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  • Legal knowledgeDistinguish between cases must not and can not be mediated in Vietnam

    Distinguish between cases must not and can not be mediated in Vietnam

    Mediation belongs to the mandatory court procedures in civil proceedings. However, many factors may appear during the proceedings, resulting in cases that can not or must not come to the mediation phase. Indeed, some people usually mistaken between these two cases. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will give you an insight into: “Distinguish between cases must not and can not be mediated in Vietnam” Legal ground Civil Procedures Code 2015 Meaning of “Mediation”…

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  • Legal knowledgeDo I have to notarize papers at the notary's office in Vietnam?

    Do I have to notarize papers at the notary’s office in Vietnam?

    The government has different requirements for what kinds of activities or transactions need notarization. You have to notarize certain kinds of paper for use, while some do not require notarization. On the other hand, many people do not know if they have to go to a notary’s office for notarization or not. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: “Do I have to notarize papers at the notary’s office in Vietnam?”…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on company logos according to Vietnamese law

    Regulations on company logos according to Vietnamese law

    Nhiều chủ doanh nghiệp chưa nhận thức được tầm quan trọng của logo công ty nên không thực hiện thủ tục đăng ký bảo hộ logo của công ty mình. Điều đó cũng có nghĩa là logo của công ty không được pháp luật bảo vệ nên ai cũng có thể sử dụng nó. Điều này ảnh hưởng đến tên tuổi và uy tín của công ty trong quá trình hoạt động. Vậy quy định…

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  • Legal serviceExperience of logo registration in Vietnam that you should know

    Experience of logo registration in Vietnam that you should know

    When you want to protect your logo by law, first of all, individuals and organizations need to register their logo. However, many people are still confused about registering the logo. Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Experience of logo registration in Vietnam that you should know”, as follows: Legal grounds Intellectual property law What is logo protection registration? Logo protection registration means that the logo owner carries out legal procedures for the…

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  • Legal serviceIn Vietnam, do you have to set up a company to open a coffee shop?

    In Vietnam, do you have to set up a company to open a coffee shop?

    Hi Lawyer. I and a few of my friends (a total of 10 people) co-operated to open a coffee shop, with a total initial investment of 650 million, an area of ​​50m2! So when I go to register for a business license, should I write “individual business” or “private enterprise” or another type of business? So, Do you have to set up a company to open a coffee shop? Looking forward to helping my counsel.…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for transferring land use rights by Vietnamese law

    Conditions for transferring land use rights by Vietnamese law

    Does an individual have the right to transfer land use rights by the law? So, what are the procedures for transferring land use rights, the conditions for transferring land use rights according to the provisions of the law, and how to conduct the procedure quickly and per the provisions of the law? Lawyer X invites readers to refer to the following article: Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Referring to land, one of the issues that…

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  • Legal serviceRegistering exclusive brand logo by the law of Vietnam

    Registering exclusive brand logo by the law of Vietnam

    Registering an exclusive brand logo is an administrative procedure carried out at the National Office of Intellectual Property, including statutory steps. How long does it take to register an exclusive brand logo? How much does it cost to register an exclusive brand logo? What kind of documents need to be prepared when registering an exclusive brand logo? What is the new exclusive brand logo registration service? How to register for brand protection today? Is Brand…

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  • Legal serviceInstructions for exclusive registration of company logos in Vietnam

    Instructions for exclusive registration of company logos in Vietnam

    To protect the company logo that they have built, the company should register the logo exclusively to avoid taking unnecessary risks. So, if the company logo is not registered exclusively, the possibility of plagiarism and infringement is very high. Therefore, Lawyer X will guide the exclusive registration of the company logo through the article below. Legal grounds Intellectual Property Law What is an exclusive registration of a company logo?  Logo is a design according to…

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  • Legal serviceHow are Vietnamese citizens committing crimes abroad handled

    How are Vietnamese citizens committing crimes abroad handled?

    Recently, the case of two Vietnamese artists accused of raping a 17-year-old girl in Spain is causing a stir on social networks. Do many people wonder how these two artists will be handled? So, how are Vietnamese citizens committing crimes abroad handled? So, let’s find out with Lawyer X. Legal grounds Penal Code 2015 Amendments and Supplements 2017 Criminal Procedure Code 2015 How are Vietnamese citizens committing crimes abroad handled? According to the provisions of…

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  • BusinessCan civil servants contribute capital to establish a notary office in Vietnam?

    Can civil servants contribute capital to establish a notary office in Vietnam?

    The government has different requirements for what kinds of activities or transactions need notarization. Nowadays, the notarization business has shown a profitable and promising future for people working in the legal field. In addition to common people, public employees also want to invest in this field. However, some do not understand clearly about the regulations regarding notarization business establishment. So, in this article LSX legal firm would like to answer the question: “Can civil servants…

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