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  • Legal serviceIn Vietnam, is it possible to get a birth certificate for a child without a marriage certificate?

    In Vietnam, is it possible to get a birth certificate for a child without a marriage certificate?

    Hello Lawyer X, my husband and I are currently living together as husband and wife, but we have not registered our marriage, can I make a birth certificate for my child? How to get a birth certificate for a child? Please advise. Hi, In case you do not have a marriage certificate, you can still make a birth certificate for your child. However, if you want to register the birth of such a child, according…

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  • Legal serviceIn Vietnam, can you arbitrarily deduct an employee's salary

    In Vietnam, can you arbitrarily deduct an employee’s salary?

    According to the provisions of the current Labor Code 2019, there are only 03 cases where the employer is allowed to deduct the employee’s salary. Whether or not the employee’s salary can be arbitrarily deducted is a question many readers are interested in and send a question to Lawyer X. In case of illegal wage deduction, the employer may be fined Administrative Violations. Please read the article below to understand the legal provisions of the…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on selling solar power in Vietnam

    Regulations on selling solar power in Vietnam

    Current reality shows that to replace thermal power and hydroelectricity are gradually scarce. We have converted many stars to use solar energy. The number of families, companies, and businesses using solar power is increasing day by day. However, many people still do not understand the regulations on selling solar power. A clear understanding will help the buyer to ensure his rights and that the seller fulfills his obligations. The following article will provide you with…

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  • Legal serviceIllegally fired, what should employees do to claim their benefits?

    Illegally fired, what should employees do to claim their benefits?

    Being fired illegally is a pressing issue for employees today. This is due to the employer’s reasons. Maybe they lack understanding of the law; or due to repression without complying with the grounds, principles, order and procedures for dismissal. That’s why, right now, together with Lawyer X, find out if the employee is illegally fired, what should the employee do to claim his/her benefits? Legal grounds: Labor Code 2019 Criminal Code 2015 Cases of not…

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  • Legal serviceenterprise seals

    Regulations of Vietnamese law on the number of enterprise seals

    “Dear Lawyer, My business has engraved its seal and put it into use, but it does not fulfill the obligation to notify the seal sample to the business registration agency, so there is no information about the enterprise’s seal sample on the portal. . Enterprises still use that seal in transactions. So the seal that the business uses is legally valid or not? When businesses use this seal to stamp resolutions or other documents in…

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  • Legal serviceHow to name an enterprise in accordance with Viet Nam law?

    How to name an enterprise in accordance with Viet Nam law?

    Name of enterprises is a significant indicator to distinguish an enterprise from others.  However, it is not entirely optional to name an enterprise but there are legal requirements that must be met. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I want to learn about Viet Nam legal regulations on name of enterprises. Are there any prohibited acts when naming enterprises? What names of enterprises can be considered as…

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  • BusinessTransfer of ownership of contributed assets according to Vietnam Law on Enterprises

    Transfer of ownership of contributed assets according to Vietnam Law on Enterprises

    Contributed assests to companies which have legal status are separate with assets of the owners. Therefore, transfer of ownership of contributed assests plays an important role in identifying company’s assets. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask about what kinds of assets can be considered as contributed assets to company? And how does the current Vietnamese law regulate on transfer of ownership of contributed…

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  • Legal serviceDossiers, procedures to establish Spa - Cosmetic Center in Vietnam 2022

    Dossiers, procedures to establish Spa – Cosmetic Center in Vietnam 2022

    Nowadays, every woman has the need to beautify themselves, so, they “invest” a lot of money in the beauty industry. Accordingly, many people, whether male or female, have the desire to study and then do business in this hot industry. It is for that reason that many spa and beauty training centers were born. However, to establish a unit providing service in the beauty-care training or in any other line, you have to follow the…

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  • Legal serviceInstructions on procedures to suspend business in Lam Dong

    Instructions on procedures to suspend business in Lam Dong

    Lam Dong is one of five provinces in the Central Highlands, Vietnam, and is the 7th largest province in the country, adjacent to the southern key economic region. Therefore, businesses here develop quite strongly. However, the return of the fourth wave of Covid-19 has brought many difficulties for businesses. So, they have had to suspend their businesses. In this article, LSX legal firm provides: “Instructions on procedures to suspend business in Lam Dong” Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceDo Vietnamese enterprises have to pay insurance for elderly workers?

    Do Vietnamese enterprises have to pay insurance for elderly workers?

    The payment of social insurance (social insurance) is the basis for employees to enjoy a pension. Thanks to this money, workers will have a stable income to take care of their old age. So, does the company have to pay insurance for elderly employees? The content of the following article of Lawyer X will answer the above question for you. Hope this article brings many useful things to you. Legal grounds Law on Social Insurance…

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