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  • Legal servicePrestige and quickly dossiers to suspend business in Vietnam

    Prestige and quickly dossiers to suspend business in Vietnam

    When a business suffers a loss or there is a structural change, company suspension is one of the best solutions for businesses to stop operating business for a certain period of time. When registering to suspend the business, we must prepare a set of dossiers to suspend the company in accordance with the law. However, depending on the type of business, the composition of the business suspension application will differ. So, LSX legal firm provides…

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  • Legal serviceDoes business suspension have to pay license tax?

    Does business suspension have to pay license tax?

    The license tax is an amount of money that an enterprise must pay annually or when start conducting production and business activities based on the charter capital stated in the business registration certificate as well as the year’s revenue. On the other hand, the Covid-19 pandemic has had certain negative effects on the economy of Vietnam as well as nations around the world. Many businesses faced a difficult situation, so they decided to suspend their…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for business suspension in Vietnam 2022

    Procedures for business suspension in Vietnam 2022

    Currently, during the Covid-19 pandemic, many business establishments face difficulties leading to bankruptcy. They need time off from their business to avoid future damage. Thus, many business owners decided to carry out procedures for business suspension. So, in this article LSX Legal firm will give you information about: “Procedures for business suspension in Vietnam 2022” Legal grounds Law on Enterprise 2020Decree 47/2021/ND-CP Business suspension Business suspension understood as a case where an enterprise suspends production…

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  • Legal serviceBusiness suspension under Vietnamese legislation

    Business suspension under Vietnamese legislation

    The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, little or much, have affected the economy of Vietnam and nations around the world. This leads to difficulties in the production and business activities of many enterprises. When facing such fluctuations, most companies will choose the immediate solution of suspending business for a certain period of time. However, not everyone understands clearly the regulations on business suspension. So, in this article LSX legal firm provides: “Business suspension under Vietnamese…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for business suspension of business household in Vietnam

    Procedures for business suspension of business household in Vietnam

    A household business-a type of business where the owner solely takes responsibility for his or her property. Therefore, many owners who have established for a while have the desire to temporarily stop doing business. To carry out the procedures for business suspension of any type, you need to have a clear understanding of the regulations prescribed by the law. So, in this article LSX legal firm gives you: “Procedures for business suspension of business household…

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  • Legal serviceDecision form to suspend business for joint-stock company in Vietnam

    Decision form to suspend business for joint-stock company in Vietnam

    In the context that the world and domestic economies affected heavily by the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses choose to suspend their business. To carry out procedures for business suspension, you have to prepare the dossiers appropriate to the type of your company. Due to the difference in the type of business, the composition of the business suspension dossiers of each type of company has slightly different. In this article, LSX legal firm would like to…

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  • Legal serviceSubmit dossiers for business suspension online in Vietnam

    Submit dossiers for business suspension online in Vietnam

    In the context that the world and domestic economies affected heavily by the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses choose to suspend their business. Regulations on business suspension have changed a lot after the Enterprise Law 2020 took effect. Besides, the development of electronic portal allows enterprises to carry out registration procedures for business suspension online quickly. So, to have a better understanding of this problem, please follow this article of LSX legal firm: “Submit dossiers for…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for inspection by the Vietnamese state on the quality of imported fertilizers

    Procedures for inspection by the Vietnamese state on the quality of imported fertilizers

    “Hello, Lawyer, I have the following question. I imported a batch of fertilizer at the beginning of August this year. Currently, I want to carry out the fertilizer quality inspection procedure to be able to conduct business. However, I don’t know how to carry out this procedure. Hope you can answer it quickly for me. Thank you.”. Thanks for your question. To meet the huge demand for fertilizer in Vietnam, many business enterprises tend to…

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  • Legal serviceNew regulations on importing movies into Vietnam from May 10 2022

    New regulations on importing movies into Vietnam from May 10, 2022

    On March 25, 2022, the Government issued Decree 22/2022/ND-CP amending Decree 32/2012/ND-CP on export management; import of cultural products for non-commercial purposes. Accordingly, there are some new regulations on importing movies that everyone needs to know. So what are the rules? What content has been amended or supplemented? When did the implementation of these new regulations begin? To clarify this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “New regulations on importing movies into…

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  • Legal serviceGoods imported into Vietnam are required to have a secondary label

    Goods imported into Vietnam are required to have a secondary label

    Currently, Vietnam’s economy is integrating with the world, so foreign goods are imported into Vietnam a lot. Importing is an international trading business, a process of exchanging goods between countries based on the principle of parity exchange for currency as a broker. It is not a single act of trade but a system of trading relations in an economy that has both internal and external organizations. So, is it true that goods imported into Vietnam…

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