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  • BusinessGeneral regulations on tax administration under Viet Nam Law

    General regulations on tax administration under Viet Nam Law

    Tax is an important income of the State budget. Viet Nam Law has regulations on tax administration. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I would like to ask what are contents of tax administration in Viet Nam? What are prohibited activities in tax administration? As well as related regulations? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Viet Nam Law on Tax Administration What are contents of tax administration?…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the procedure for trademark registration in Vietnam?

    What is the procedure for trademark registration in Vietnam?

    According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a brand is a sign, whether tangible or intangible, specifically to identify a product, good, or service, produced or provided by an individual or an organization. A brand is a place to show the reputation and prestige of the business, helping customers to recognize the organization and business. To better understand this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “What is the procedure for trademark…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the cost of trademark protection in Vietnam in 2022?

    What is the cost of trademark protection in Vietnam in 2022?

    Currently, the issue of trademark protection is one of the most important issues. When individuals and organizations carry out trademark protection, in addition to the issue of how to pay attention to the order and procedures for performing such activities, the cost issue is also paid special attention. To answer this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “What is the cost of trademark protection in Vietnam in 2022?”, as follows: Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the Vietnam Trademark Protection Department?

    What is the Vietnam Trademark Protection Department?

    The Trademark Protection Department, also known as the Intellectual Property Office (IP Viet Nam) is an organization under the Ministry of Science and Technology, with the function of advising and assisting the Minister of Science and Technology. Unified science and technology for state management of intellectual property, directly state management, and organization or implementation of non-business activities on the industrial property according to the provisions of law. To better understand this, today, LSX Lawfirm will…

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  • Legal serviceDo real estate brokers need a license in Vietnam?

    Do real estate brokers need a license in Vietnam?

    The real estate brokerage profession has become an extremely hot profession that attracts a lot of workers these days. However, due to current regulations, not everyone can work as a real estate broker. Indeed, if you want to practice real estate brokerage, you need to meet certain conditions required by law. In this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: “Do real estate brokers need a license in Vietnam?” Legal ground Law on Real…

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  • Legal serviceCan a university set up a business in Vietnam?

    Can a university set up a business in Vietnam?

    During the development of Vietnam’s economy, it has shown a very promising future for startups. Nowadays, many people want to open a company of their own, not only to make a profit but also to start the desire to become a businessman. Besides, the new draft Law has allowed higher education institutions to set up businesses and companies. However, many people are still confused about this problem. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on the license of job placement centers in Vietnam

    Regulations on the license of job placement centers in Vietnam

    Hello lawyer. I plan to open a job placement center but don’t know how to do this procedure? According to current regulations, what is the procedure for applying for a job placement center license? Looking forward to having a lawyer answer your questions. I sincerely thank you!” Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Lawyer X. With your questions, we would like to give you the following advice: Legal grounds – Employment Law 2013;…

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  • Legal knowledgeProcedures for applying for a license to practice veterinary medicine in Vietnam

    Procedures for applying for a license to practice veterinary medicine in Vietnam

    Veterinary medicine is one of the professions that must meet several statutory conditions to allow to practice, namely to have a license to practice veterinary medicine. So, what is the procedure for applying for a veterinary license? So, follow the article below of Lawyer X for more information! Legal grounds – Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015; – Decree 35/2016/ND-CP; Types of veterinary practice According to Article 107 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine, the types…

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  • Legal knowledgeConditions for opening a pharmacy of traditional medicine by Vietnamese law

    Conditions for opening a pharmacy of traditional medicine by Vietnamese law

    When you want to open a pharmacy, you must meet certain legal conditions, such as a pharmacy practice certificate. So what are the conditions for opening a traditional medicine pharmacy? So, please follow the article below of Lawyer X for more information on the conditions for opening a traditional medicine pharmacy! Legal grounds – Pharmacy Law 2016 – Decree 54/2017/ND-CP – Decree 155/2018/ND-CP What are the conditions for trading in traditional medicines? Under Article 31…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for purchasing single invoices at Vietnam Tax Department

    Procedures for purchasing single invoices at Vietnam Tax Department

    Currently, single invoices appear extremely popular. However, many individuals and businesses still do not fully understand this type of invoice. To clarify more about single invoices and purchase invoice procedures at the Tax Department in 2022. To better understand this issue, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Procedures for purchasing single invoices at Vietnam Tax Department “, as follows: Legal grounds Circular 11/VBHN-BTC authenticated on May 9, 2018 What is a single…

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