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  • Legal serviceCurrent regulations on handing over apartments in Vietnam

    Current regulations on handing over apartments in Vietnam

    In order to hand over the construction work and hand over the house after it has been completed, the investor needs to ensure the conditions. So, what are those conditions, and what are the current regulations on handing over apartments? In this article, LSX legal firm provides: “Current regulations on handing over apartments in Vietnam” Legal ground Law on Construction 2014 Conditions for handing over apartments. According to Article 124 of the Law on Construction…

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  • Legal serviceHow to lodge a complaint in Vietnam 2022?

    How to lodge a complaint in Vietnam 2022?

    The complaint, a procedure for requesting a competent agency, organization, or individual to review an administrative decision or act of a state administrative agency, a competent person, or any individual when having grounds to believe that such activity violates provisions of the law and infringes upon the legitimate rights as well as interests. Complaints or settlements of complaints must be made in accordance with current regulations and guidance. In this article, LSX legal firm will…

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  • Legal serviceWhy do businesses issue bonds in Vietnam?

    Why do businesses issue bonds in Vietnam?

    Corporate bond, a kind of security with a term of 1 year or more issued by an enterprise, confirms the obligation to pay principal, interest as well as other obligations (if any) of the enterprise to investors who own bonds. So, what are the characteristics of corporate bonds? To have more information about bonds, follow this article of LSX Legal Firm: “Why do businesses issue bonds in Vietnam?” Legal grounds Law on Securities 2019 What…

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  • BusinessWhat are the requirements to be satisfied by members of the Board of Members in a state-owned enterprise in Viet Nam?

    What are the requirements to be satisfied by members of the Board of Members in a state-owned enterprise in Viet Nam?

    State-owned enterprises may be limited liability companies with a Board of Members. Members of this Board of members shall satisfy specific requirements prescribed by law. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I would like to ask how shall members of the Board of Members in state-owned enterprises be chosen? What are the requirements to these persons? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds Law on Enterprises State-owned enterprises…

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  • BusinessDismissal, discharge of members of the Board of Members in the state-owned enterprise in Viet Nam

    Dismissal, discharge of members of the Board of Members in the state-owned enterprise in Viet Nam

    Members of the Board of Members in the state-owned enterprise may be dismissed, discharged  in some circumstances. Viet Nam law on enterprises has regulations on dismissal, and discharge of members of the Board of Members in the state-owned enterprise. Let’s find out this issue through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I would like to ask in what cases shall the President or another member of the Board of Members be dismissed or discharged? Thanks for…

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  • BusinessThe legal status of the Board of Members in the State-owned enterprise in Viet Nam

    The legal status of the Board of Members in the State-owned enterprise in Viet Nam

    State-owned enterprises may be limited liability companies with a Board of members. Viet Nam law on enterprises has regulations on the legal status of the Board of Members in the State-owned enterprise. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I would like to ask if a state-owned enterprise is a limited liability then what rights and obligations shall the legal status of the Board of Members in the…

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  • Legal serviceCan I lend my passport to others for exiting in Vietnam?

    Can I lend my passport to others for exiting in Vietnam?

    Nowadays, if you want to go out or enter a nation, you must have a passport. However, many people want to go abroad but can’t get a passport, so they intend to borrow others’ passports. They do not know if this behavior violates the law or not. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: “Can I lend my passport to others for exiting in Vietnam?” Legal grounds Decree 144/2021/ND-CPLaw on Entry…

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  • Legal serviceViolation of business without a license in Vietnam

    Violation of business without a license in Vietnam

    Many individuals and organizations do business but do not register with the State agency in recent days. Besides, many of them do not have a license to perform business in conditional lines. This violation causes a business to take responsibility before the law. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will inform you about: “Violation of business without a license in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on Enterprise 2020Decree 01/2021/ND-CPDecree 122/2021/ND-CP Business license Business License: a…

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  • Legal serviceWhere to file a fraud denunciation in Vietnam?

    Where to file a fraud denunciation in Vietnam?

    Individuals, when detecting fraudulent acts of individuals, agencies, or organizations causing damage or threatening to cause damage to the interests of the State, legal rights and interests of agencies, organizations as well as individuals, have the right to make denunciations and report to competent agencies, organizations or individuals about the illegal acts. In case you do not know where to carry out this kind of procedure, follow this article of LSX: “Where to file a…

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  • Legal serviceChange the account number in the contract in accordance with Vietnamese law

    Change the account number in the contract by Vietnamese law

    The parties when concluding the contracts may specify the payment method and payment account number in the contract. In case there are changes in the account numbers in the contract, the parties need to have clear amendment agreements with each other. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Hello, Lawyer! What do I need to do to change the account number in the contract? Thanks for the reply Lawyer!” Legal…

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