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  • Legal servicePrinciples of settling commercial disputes by conciliation according to Vietnamese law

    Principles of settling commercial disputes by conciliation according to Vietnamese law

    “Hi Lawyer, currently our joint-stock company is facing a trademark dispute with another enterprise. Based on the actual situation; recognize the nature of the case to be resolved by a third party; We have agreed to choose commercial mediation as the above dispute resolution method. In addition to understanding the provisions of this method of dispute resolution; I want to ask a lawyer, how is the principle of commercial dispute resolution by mediation expressed? I…

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  • Legal serviceEntrusted purchase and sale of goods according to the provisions of Vietnamese law

    Entrusted purchase and sale of goods according to the provisions of Vietnamese law

    The market economy is increasingly developing; Consequently, business activities, goods purchases,s and sales of the subjects increased significantly. In order for this commercial activity to be highly efficient and profitable; Entities, including businesses, always have to find for themselves the most suitable and least risky business methods. One of the methods that businesses focus on is the entrustment of goods purchased and sold. So what is an entrustment to buy and sell goods? Is there…

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  • Legal servicecompensation for damage caused by environmental pollution

    General provisions on compensation for damage caused by environmental pollution

    The environment is one of the top concerns of the Party and the State. Because the current environmental pollution in our country is alarming and considered one of the countries with serious pollution in the world. So, when you pollute the environment, how should you be responsible for compensation? Let’s find out with Lawyer X about “General provisions on compensation for damage caused by environmental pollution” through the following article. Legal grounds – Civil Code…

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  • Legal serviceCan a mentally ill person who causes damage claim compensation?

    Do people suffering from mental illnesses that cause damage have to pay compensation?

    Do people suffering from mental illnesses that cause damage have to pay compensation? This is a question that many people are interested in; in fact, there have been many cases of psychopaths; not being aware and controlling their behavior, has caused a lot of damage to other people’s property. So, in such cases, can the aggrieved person claim compensation? Let’s find out the law with Lawyer X on this issue. Legal grounds – Civil Code…

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  • Legal serviceDo household businesses in Vietnam need an input invoice?

    Do household businesses in Vietnam need an input invoice?

    Many people when starting to set up an individual business household often wonder if the household business needs an input invoice? When is an input invoice required? To answer the above questions, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Do household businesses in Vietnam need an input invoice?“, as follows: Legal grounds Circular 78/2014/TT-BTC What is the input invoice? When conducting the purchase and sale of goods, providing services, individual business households in…

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  • Legal serviceVirtual office rental industry in Vietnam today

    Virtual office rental industry in Vietnam today

    The virtual office rental service model has developed strongly in the office leasing segment. Currently, virtual offices are quite popular with small businesses, startups, as well as branches and representative offices. This is considered their savior in terms of cost savings, human resources, and the problem of choosing a convenient location, near the center. What is the current virtual office rental industry like? Why is a virtual office right for you and what benefits does…

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  • Business

    Procedures to establish partnership in Vietnam

    Setting up a company is a very common thing these days. Each year, thousands of companies and businesses are established in Vietnam. The purpose of establishing a company is for the business owner to specialize in the organization’s functions. Then, the results will bring profits to business owners and members of the company. Entrepreneurs usually set up company in the partnership type because it have a great potential of development. So, how does the current…

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  • Legal serviceAuthority to settle disputes arising in bank guarantees

    Can public employees set up company under Vietnamese Law on Enterprise?

    The law gives citizens the right to set up businesses. However, depending on the nature of the work of officials, the law stipulates a number of subjects with limited access to this right. So, can public officers (public employees) set up company under Vietnamese Law on Enterprise? Legal grounds Law on cadres and civil servants 2008Law on Public Employees 2010Also, Law on Enterprise 2020 Why establishing a company? Establishing a company means expanding your business…

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  • Business

    Can overseas Vietnamese establish a company in Vietnam?

    When leaving their homeland and achieving certain successes, many overseas Vietnamese want to return to Vietnam to do business and trade by setting up a company. However, can an overseas Vietnamese without the nationality of Vietnam establish a company? This article of LSX legal firm will provide you information about this question. Legal grounds Law on Investment 2020Law on Enterprise 2020 Can overseas Vietnamese establish a company? In fact, there are many cases of overseas…

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  • Business

    Can family members establish Joint-stock company in Vietnam?

    Nowadays, the need to establish a business increases day by day as the start-up trend started and grew strongly. On the other hand, the Joint-stock company appeared to people and brought a promising future to entrepreneurs. Can family members establish Joint-stock company in Vietnam? This article of LSX will answer the question. Legal ground Law on Enterprise 2020 Joint-stock company Joint stock company is one of the most popular types of businesses in Vietnam as…

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