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  • Legal serviceProperty division upon divorce with foreigners in Vietnam

    Property division upon divorce with foreigners in Vietnam

    Property division after divorce is said to be a mandatory provision between two parties (husband and wife) who can voluntarily agree on the division of common property, separate property and other financial obligations. or request the court to divide according to the provisions of law. Property division and child custody are always two important issues that need to be resolved when getting a divorce. It will be easier, save more time and cost if the…

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  • Legal serviceDossier to divorce for foreigner in Vietnam

    Dossier to divorce for foreigner in Vietnam

    In modern society, many people of different nationalities get married. However, for various reasons, they decided to divorce. The resolution of divorce between people of different nationalities is quite complicated because the legal system governing each person’s rights and obligations is different. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of divorce with foreign elements, one must carefully study the relevant legal issues. In this article, LSX legal firm provides: “Dossier to divorce for foreigner in…

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  • Legal serviceSolving divorce with foreigners in Vietnam

    Solving divorce with foreigners in Vietnam

    Divorce is the last option when husband and wife’s life becomes serious; The purpose of marriage is not achieved. However the current reality; there are many divorce cases involving foreign elements that have disputes; complicated procedures that the district-level People’s Courts do not have the authority to handle. Lawyer X notes to clients what the regulations on Divorce with foreign elements are and How to solving divorce with foreigners in Vietnam as follows: Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceSteps to divorce with foreigners in Vietnam

    Steps to divorce with foreigners in Vietnam

    Divorce is an aspect of the marital relationship. If marriage is a normal phenomenon in order to establish a husband and wife relationship, divorce is an unusual phenomenon, which is the opposite side of marriage but an indispensable aspect when it comes to the relationship between husband and wife. The marriage system has really broken down. In that case, divorce is a necessity for both husband and wife and for society; for it is liberating…

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  • Legal serviceQuick divorce with foreigners in Vietnam

    Quick divorce with foreigners in Vietnam

    Divorce from a foreigner is not a new thing. As society develops, marriage, living together, and creating a family are not limited by country or territory. However, like many other marriages, if married life is deadlocked and serious, it doesn’t matter whether they are of the same or different nationality, the only problem that arises is how to get a divorce. quickly and achieve post-divorce benefits. So about the matter “Quick divorce with foreigners in…

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  • Legal serviceService of applying for citizen identification in Vietnam

    Service of applying for citizen identification in Vietnam

    Currently, there are a lot of Vietnamese people living abroad and vice versa, a lot of foreigners coming to Vietnam to reside. It is natural in any country that local citizens always have more full rights and obligations than foreigners. In the government’s work of managing residents, citizen identity plays an important role. Besides, having a citizen identity card will make many administrative procedures more convenient for people. Therefore, foreigners with desire to reside in…

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  • Legal service

    Unilateral divorce with foreigners in Vietnam

    Divorce is something that none of us want. But after the process of living together, it is not possible to build happiness together; The decision to divorce is also a way to help the two have a new life. Divorce procedures in the country are too easy to do. But if a unilateral divorce with foreigners in Vietnam will be done?? What else about the property; children; procedures compared to ordinary divorce? Let’s find out…

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  • Legal serviceHow to write a divorce form with a foreigner in Vietnam?

    How to write a divorce form with a foreigner in Vietnam?

    In today’s life, it is not uncommon to marry a foreigner. That trend is becoming more and more popular, leading to frequent divorces with foreigners. Divorce procedures with foreigners have many differences compared to divorce with domestic people that not everyone understands. So about the matter “How to write a divorce form with a foreigner in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal basis Law on Marriage and Family 2014 Decree…

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  • Legal serviceTime limit for divorce with foreign elements in Vietnam

    Time limit for divorce with foreign elements in Vietnam

    When married life becomes serious and the purpose of marriage is not achieved, divorce is the last option. Procedures for settling divorce requests in which the involved parties are all Vietnamese citizens are not complicated and are accepted and settled by the district-level People’s Courts. However, in reality, many divorce cases involving foreign elements are disputed by foreigners, complicated procedures, and the district-level People’s Courts do not have jurisdiction. So about the matter “Time limit…

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  • Legal serviceJurisdiction to settle divorce with foreigners in Vietnam

    Jurisdiction to settle divorce with foreigners in Vietnam

    Hi Lawyer, my husband is Korean. When we studied abroad, we were married and had a daughter together. However, now that I have returned home and my husband is still in Korea, our feelings have faded. Now my husband and I want to divorce. I want to ask “Jurisdiction to settle divorce with foreigners in Vietnam” Please help me to consult a lawyer. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Lawyer. Legal grounds…

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