Block Title

  • Legal serviceHow to calculate a pension when participating in compulsory social insurance in Vietnam?

    How to calculate pension when participating in compulsory social insurance in Vietnam?

    Whether voluntary social insurance or compulsory social insurance represents a humane policy; the beauty of the State is always an issue that people care about. So what is the difference between compulsory social insurance and voluntary social insurance? Especially, are the modes of these two types of insurance different? Or how to calculate pension when participating in social insurance in general and compulsory social insurance in particular? With the above questions for sure; Lawyer X…

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  • Legal servicePackage logo registration service in Vietnam

    Package logo registration service in Vietnam

    Trademark registration takes a lot of time and there are quite a few procedures that need to be done. So how to capture the regulation correctly? Please refer to the following article by Lawyer X about logo trademark registration service for more details! Procedures for registration of trademarks and logos Step 1: Verify the application form Time: a month from the date of submitting the correct and complete application at the National Office of Intellectual…

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  • Legal serviceThings to know about collateral in Vietnam

    Things to know about collateral in Vietnam

    Currently, many financial transactions require collateral? So what is collateral? What does Vietnamese law say about collateral? Let’s answer this question with Lawyer X in the article below. Legal grounds: – Civil Code 2015 – Decree 163/2006/ND-CP – Decree 11/2012/ND-CP Consulting content According to the provisions of Article 295 of the Civil Code 2015, the security property must satisfy the following conditions: – The security property must own by the securing party, except in the…

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  • BusinessWhat shall enterprises do when having changes to enterprise registration information in accordance with Viet Nam law?

    What shall enterprises do when having changes to enterprise registration information in accordance with Viet Nam law?

    Enterprise registration information are essential informations for the state management of enterprises in Viet Nam. In the course of operation, enterprise may have changes to enterprise registration information. In these situations, what shall enterprises do according to Viet Nam Law on enterprises? Let’s join Lawyer X to find out this issue through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask about what procedure shall my enterprise carry out if there are changes to enterprise…

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  • Legal serviceHow will tax evasion be punished in Vietnam?

    How will tax evasion be punished in Vietnam?

    To increase the state budget as well as ensure fairness. Tax evasion is an act of violating the tax policy of the State through the failure of the subject to fulfill or incompletely fulfill the tax payment obligation. So when tax evasion is penalized like? How many years in prison will be imposed as well as what is the administrative penalty? Legal problems will be answered by Lawyer X through the following article: Legal grounds:…

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  • BusinessProcedures for enterprise registration in accordance with Viet Nam law

    Procedures for enterprise registration in accordance with Viet Nam law

    Enterprise registration is an important procedure for new enterprises acceding the business market. Viet Nam law has regulations on enterprise registration procedures. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I want to hire a law firm to register my new enterprise with the competent authority. However, I still want to know the details of steps to establish an enterprise. Hope you will provide me with relevant regulations. Thanks…

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  • BusinessPreparing the application for enterprise registration according to Viet Nam law

    Preparing the application for enterprise registration according to Viet Nam law

    To ensure a successful enterprise registration in Viet Nam, a well-prepared application for enterprise registration plays an important role.  Let’ find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! To prepare for an application for enterprise registration then what are documents we need to notice? What are contents of these required documents? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2020 Viet Nam Law on Enterprises What is an enterprise? The definition of…

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  • BusinessGeneral legal regulations on enterprise establishment under Viet Nam law

    General legal regulations on enterprise establishment under Viet Nam law

    Enterprise establishment can be considered a very first step for an entity to accede the business market. Viet Nam Law on Enterprises has general provisions on enterprises. Let’s find out with Lawyer X about this issue through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I would like to ask who has the right to establish and manage enterprises in Viet Nam? Can founders of enterprises sign pre-registration contracts? And what does application for enterprise registration comprise? Thanks…

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  • BusinessWhat are prohibited actions relating to enterprise activities in accordance with Vietnamese law?

    What are prohibited actions relating to enterprise activities in accordance with Vietnamese law?

    Enterprises is a familiar entitiy in business relationships. Vietnamese law currently has regulations in probited actions relating to enterprise activities, that partially ensures a fair business environment. Let’s find out these prohibited actions with Lawyer X using the following scenario: “Dear lawyer! I intend to acceding the business market in the form of establishing an enterprise. I want to learn about what actions I must not conduct under Viet Nam law on enterprises? Thanks for…

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  • BusinessWho is the legal representative of the enterprise under Viet Nam Law on Enterprises?

    Who is the legal representative of the enterprise under Viet Nam Law on Enterprises?

    The enterprise’s legal representative is the person on behalf of the enterprise to perform certain activities derived from the enterprise’s transactions. Viet Nam Law on enterprises has regulations on the enterprise’s legal representative. Let’s find out with Lawyer X through the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! Enterprises in Vietnam are specified into 4 main types of enterprises. I want to ask about how to determine legal representatives of enterprises under Vietnamese law. Is there any difference…

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