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  • Business

    Procedures to establish an IT company in Vietnam

    Nowadays, the information technology industry (IT) grows strongly in Vietnam as well as globally. Also, the State encourages its development with many preferential policies on tax, capital mobilization, etc. However, setting up an IT company requires attention to many things. In addition to the relevant papers about the company establishment procedures, businesses have to pay attention to the business line. This is because the characteristics of the IT business are different from other industries. In…

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  • Business

    How does the law treat company established but inactive in Vietnam?

    Currently, some companies registered to operate a business but then have no employees as well as business operations. How does the law handle these cases? Will the business registration certificate revoked and administrative violations handled? In this article, LSX legal firm will give you an insight into: “How does the law treat company established but inactive in Vietnam?” Legal grounds Law on Enterprise 2020Decree 01/2021/ND-CP How does the law treat company established but inactive? Revocation…

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  • Legal serviceHandle the recovered debt amount of bad debt purchased at market value by bonds

    Application for registration of a Multi-member LLC in Vietnam

    Due to the complicated development of the epidemic situation, travel is limited so preparing documents for business registration is difficult as people cannot access the best business consulting services. Recently, many people have the need to establish a multi-member limited liability company. However, to set up a business, entrepreneurs have to go through certain steps. In this article, LSX legal firm will inform you: “Application for registration of a Multi-member LLC in Vietnam” Legal ground…

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  • Legal serviceCompensation for damage caused by goods not meeting the quality standards of Vietnamese law

    Compensation for damage caused by goods not meeting the quality standards of Vietnamese law

    In Bac Kan province, many households have reflected on the quality of construction bricks of Tunnel Cam Giang Brick Factory; bursting out like a cake; Head of Economic Construction Department; Bac Kan Department of Construction said it would report to the leadership; then propose to set up an inspection team. So, in the case that the factory produces low-quality bricks, does the production facility have to compensate for the case of “fake” bricks like potatoes…

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  • Legal serviceCompensation for damage caused by many people in Vietnam

    Compensation for damage caused by many people in Vietnam

    When causing damage to others; the person causing the damage will have to compensate the damage sufferer according to the provisions of law. So, if many people cause damage, who will be responsible, and how is the compensation? Please refer to the article Compensation for damage caused by many people below. Legal grounds Civil Code 2015 Consulting content General provisions on compensation for damage caused by many people If many people jointly cause damage to…

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  • Legal serviceInstructions to change from compulsory social insurance to voluntary insurance

    Instructions to change from compulsory social insurance to voluntary insurance

    Compulsory social insurance and voluntary social insurance are two types of social insurance which prescribed in the Law on Social Insurance 2014. So, when will employees be able to switch from paying compulsory social insurance to voluntary? Is the conversion procedure complicated? Let’s find out with Lawyer X through the following article: Legal grounds Law on Social Insurance 2014 Decision 595/QD-BHXH Consulting content In which case is it possible to change from compulsory social insurance…

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  • Legal serviceIn Vietnam, do seasonal workers get unemployment insurance?

    In Vietnam, Do seasonal workers get unemployment insurance?

    When working seasonally, do employees enjoy benefits related to unemployment insurance? Let’s find out with Lawyer X through the following article: Legal grounds Employment Law 2013 Labor Code 2019 Decree 61/2020/ND-CP Decree 28/2015/ND-CP Consulting content Can seasonal workers pay unemployment insurance? Seasonal jobs are usually simple jobs; Easy to do right away with no training time. Characteristic of this job is the occasional recruitment; and depends on the demand for production and consumption of the…

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  • Legal serviceAsset Management Company buy bad debt at market value

    Settlement of deposit contract disputes when buying land in Vietnam

    When signing a deposit contract, the content of the contract will be agreed upon by the parties on the condition that it is not contrary to law; or societal morality. However, the reality shows that deposit contract disputes still occur frequently. So, if there is a dispute about the deposit contract when buying land, how should it be resolved? Let’s find out with Lawyer X through the following article: Legal grounds Civil Code 2015 Civil…

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  • Legal serviceIn Vietnam, can the promise of a bonus be withdrawn?

    In Vietnam, can the promise of a bonus be withdrawn?

    In life, it is not uncommon to be promised rewards by others. However, not all cases where the promiser pays the reward. So, what is the promise of reward? Is the promise of reward mandatory? Promise bonus can be withdrawn? Let’s find out with Lawyer X through the following article: Legal grounds Civil Code 2015 Consulting content What is the promise of reward? Currently, there is no legal document that specifically defines the promise of…

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  • Legal serviceTerm of business suspension of the enterprise in Vietnam

    Term of business suspension of the enterprise in Vietnam

    Enterprises in the course of business operations may face some problems such as financial difficulties, etc., causing them to need to temporarily suspend their business operations. So what does the law say about business suspension? In the framework of the article below, let’s find out with Lawyer X how long the business suspension period is! Legal grounds – Enterprise Law 2020; – Decree 01/2021/ND-CP. Consulting content Cases of businesses temporarily suspending business After the establishment…

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