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  • BusinessWhat are rights and obligations of parties to transit service contracts?

    What are rights and obligations of parties to transit service contracts in Viet Nam?

    Transit of goods help facilitate the transportation and circulation of goods between countries. Vietnamese law currently has specific provisions on transit of goods. So what are rights and obligations of parties transit service contracts? Join Lawyer X to find out about this issue through the following situation: “Hi lawyer, I have a Malaysian friend who wants to transport goods through Laos, this transportation requires transit of goods at Vietnam. I intend to help my friend…

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  • BusinessConditions for logistics service business in Vietnam

    Conditions for logistics service business in Vietnam

    Logistics is a very “hot” service industry in recent years due to the high demand for the transportation and circulation of goods of enterprises. To be allowed to do business in this service industry in Vietnam, certain regulations must be met. Let’s join Lawyer X to find out about this issue through the following situation: “Howdy lawyer! I want to operate a business to invest in logistics, I want to find out the conditions that…

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  • BusinessWhat are rights and obligations of parties to logistics service contracts in Viet Nam?

    What are rights and obligations of parties to logistics service contracts in Viet Nam?

    Logistics is a very growing service industry in recent years, especially with the growth of international e-commerce. Commercial Law 2005 has specific regulations for logistics services. Let ‘s find out with Lawyer X about these regulations through the following situation: “My company is currently looking for a company that specializes in shipping, warehousing, and logistics services. I want to ask about when entering into logistics service contracts, what are the rights and obligations of the…

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  • Legal serviceOrder and procedures for settling individual labor disputes in Vietnam

    Order and procedures for settling individual labor disputes in Vietnam

    Labor is the process by which man affects nature to create a certain amount of material wealth. In this day and age, the role of labor is increasingly important to people. However, in the labor process also arise many labor disputes; especially individual labor disputes. So how are the order and procedures for settling individual labor disputes regulated? Please refer to Lawyer X’s article to understand more about the following issues: Legal grounds: Labor Code…

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  • BusinessWhat are rights and obligations of parties in bidding for goods or services?

    What are rights and obligations of parties in bidding for goods or services in Viet Nam?

    Bidding for goods or services is a commercial activity that, if conducted effectively, will ensure fair competition, and enable the buyer to choose the most appropriate seller to provide the best quality goods or services according to certain criterias. The seller has an environment to demonstrate the quality of his goods and services. What are current Vietnamese legal regulations on bidding for goods or services? Join Lawyer X to find out through the following article:…

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  • BusinessWhat are rights and obligations of parties involved in auction of goods in Viet Nam?

    What are rights and obligations of parties involved in auction of goods in Viet Nam?

    Auction of goods is a competitive commercial activity, enables the seller to sell his or her goods at the highest price, and the buyer can buy the goods as much as the budget can afford. What is the current Vietnamese law on auction of goods? Join Lawyer X to find out through the following situation: “Hello, lawyer, I intend to organize an auction of goods in Viet Nam. Can you provide me with some legal…

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  • BusinessWhat are rights and obligations of parties in commercial processing?

    What are rights and obligations of parties in commercial processing in Viet Nam?

    Commercial processing is a commercial activity that takes advantage of the cooperation between the parties in production process to promote the efficiency of the production of goods. This is a fairly common activity at present in manufacturing businesses. So what is the current Vietnamese law on commercial processing? Join Lawyer X to find out through the following situation: “Hello, lawyer! My factory is just a small sewing factory in the district, but recently, a large…

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  • BusinessWhat are rights and obligations of parties to commercial agency contract in Viet Nam?

    What are rights and obligations of parties to commercial agency contract in Viet Nam?

    Commercial agency is a highly collaborative commercial activity that promotes the distribution of goods and services from producers, service providers to consumers quickly and widely. Let’s join Lawyer X to find out legal regulations on commercial agency through the following situation: “Hello, lawyer! In the near future, my family is going to plan to act as a fertilizer distributor for a fertilizer company in the South Viet Nam. I would like to ask if I…

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  • BusinessWhat are rights and obligations of parties to mandate contracts in Viet Nam?

    What are rights and obligations of parties to mandate contracts in Viet Nam?

    Purchase and sale of good by mandated dealers is one of the commercial intermediary activities that enables traders to cooperate with other traders to help them purchase and sale of goods in certain cases. Let’s join Lawyer X to learn about the legal provisions on purchase and sale of goods by mandated dealers through the following situation: “Hello, lawyer! My company wants to import a large amount of herbal ingredients from China to Viet Nam…

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  • BusinessWhat are rights and obligations of parties to contracts for representation of traders in Viet Nam?

    What are rights and obligations of parties to contracts for representation of traders in Viet Nam?

    In many cases, traders conducting commercial activities do not by themselves perform all the activities but they may  delegate another trader to perform on their behalf within the scope of their authorized representatives. This helps traders to partially reduce the workload while taking advantage of the specialization of the work so that other traders are able to perform well commercial activities for them. Join Lawyer X to learn more about contracts for representation of traders…

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