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  • Legal serviceBidding conditions of contractors in Vietnam

    Bidding conditions of contractors in Vietnam

    Bidding is a popular form with projects, especially large construction projects. What are the bidders’ eligibility and conditions for participating in the bidding? Lawyer X’s legal consulting room would like to inform readers. Legal grounds Law on Bidding 2013 Consulting content What is a tender? Bidding is the process of selecting contractors to sign, and perform a contract to provide consulting services; non-consulting services, goods procurement, construction, and installation; select investors to sign and perform…

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  • Legal serviceContractors according to Vietnamese law

    Contractors according to Vietnamese law

    When building a project, we often hear the name of a construction contractor and an investor or homeowner. So what is a contractor? What types of contractors are there? We may have heard a lot, but not everyone is clear on this issue. So, let Lawyer X answer this question for you in the content below! Legal grounds – Bidding Law 2013 Consulting content What is a contractor or investor? The nature of bidding activities…

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  • Legal serviceFeatures of bidding activities by Vietnamese law

    Features of bidding activities by Vietnamese law

    Bidding is a method of selecting the right contractor to perform a particular job. Besides, bidding is also a method of selecting the right contractor to perform a particular job. So what are the characteristics of bidding activities according to current regulations? Then, let’s find out with Lawyer X! Legal grounds – Commercial Law 2005 – Bidding Law 2013 Consulting content Features of bidding activities Procurement is a complex set of economic and legal relationships…

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  • Legal serviceHow can a violation of bidding regulations be penalized?

    How can a violation of bidding regulations be penalized?

    Recently, the media has continuously reported on the news of the Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City Eye Hospital. Specifically, Mr. Nguyen Tri Dung violated regulations on bidding, causing serious consequences. In addition to Mr. Dung, 3 other defendants considered accomplices of the case. The investigative agency is still investigating the case. However, if can determine that Mr. Dung is guilty, Mr. Dung will likely be held criminally responsible. Specifically, the crime of violating…

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  • Legal servicePrivate placement of securities in accordance with the laws of Vietnam

    Private placement of securities in accordance with the laws of Vietnam

    Currently, many businesses choose to offer their securities privately instead of offering them to the public. So how is the private placement of securities regulated by law? So, go with Lawyer X to find out more about the above issue. Legal grounds Law on Securities 2019 Decree 155/2019/ND-CP Guiding the Law on Securities Consulting content Conditions for a private placement of securities Conditions for a private placement of securities by an issuer that is not…

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  • Legal serviceCurrent Vietnamese legal regulations on securities listing

    Current Vietnamese legal regulations on securities listing

    Securities listing activities are extremely important activities to establish contractual relationships between the Stock Exchange and the issuers with listed securities. This is considered an activity to demonstrate the honesty, publicity, and fairness in the information disclosure of securities issuers. So what is “listing securities”? What are the current legal regulations on the above activities? Then, let’s find out more about this issue with Lawyer X. Legal grounds Securities Law 2019 Decree 155/2020/ND-CP Guiding the…

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  • Legal serviceDisadvantage of raising capital with preferred shares versus bonds

    Disadvantage of raising capital with preferred shares versus bonds

    From the facts, it show that stocks and bonds are popular forms of investment in the stock market today. Despite being so popular, choosing to invest in stocks or bonds has always been a concern for many new investors in the market. To choose the right form, investors need to understand what bonds and stocks are? Are there any disadvantages to stocks or bonds in the process of raising investment capital? Then, find out through…

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  • Legal serviceLegal relationship between a loan and security contract

    Conditions for offering bonds to the international market in Vietnam

    What are the conditions for offering bonds to the international market in Vietnam’s law? What is the process of offering bonds to the international market? So, let’s find out more about this issue with Lawyer X through the following article: Legal grounds – Enterprise Law 2020 – Decree No. 153/2020/ND-CP Consulting content Principles of bond issuance and use – Enterprises issue bonds on the principle of self-borrowing, self-paying, self-responsibility for capital efficiency, and debt repayment…

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  • Legal serviceHow is stock market manipulation handled under Vietnamese law?

    How is stock market manipulation handled under Vietnamese law?

    What is this behavior like? How will be individuals and organizations manipulate the stock market handle? When will they be held criminally responsible? Then, to learn more about this issue, Lawyer X would like to introduce the article “How is stock market manipulation handled?″. So, we invite you to read along. Legal grounds – Decree 156/2020/ND-CP – Penal Code 2015 amended and supplemented in 2017 What is stock market manipulation? According to Clause 2, Article…

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  • Legal serviceWhat types of businesses can issue securities in Vietnam?

    What types of businesses can issue securities in Vietnam?

    Securities include many types such as stocks, bonds, fund certificates, warrants, … and some other types of securities as prescribed by law. However, according to the Enterprise Law 2020, not all businesses can issue securities, such as partnerships, private enterprises are types of businesses that not allowed to issue any type of securities. So what type of business can issue securities? Let’s find the answer with Lawyer X through the following article: What type of…

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