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  • BusinessWhat regulations should be noted when organizing and participating in trade fairs and exhibitions in Vietnam?

    What regulations should be noted when organizing and participating in trade fairs and exhibitions in Vietnam?

    Trade fairs and exhibitions are quite familiar activities in Vietnam, held periodically in localities from rural to urban. These activities both helps merchants have the opportunity to focus on exchanges and helps promote trading activities in the area when people have the opportunity to visit and buy goods, experience products and services. In addition, well-organized fairs and exhibitions also contribute to promoting the image and brand name of the locality where trade fairs and exhibitions…

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  • BusinessNotes on displaying and introducing goods and services in Viet Nam

    Notes on displaying and introducing goods and services in Viet Nam

    Display and introduction of goods and services is one of commercial promotion activities that enables customers to directly see and contact visual information about interested goods and services. When traders display goods and services, they need to pay attention to relevant legal regulations. Join Lawyer X to explore these regulations through the following situation: “Can you tell me if my company wants to display some handicraft products then what form of display we can carry…

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  • BusinessNotes when conducting commercial advertising activities

    Notes when conducting commercial advertising activities in Viet Nam

    Commercial advertising is an important activity for traders to bring information about their products and services closer to consumers everywhere. So when traders want to carry out advertising activities for their products and services, what legal regulations should they pay attention? Join Lawyer X to find out through the following situation: “Hello, lawyer! My family has an heirloom soy sauce production facility and is also quite well known locally. However, this product of my family…

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  • BusinessNotes when conducting sale promotion in Viet Nam

    Notes when conducting sale promotion in Viet Nam

    In a competitive business environment, it is essential to carry out commercial promotion activities including sale promotion activities to attract customers to use products and services. So when traders implement their sale promotion, what provisions of the law shall they comply with? Let’s join Lawyer X to find out through the following situation: “Howdy Lawyer! As far as I know, enterprises do not conduct sale promotion activities arbitrarily but obey to certain legal regulations. My…

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  • BusinessWhat are rights and obligations of parties to service contracts?

    What are rights and obligations of parties to service contracts in Viet Nam?

    The service industry increasingly contributes greatly to the national economic development. To further facilitate the development of the service industry, it is required to have specific and clear legal provisions that well protect the rights and obligations of the parties to the service supply contracts. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X using the following scenario: “Dear Lawyer! I am preparing to open a beauty salon in Viet Nam, as far as I know,…

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  • BusinessWhat should be noted when purchasing and sale of goods through the Goods Exchange in Viet Nam?

    What should be noted when purchasing and sale of goods through the Goods Exchange in Viet Nam?

    Purchase and sale goods is a diversified commercial activity from parties, trading methods to contents of purchase and sale, … Of which, purchase and sale of goods through the Goods Exchange is a commercial activity specified under the law. So when implementing these activities, what should be noted in terms of legal aspects? Join Lawyer X to find out through the following situation: “Hi, Lawyer! Recently I have known about purchase and sale of goods…

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  • BusinessRights and obligations of parties in commercial brokerage activity in Viet Nam

    Rights and obligations of parties in commercial brokerage activity in Viet Nam

    Trading brokerage has a long history in the development of commercial activities. The two main actors in economic relations are the producers and consumers. However, in a large market, it is not always possible for the produced goods and services to be delivered easily to consumers in need, but sometimes it needs the role of a third party to introduce parties with supply and demand to meet each other. Vietnamese law currently has specific provisions…

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  • Legal servicethe contract of sale of goods

    Rights and obligations of the parties in the contract of sale of goods in Vietnam

    Buying and selling goods is one of the popular activities of commercial activities. Every day, we easily come across trading transactions in life, with a small transaction value, we may not be too concerned with the legal aspect, but in commercial transactions between merchants when the price is very low. The value of goods can be up to tens; or hundreds of millions of dong, it is extremely necessary to pay attention to the legal…

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  • Legal serviceClassification of investment projects in groups A B C according to the provisions of Vietnamese law

    Classification of investment projects in groups A B C according to the provisions of Vietnamese law

    Classifying investment projects A, B, and C not only helps investors make suitable investment plans but also prepares dossiers of application for investment licenses conveniently, quickly, and accurately. . Regarding the classification of investment projects, Lawyer X received the following question: “Hello Lawyer X. I am Nguyen Van M. Dear Lawyer, I am currently implementing a few small projects in Quang Nam province. However, as far as I know, each type of project group A,…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is an investment project? Characteristics and classification of investment projects in Vietnam

    What is an investment project? Characteristics and classification of investment projects in Vietnam

    Today, perhaps no one is too unfamiliar with investment activities. So what is an investment project; So, what are the basic characteristics and classification of investment projects? In this regard, Lawyer X received the following question: “Hello Lawyer X. I am Nguyen Thi T. Dear Lawyer, I currently have a small capital. Friends advised me to use capital to invest. But I don’t know what is an investment, and is an investment? What types of…

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