Block Title

  • Legal serviceThe crime of not paying debt in Vietnam

    The crime of not paying debt in Vietnam

    Recently, we have received a question from our customer: “Hello Lawyer, I have lent my neighbor some business money, but now I ask for my money back, the borrower does not pay the debt? I want to ask what regulation the borrower violates in this situation?”So, in this article, LSX legal firm will provide information regarding: “The crime of not paying debt in Vietnam” Legal grounds Civil Code 2015Criminal Code 2015 Level of handling behavior…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on tax imposition under Viet Nam Law on Tax

    Regulations on tax imposition under Viet Nam Law on Tax Administration

    Tax imposition is an important activity in tax administration. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are tax liability imposition rules? How shall tax liability be imposed in case of tax offences? What are other Viet Nam legal regulations relating to this issue? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Viet Nam Law on Tax Administration 2019 What are tax liability imposition rules? Tax…

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  • Legal serviceHow old can you write your name in a red book in Vietnam?

    How old can you write your name in a red book in Vietnam?

    Currently, there are many cases where children have been given, gifted, or inherited real estate. However, in actual cases, they do not know if they can own a red book or not. Does the law regulate the age of a person to own real estate? What should you note about this problem? In this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: “How old can you write your name in a red book in Vietnam?”…

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  • BusinessWhy can't sole proprietorship divide, separate, consolidate or acquire in Vietnam?

    Why can’t sole proprietorship divide, separate, consolidate or acquire in Vietnam?

    Currently, the economy is developing, according to which many businesses are established. Enterprises such as joint-stock companies, limited liability companies, etc raise many procedures for forms of business reorganization. However, a type of business – the sole proprietorship, can not carry out the procedure for reorganization. In this article, LSX legal firm will provide you with information to answer: “Why can’t sole proprietorship divide, separate, consolidate or acquire in Vietnam?” Legal ground Law on Enterprise…

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  • BusinessThe fee to open a representative office in Vietnam

    The fee to open a representative office in Vietnam

    To expand the business scale, many companies intend to open subsidiary units such as a representative office. The law has facilitated the economy, so businesses can carry out simple and easy procedures to set up a representative. However, for foreigners, they may not have a clear understanding of the fees and regulations regarding subsidiaries of business. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will answer: “the fee to open a representative office in Vietnam” Legal…

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  • BusinessCan a joint stock company that is not a public company issue private bonds in Vietnam?

    Can a joint stock company that is not a public company issue private bonds in Vietnam?

    Recently, we have received a question from our customer: “Dear lawyer, my company operates in the field of securities but is not a public company. May I ask if I can issue private bonds? Can a joint stock company that is not a public company issue private bonds?”In this article, LSX legal firm will provide you with information to answer the question. Legal ground Law on Enterprise 2020 Can a joint-stock company (not a public…

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  • Legal serviceWhen are Vietnamese manufactured goods exported to be exempt from tax?

    When are Vietnamese manufactured goods exported to be exempt from tax?

    Import and export tax is an indirect tax levied on goods. There are goods that will be exempt from import and export tax because of the economic development policies of the State. So when manufactured goods for export exempt from tax? To dig deeper into this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “When are Vietnamese manufactured goods exported to be exempt from tax?”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Import and Export…

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  • Legal serviceAre Vietnamese processed goods exported subject to tax?

    Are Vietnamese processed goods exported subject to tax?

    “Hello, lawyer. I have a question to ask as follows. According to current regulations, are processed goods for export taxable? satellite industry, small and medium enterprises in Vietnam or not? Looking forward to your lawyer’s response to answer questions. Thank you very much!“. To dig deeper into this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Are Vietnamese processed goods exported subject to tax?“, as follows: Legal grounds Law on export tax and import…

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  • BusinessHow many business lines can business household register in Vietnam?

    How many business lines can business household register in Vietnam?

    Many people when planning to set up a small business household want to register many business lines for their business household. However, they do not know can they register more than a line for their business or not. Besides, how many lines can they register if allowed? In this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: “How many business lines can business household register in Vietnam?” Legal grounds Law on Enterprise 2020Decree 01/2021/ND-CP Lines…

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  • BusinessCan police register a business household in Vietnam?

    Can police register a business household in Vietnam?

    Today, establishing businesses became a common trend among organizations and individuals in the economy. This arose as a result of the importance of businesses to the growth of the economy as well as the living standards of people all over the world, as businesses produce goods and services to meet the primary needs of the entire society. The business household, a convenient type of business, attracts many entities including public servants such as police officers.…

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