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  • Legal knowledgeIs it possible to issue an invoice for each payment in accordance with Vietnamese law?

    Is it possible to issue an invoice for each payment in accordance with Vietnamese law?

    “Hello, Lawyer, I have the following questions that I hope to be answered by a lawyer: I see that the warehouse providing goods and services for customers, companies, and businesses is divided into many deliveries and each delivery will pay for the goods in that batch or the amount many businesses want to divide into several payments, so how is the correct invoice? Answered by a lawyer, I sincerely thank you!”. Thank you for sending…

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  • Legal knowledgeCan Vietnamese state agencies hire outside accounting services?

    Can Vietnamese state agencies hire outside accounting services?

    “Hello, Lawyer. My name is X, currently, my agency is a specialized agency under the Provincial People’s Committee, the agency’s accountant has quit and we have not found a suitable person, I wonder if the agency Can the government hire an external accounting service? Looking forward to your lawyer’s answer. Thank you.” Thank you for submitting your question. To answer the above problem, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Can Vietnamese state…

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  • Legal knowledgeSeverance allowances under Vietnamese Law on Social Insurance

    Severance allowances under Vietnamese Law on Social Insurance

    Many people, when quitting their job, want to receive a severance allowance from the old company, but do not know how the law regulates this problem. Most do not know about the current beneficiaries of severance allowance. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: “Severance allowances under Vietnamese Law on Social Insurance” Legal grounds Labor Code 2019Law on Social Insurance 2019Decree 145/2020/ND-CP Subjects entitled to severance allowance Clause 1, Article 46…

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  • Legal service5 cases of running a red light not subject to penalization in Vietnam

    5 cases of running a red light not subject to penalization in Vietnam

    Running a red light is one of the common mistakes that traffic participants make even though stopping at a red light is mandatory. However, in certain situations, the law allows traffic participants to run red lights. So, when to run a red light without breaking the law? In this article, LSX legal firm will provide you with: “5 cases of running a red light not subject to penalization in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on Road…

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  • BusinessCan retired officials set up a business in Vietnam?

    Can retired officials set up a business in Vietnam?

    During the development of Vietnam’s economy, it has shown a very promising future for startups. Nowadays, many people want to open a company of their own, not only to make a profit but also to start the desire to become a businessman. Besides, many public servants and officials intend to set up a company after their retirement. However, the state has strict regulations on public employees regarding business operations. So, they do not know if…

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  • Legal knowledgeConditions for granting a veterinary practice certificate in Vietnam

    Conditions for granting a veterinary practice certificate in Vietnam

    Raising and taking care of pets, especially pets, is getting more and more attention. Therefore, the veterinary profession is also attractive in society. So what are the conditions for being granted a veterinary practice certificate? So, please follow the article below of Lawyer X for more detailed information on the conditions for granting a veterinary practice certificate! Legal grounds – Decree 35/2016/ND-CP Veterinary Law 2015 Principles of veterinary practice Ensure consistency in veterinary activities from…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Procedures for changing transport business license 2022 in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer. My company specializes in transporting goods by car. Originally opened in my father’s name, but my father is old and intends to retire, so he wants me to name it. As far as I find out, this will change the legal representative and have to change the transport business license. My lawyer asked me: What is the procedure to change the transport business license in 2022? What documents do I need to transfer?…

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  • BusinessRegulations on license to set up general website in Vietnam

    Regulations on license to set up general website in Vietnam

    Hello lawyer. I want to apply for a license to set up a general website but don’t know how to do it? Can a lawyer provide me with the latest documents and procedures for licensing the establishment of a general website? According to current legislation, how is this issue regulated? Looking forward to having a lawyer answer your questions. I sincerely thank!” Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Lawyer X. With your questions,…

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  • BusinessRegulations on alcohol business license in Vietnam

    Regulations on alcohol business license in Vietnam

    Alcohol is one of the substances when doing business, you must be very careful to avoid the situation that it is illegal. Vietnamese law has unambiguous provisions on provisions related to these issues. Especially in recent 2022, alcoholic beverages have grown very enormously; Also, business investors must ensure that they have an alcoholic beverage business license to allow self-employment. To learn more about the regulations on alcohol business licenses, find out at Lawyer X. Liquor…

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  • BusinessConditions for trading in medical chemicals according to Vietnamese law

    Conditions for trading in medical chemicals according to Vietnamese law

    “Hello Lawyer, Can you tell me the conditions for trading medical chemicals under Vietnamese law? I would like to thank you very much for answering my questions.“. Thank you for sending us your question. The healthcare industry is developing not only in the world but also in Vietnam. Currently, there are many private hospitals and medical facilities. What are the conditions for trading in medical chemicals according to Vietnamese law? To be able to provide…

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