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  • BusinessWhat should be kept in mind when designing a brand in Vietnam?

    What should be kept in mind when designing a brand in Vietnam?

    An enterprise can have many trademarks for many different goods and markets. However, successful brands are often long-standing brands that are trusted by many people. Therefore, enterprises should focus on promoting, not changing brands. In this article, LSX legal firm will give you information about: “What should be kept in mind when designing a brand in Vietnam?” Legal ground Law on Intellectual Property 2015 amended and supplemented in 2019 Brand Design Brand, as well as…

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  • Legal serviceIn Vietnam, can detainees sell houses?

    In Vietnam, can detainees sell houses?

    Hello lawyer, my uncle got into a fight, causing serious injury to people in the same commune; is being detained by the investigative agency. I want to sell my house to get compensation. Since the day I was arrested, my family has not been able to see you, so I don’t know how to sell it or what? Can I ask if the person in custody can sell the house? Look forward to consultingThank you…

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  • Legal servicesalary while in detention

    In Vietnam, can I receive a salary while in detention?

    “Hello Lawyer, my husband is an elementary school teacher. He is currently in custody to investigate a case. Can I get a salary while in detention? If the detainee does not receive it, can I as the wife receive the salary on behalf of my husband? Can I receive a salary while in detention? What is the maximum length of detention for a person? Looking forward to helping my counsel. I would like to sincerely…

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  • Legal servicepregnant women

    In Vietnam, Is there a form of detention for pregnant women?

    Can detention be applied to pregnant women? This is a question that many people are interested in. The fact, the detention of a person can greatly affect civil rights; especially for vulnerable people such as pregnant women, or people with physical disabilities. Through this article, let’s find out with Lawyer X about this issue, through the article below. Legal grounds Criminal Procedure Code 2015 Law on enforcement of custody and temporary detention 2015 Provisions of…

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  • Legal servicecan employees who are detained or held in custody be paid by the company

    In Vietnam, can employees who are detained or held in custody be paid by the company?

    Hello Lawyer! My lawyer asked me: Can an employee who is detained in custody be paid by the company? At my company, there are employees (employees) who are detained by the police for violating the law. It is said that according to the old regulations, employees are entitled to advance wages during the days of being held in custody or temporary detention. Please, according to current regulations, can employees who are detained or held in…

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  • BusinessCapital contribution to establish multiple-member limited liability companies under Viet Nam law

    Capital contribution to establish multiple-member limited liability companies under Viet Nam law

    Multiple-member limited liability company is one common types of enterprises in Viet Nam. Capital contribution to establish the company is very important to the survival and development of Multiple-member limited liability companies. Let’s find out this issue with lawyer X through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask about Viet Nam’s legal regulations on capital contribution to establish a Multiple-member limited liability company. Is there anything I should notice? Thanks for answering me!”…

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  • BusinessRegistration of branches and representative offices under Viet Nam law

    Registration of branches and representative offices under Viet Nam law

    Enterprise can operate its business through activities of branches and representative offices. Viet Nam law has regulation on registration of branches and representative offices. Let’s find out this issue through the following scenario: “Dear lawyer! How can branches and representative offices be understood under Viet Nam law? How to register branches and representative offices? Thanks for your consulting!” Legal grounds Viet Nam Law on Enterprises What is an enterprise? The definition of an enterprise is…

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  • Legal serviceCurrent forms of cryptocurrency fraud in Vietnam

    Current forms of cryptocurrency fraud in Vietnam

    “Hello Lawyer X, on May 10, 2022, I received a message from an unknown number informing that my bank account was locked asking to click on a strange link to reopen my account. I didn’t think much but clicked on that link and entered the password and received a notification that the bank card was deducted. What should I do now? What are the current forms of cryptocurrency scams? Please advise” Hello, there are many…

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  • Legal serviceDossier and procedures for setting up a tutoring center in Vietnam 2022

    Dossier and procedures for setting up a tutoring center in Vietnam 2022

    For many students, the teacher’s teaching time in class can not provide enough knowledge. Therefore, besides self-study, extra-study in tutoring centers is very popular, this is the need of many students as well as parents. To meet that need, many people establish tutoring centers to do business in this potential line. However, to establish any education unit, you have to follow the law. So, in this article LSX legal firm provides: “Dossier and procedures for…

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  • Legal serviceCrime of harassing other people's family happiness

    Crime of harassing other people’s family happiness according to Vietnamese law

    Hello Lawyer X, after more than 10 years of marriage, I discovered that my husband had an affair with another person and was intending to divorce me. I wonder if the act of disturbing other people’s family happiness will be punished? Please advise. Hi, acts of adultery are prohibited acts in the Law on Marriage and Family 2014, based on point c, clause 2, article 5 of the Law on Marriage and Family 2014. So…

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