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  • Legal serviceHow is the production of fake lubricants handled according to the provisions of Vietnamese law?

    How is the production of fake lubricants handled according to the provisions of Vietnamese law?

    Currently, as everyone knows, gasoline prices are at record highs. So; many subjects took advantage of the above situation; carry out the production of fake petroleum to gain illicit profits. Especially, the recent case of fake lubricant production in Dong Nai has caused public outrage. So how is this behavior handled? To better understand this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “How is the production of fake lubricants handled according to the…

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  • Legal serviceCan a Vietnamese enterprise that mixes fake petroleum be criminally prosecuted?

    Can a Vietnamese enterprise that mixes fake petroleum be criminally prosecuted?

    “Can a Vietnamese enterprise that mixes fake petroleum be criminally prosecuted? Information about the production line of 200 million liters of fake gasoline led by Mr. Phan Thanh Huu (64 years old, in Ho Chi Minh City) and Nguyen Huu Tu (64 years old, from Vinh Long) said by Major General Vu Hong Van at the conference. National internal affairs agencies implement the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, on September 15. Dong Nai police…

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  • Legal serviceHow is the act of producing fake gasoline handled according to the provisions of Vietnamese law?

    How is the act of producing fake gasoline handled according to the provisions of Vietnamese law?

    “Hello, Lawyer. This morning, the police of Ba Ria – Vung Tau province searched the port and headquarters of a large petroleum company in Vung Tau after hearing people’s complaints about the quality. It is known that if using this type of gasoline, The life of the engine will be reduced and pollute the environment. So can you tell me how the act of producing fake gasoline is handled according to the regulations? Hope to…

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  • BusinessTime to change the legal representative in Vietnam?

    Time to change the legal representative in Vietnam?

    The enterprise’s legal representative may be one or more people and may be changed, replacing the legal representative is one of the procedures for changing the business registration. On the other hand, some businesses wonder when can they change their legal representative because they do not have a clear understanding of the procedures prescribed by the law. So, in this article, LSX legal firm would like to answer the question: “Time to change the legal…

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  • BusinessDo you get paid if you quit during probation in Vietnam?

    Do you get paid if you quit during probation in Vietnam?

    People when on probation time for a job at a company may not continue working and plan to resign due to many reasons but do not know if they violate the law or not if they quit. Besides, many wonder if they can get a salary for the work done before quitting. So, in this article, LSX legal firm would like to answer the question: “Do you get paid if you quit during probation in…

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  • BusinessRegulations on insurance brokerage enterprises in Vietnam

    Regulations on insurance brokerage enterprises in Vietnam

    The insurance industry attracts the attention of many investors these days. Many entrepreneurs intend to invest in this kind of business due to its promising future. Besides, insurance brokerage enterprise belongs to the insurance industry and now appears a lot on the market. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will give you information regarding: “Regulations on insurance brokerage enterprises in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on Insurance Business 2010Decree 73/2016/ND-CPDecree 151/2018/ND-CP What is an insurance…

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  • Legal serviceCan I take maternity leave while pregnant in accordance with Vietnamese law?

    Can I take maternity leave while pregnant in accordance with Vietnamese law?

    Pregnancy has been a difficult and exhausting process for a woman. When going to work, it is impossible to avoid pressure and busyness. There are many reasons why female workers have to take time off work while pregnant, such as poor health, work pressure, etc. The most worrying thing is, do they have the same maternity benefits as other workers? To dig deeper into this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Can…

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  • Legal serviceHow are surrogacy organizations for commercial purposes handled under Vietnamese law?

    How are surrogacy organizations for commercial purposes handled under Vietnamese law?

    Surrogacy for humanitarian purposes is a deeply humane act. However, in reality, there have been a number of lines specializing in organizing surrogacy to make money. So how are surrogacy organizations for commercial purposes handled? To better understand this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “How are surrogacy organizations for commercial purposes handled under Vietnamese law?”, as follows: Legal grounds Penal Code 2015 was amended and supplemented in 2017 What is surrogacy?…

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  • Legal serviceThe issue of surrogacy according to current Vietnamese law

    The issue of surrogacy according to current Vietnamese law

    “Hello, Lawyer, due to some health reasons, my husband and I can’t get pregnant naturally. We want to ask a surrogate. However, we do not understand the provisions of the law on rights and obligations. In the process of receiving the gestational surrogacy party and the gestational surrogacy party, the gestational surrogacy receiving party does not comply with the agreements set out before, how should we deal with it? this topic. Sincere thanks to Lawyer!.”.…

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  • BusinessCan you quit your job if you have not signed a contract in Vietnam?

    Can you quit your job if you have not signed a contract in Vietnam?

    Many people, who have just applied for a job at a company for a few weeks and have not signed a labor contract but want to quit because they find the job not suitable for them. However, they do not know if this act violates the law or not. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: “Can you quit your job if you have not signed a contract in Vietnam?” Legal…

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