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  • Legal serviceProcedures for registration of business households in Vietnam

    Procedures for registration of business households in Vietnam

    Currently, a lot of people and households with business plans choose the kind of business household to run. Since the state has made it simpler to complete the procedures, people can establish a business household in a more convenient way than other types of businesses. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will give you a guideline on: “Procedures for registration of business households in Vietnam” Legal grounds Decree 01/2021/ND-CPDecree 78/2015/ND-CP Individual Business Household Under…

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  • BusinessRegulations on contracts to borrow land use rights in Vietnam

    Regulations on contracts to borrow land use rights in Vietnam

    A property loan contract means an agreement between parties whereby the lender hands over the property to the borrower for use within a period without having to pay, and the borrower must return the property at the end of the loan term or the borrowing purpose achieved. On the other hand, people usually understand land as a kind of asset. So, do a contract to borrow land use rights similar to a contract to borrow…

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  • Legal serviceApplication form for handling trademark infringement in Vietnam

    Application form for handling trademark infringement in Vietnam

    How to apply for trademark infringement treatment in 2022? All answers will be consulted in detail in the article of Lawyer X for you to better understand trademark infringement. How to deal with trademark infringement. Legal grounds Law on Intellectual Property 2005 amended and supplemented in 2019 Regulations on handling trademark infringement To handle violations of enterprises, it is necessary to establish a basis for violations. The establishment is through providing us with the following…

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  • Legal serviceHow to get your social insurance book back quickly in Vietnam

    How to get your social insurance book back quickly in Vietnam

    After leaving the job, employees need to withdraw their social insurance books (social insurance) at the old company to ensure their interests later at the new company. and question whether the company has the right to keep the employee’s social insurance book? If the company keeps the social insurance book, what do the employees need to do to get the social insurance book to protect their legitimate rights and interests? Let’s find out with Lawyer…

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  • Legal serviceRight to inherit property and the law of Vietnam

    Right to inherit property and the law of Vietnam

    Dear Lawyer, currently my family is learning about wills and inheritance rights. But there are some issues I still don’t understand about inheritance. Can a lawyer explain to me What is Inheritance? How is the nature of the right to inheritance regulated by law? Ask your lawyer to answer. Thank you Questions about “How are inheritance rights and the nature of inheritance rights regulated by law?” will be answered by Lawyer X in the following…

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  • Legal serviceStatute of limitations for initiating lawsuits for division of inheritance in Vietnam

    Statute of limitations for initiating lawsuits for division of inheritance in Vietnam

    The statute of limitations for initiating lawsuits for division of inheritance is one of the notable provisions in civil disputes over inheritance. Failure to understand clearly the statute of limitations for inheritance will greatly affect the interests of the heir when the statute of limitations for inheritance has expired. Below is my advice on some detailed regulations on the issue of statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit to divide an inheritance, especially the statute…

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  • Legal serviceWhat kind of taxes do branches of foreign companies in Vietnam have to pay

    What kind of taxes do branches of foreign companies in Vietnam have to pay?

    Paying taxes is the duty and responsibility of people as well as businesses. However, many foreign enterprises with branches in Vietnam are currently facing the problem of not knowing what taxes to pay. To better understand the problem, let’s answer the above question with Lawyer X through the article “What taxes do branches of foreign companies in Vietnam have to pay?” The following. Legal grounds Law on Value Added Tax 2008Circular 78/2014/TT-BTCCircular 219/2013/TT-BTCDecree 139/2016/ND-CPCircular 111/2013/TT-BTCDecree…

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  • BusinessTrade in car warranty and maintenance service in Vietnam

    Trade in car warranty and maintenance service in Vietnam

    Recently, we received a question from a customer: “Currently, I want to start a car warranty and maintenance business, but I don’t know how to do this business registration procedure? What conditions do I need to meet in order to conduct this service? How does the law regulate business trade in automobile maintenance service?”In this article, LSX legal firm will provide you with information related to: “Trade in car warranty and maintenance service in Vietnam”…

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  • BusinessLicensing authorities for insurance companies in Vietnam

    Licensing authorities for insurance companies in Vietnam

    Many businesses are now focusing on the insurance business. This profitable industry attracts entrepreneurs with a promising future. However, the Vietnamese government strictly regulates this conditional business line. To establish an insurance business, you need permission from competent authorities. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will give you an insight into: “Licensing authorities for insurance companies in Vietnam” Legal grounds Decree 73/2016/ND-CPLaw on Insurance Business 2010 Conditions for establishing an insurance company General conditions…

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  • BusinessHousehold business registration certificate in Vietnam

    Household business registration certificate in Vietnam

    Many individuals and households with business plans currently select the type of business household to operate. A business household is easier to establish than other types of businesses since the state has made it easier to complete the procedure. However, this kind of business still requires you to carry out certain procedures to obtain a certificate before operation. So, in this article, LSX legal firm provides: “Household business registration certificate in Vietnam” Legal ground Decree…

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