Block Title

  • BusinessThủ tục thành lập văn phòng đại diện của công ty TNHH tại Việt Nam

    Procedures to establish representative office of a LLC in Vietnam

    You run a limited liability company (LLC) and now looking to conduct market exploration, or promote your brand to other provinces outside the province where your head business located? Then, a representative office is a suitable choice for you. In order to establish a representative office, you have to carry out certain procedures prescribed by the law. So, in this article, LSX gives you: “Procedures to establish representative office of a LLC in Vietnam” Legal…

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  • BusinessEstablishing a representative office of a foreign company in Vietnam

    Establishing a representative office of a foreign company in Vietnam

    International economic integration is a common development trend in the whole world. In Vietnam, the procedures for establishing a representative office of a foreign company in Vietnam became simple and quick thanks to the Government’s economic integration policy. However, to carry out the procedures, companies have to understand the legal basis of establishing a representative office. So, in this article LSX legal firm would like to give you an insight into: “Establishing a representative office…

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  • BusinessWhat does a new company need to do in Vietnam?

    What does a new company need to do in Vietnam?

    Newly established businesses, after completing the procedures for applying for a business license, must promptly implement what the newly established company needs to do. Otherwise, it may be detected and sanctioned by competent state agencies, affecting the development of the newly established company. So what additional activities and procedures do businesses need to do after establishment? In this article, LSX legal firm will answer the question: “What does a new company need to do in…

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  • Legal serviceCan a co-owner have separate books according to the new provisions of Vietnamese law?

    Can a co-owner have separate books according to the new provisions of Vietnamese law?

    “Hello, Lawyer. Currently, my family is wanting to carry out the red book separation procedure and has some issues that I want to ask the law office for assistance with related to the Red Book Co-Owner. Currently, the red book the family is in the name of two individuals, my father and my sister, each family has a separate house adjacent to each other and has a parcel of land next to it. Can a…

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  • Legal serviceWhich of the following valuable papers are debt securities under Vietnamese law?

    Which of the following valuable papers are debt securities under Vietnamese law?

    “Hello Lawyer, I just recently learned to play the stock market. My main job is as an office worker, and my monthly salary is just enough to spend, so I want to invest and earn more. Incidentally, I have a guide. and invited me to play securities. However, my knowledge in this field is still very limited. I have a question I want to ask a lawyer, Which of the following valuable papers is debt…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on naming textbooks at university level in Vietnam

    Regulations on naming textbooks at university level in Vietnam

    The Minister of Education and Training promulgates Circular 35/2021/TT-BGDĐT on the compilation, selection, evaluation, approval, and use of teaching materials and higher education curricula. Including the requirement for naming textbooks at the University. So how are the regulations on naming textbooks at the university level shown? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Regulations on naming textbooks at university level in Vietnam“, as follows: Legal grounds Circular 35/2021/TT-BGDĐT What is the syllabus? A…

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  • Legal serviceDo property rentals in Vietnam require business registration?

    Do property rentals in Vietnam require business registration?

    “Hello, Lawyer, I am currently planning to start a rental business because I have an empty apartment. I don’t know if I need to register a business for this activity? I heard people say that it is not necessary because of the number of houses. not much at a time. Do they say that is in accordance with the law? Do property rentals have to be registered?”. Thanks for your question. Most families and individuals…

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  • BusinessWhat are the procedures to establish a company branch in Vietnam

    What are the procedures to establish a company branch in Vietnam?

    The market is like a battlefield. If you want to survive, you must constantly rise and develop. If a business wants to expand its reach, it is only a matter of time before establishing dependent units. In other words, company branches, chosen by many businesses. However, businesses have to carry out certain procedures to establish a company branch. So, in this article, LSX legal firm would like to answer the question: “What are the procedures…

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  • Legal serviceAdvantages and disadvantages of Multi-member LLC in Vietnam?

    Advantages and disadvantages of Multi-member LLC in Vietnam?

    Establishing a business is one of the choices of individuals and organizations when they want to conduct business activities. However, among many options of business types, it is also a problem to be able to choose one that suits your needs. So, the owner needs to understand the advantages and disadvantages of different types when establishing. In this article, LSX legal firm would like to inform you: “Advantages and disadvantages of Multi-member Limited Liability Company…

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  • BusinessGeneral legal regulations on investment incentives and assistance in Vietnam 2022

    General legal regulations on investment incentives and assistance in Vietnam 2022

    In addition to investment guarantees, investors are somewhat assured when investing in the Vietnamese market. The law also includes provisions for investment incentives and assistance in order to promote and encourage investment activities in specific objects, business lines consistent with the country’s economic development strategy. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following scenario: “ Dear attorney! Can you tell me about the state’s incentives and assistance for business investment activities? What…

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