademarks in Vietnam

    In the minds of many people, a brand is something used to distinguish the products of different businesses. But according to the Intellectual Property Law, the most accurate concept is “trademark”. A product or service of good quality and trusted by customers will have a certain place in the customer’s mind and the brand of the business will be a solid tool to perform that task. So about the matter “Transferring foreign trademarks in Vietnam”…

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  • Legal serviceEstablishing a foreign-invested enterprise in Vietnam

    Establishing a foreign-invested enterprise in Vietnam

    With the developed market economy of Vietnam at the moment is quite hot. Despite the adverse effects from the COVID-19 pandemic, foreign investors still put their full faith in Vietnam’s economy and investment environment. According to statistics in the first 8 months of 2022, foreign investors have invested nearly 16.8 billion USD in Vietnam. This can be said to be a good sign for our country and shows that Vietnam is still maintaining its position…

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  • Legal serviceHow long does it take to register marks in Vietnam

    How long does it take to register marks in Vietnam?

    Trademarks are among the objects that the law of Vietnam and the rest of the world pay a lot of attention to because trademark infringement has been growing in recent years along with economic growth. Intellectual property-related concerns are a constant source of attention for many businesses. Building a brand is challenging, but maintaining that brand in the marketplace is even more challenging. In this article, LSX legal firm would like to inform you with:…

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  • Legal serviceProcedure for copyright registration of foreign company in Vietnam

    Procedure for copyright registration of foreign company in Vietnam

    According to the provisions of the law on intellectual property, foreign individuals or foreign companies can apply for copyright registration for their works in the territory of Vietnam but are not allowed to directly submit the application for registration of copyright. to sign copyrights, but must authorize a copyright representative organization to advise and on behalf of foreign individuals and companies to submit registration documents. So about the matter “Procedure for copyright registration of foreign…

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  • Legal serviceCopyright registration for foreign companies in Vietnam

    Copyright registration for foreign companies in Vietnam

    The boom of the entertainment industry also created creative professions, inventing products to serve today’s entertainment needs. Not only that, the increasing development of people requires new and more inventions to meet the increasing spiritual needs. To protect the works that the author has worked so hard to build, the owner needs to register the copyright for his work. In the article “Copyright registration for foreign companies in Vietnam” this; Lawyer X will answer for…

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  • Legal serviceForeign trademark registration service in Vietnam

    Foreign trademark registration service in Vietnam

    Trademark is an internationally standardized term. The laws of most countries in the world provide a definition of a mark based on the specific conditions and circumstances of that country, so there are also differences. As a later developed country, Vietnamese legislators have absorbed the experience of developed countries to come up with a more general and inclusive concept. So about the matter “Foreign trademark registration service in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in…

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