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  • Legal serviceHow to buy voluntary health insurance in Vietnam while pregnant?

    How to buy voluntary health insurance in Vietnam while pregnant?

    “Hello Lawyer, my wife has been pregnant for 5 months. I want to buy health insurance for my wife, where should I go? Due to many busy jobs, I don’t remember that my wife’s health insurance has expired. When pregnant, how to buy voluntary health insurance? How long will it take to buy health insurance? If my wife gives birth in the hospital, how much will health insurance pay? How to buy voluntary health insurance…

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  • BusinessIs pregnancy ultrasound in Vietnam covered by health insurance?

    Is pregnancy ultrasound in Vietnam covered by health insurance?

    “Hello, Lawyer, I bought a strip to test 2 lines, so I went to the hospital for an ultrasound to find out if I was pregnant and how many weeks it has been. However, I have health insurance, but I still have to pay for it. Because the cashier in the hospital said that the pregnancy ultrasound is not covered by the insurance. So, is it true? Is the pregnancy ultrasound in Vietnam covered by…

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  • BusinessOnline personal health insurance renewal procedure in Vietnam

    Online personal health insurance renewal procedure in Vietnam

    “Hello Lawyer, I buy health insurance according to the household. Currently, the insurance is almost expired but I still don’t know how to renew it. I’ve been busy lately so I can’t renew it. Is there any way Can I renew my health insurance online? If yes, what website or address should I renew it at? What is the procedure for renewing my personal health insurance online? Thank you, Attorney.” The National Public Service Portal…

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  • BusinessHow is the certificate of singleness currently regulated under Vietnamese law?

    How is the certificate of singleness currently regulated under Vietnamese law?

    “Hello, Lawyer, I plan to buy land. I heard that if I want to buy land, I need to apply for a single certificate. I don’t know why this regulation exists? Currently, there are cases where I need to apply for a certificate of independence. What is the maximum validity period of the certificate? Which agency is granted the certificate according to current law? What is the procedure for applying for the certification? I hope…

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  • BusinessRegulations of Vietnamese law on the right to inherit the property of second wives

    Regulations of Vietnamese law on the right to inherit the property of second wives

    Nowadays, the phenomenon of husbands taking second wives when the first marriage breaks up is no longer a rare thing. The question is: is the second wife’s right to inherit property regulated by law? What are the regulations? To better understand this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Regulations of Vietnamese law on the right to inherit the property of second wives”, as follows: Legal grounds Civil Code 2015 Law on marriage…

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  • BusinessIn Vietnam living together as husband and wife have obligations to each other?

    In Vietnam, living together as husband and wife have obligations to each other?

    “Hello, Lawyer, I live with a man 2 years older than me. Currently, he has a debt level of the credit party. They call every day to bother me, sometimes even come to my house to collect a debt. I also said goodbye to my boyfriend, but yesterday they called me to pay the debt on his behalf I refused but they even went to the office to make noise, I was really stuck. Living…

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  • BusinessHow to determine when to start child support under Vietnamese law

    How to determine when to start child support under Vietnamese law

    “Hello Lawyer, In 2017, Mr. A and I had a romantic relationship. After a period of love, I became pregnant. On October 15, 2017, I gave birth to baby B. Right after that, Mr. B left and got married to another woman In 2022, I filed a lawsuit requesting to identify the father and son and asking Mr. A to perform the support obligation from October 15, 2017. Date On June 15, 2022, I received…

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  • BusinessCan you notarize a written contract on house buying in Vietnam?

    Can you notarize a written contract on house buying in Vietnam?

    Many people when buying land from acquaintances do not understand the law, so they have established the transaction in a written paper. In fact, a lot of people buy and sell houses through a contract written by hand to save their time. So, many still wonder if they can notarize the written contract or not. In this article, LSX legal firm would like to answer the question: “Can you notarize a written contract on house…

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  • BusinessProcedures for applying for an e-commerce floor license in Vietnam

    Procedures for applying for an e-commerce floor license in Vietnam

    With the strong development of information technology, the birth of business models of e-commerce transaction rooms has attracted the attention of many people because of its benefits. The E-commerce trading floor does not only means a place to exchange goods, and connect buyers and sellers, but also a world to display and introduce products as well as brands of organizations, companies, and businesses to make it easier for consumers to access. Besides, it also provides…

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  • Legal knowledgeMarital status certificate in Vietnam

    Marital status certificate in Vietnam

    Recently, we have received a message from a customer: “Currently, I am living and working in Ho Chi Minh City. I need a certificate of marital status to prepare to buy a house. Where can I get a certificate of marital status? If I want to confirm my marital status, what kind of documents do I need to prepare?”So, in this article, LSX legal firm will inform you the related information regarding Marital status certificate…

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