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  • Legal serviceWhat is a foreign-invested company under BCC Contract?

    Benefits of foreign-invested enterprises under Vietnam

    Foreign investor means an individual with foreign nationality or an organization established under foreign laws that conducts business investment activities in Vietnam. What is the current Law on Investment about investment activities of foreign investors in the establishment of economic organizations? So about the matter “Benefits of foreign-invested enterprises under Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Investment Law 2020 The definition of investment Investment means the investment by an…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is a foreign investor in Vietnam?

    What is a foreign investor in Vietnam?

    Since the outbreak of Covid-19 until now, the situation has continued to be complicated in the world, especially in the US and Europe. However, in that situation, Vietnam is a country that is assessed to control the Covid-19 epidemic very well and become a bright spot in terms of attracting foreign investment. So about the matter “What is a foreign investor in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal ground Investment…

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  • Legal serviceLaw on investment with foreign elements in Vietnam

    Law on investment with foreign elements in Vietnam

    The overall objective and viewpoint of the Law on Investment is to institutionalize the Party’s resolutions on perfecting the socialist-oriented market economy institution, developing the private economy and perfecting the political and economic institutions, improving the quality and efficiency of foreign investment cooperation until 2030. So about the matter “Law on investment with foreign elements in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Investment Law 2020 Objectives, general view of…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is foreign investment in Vietnam?

    What is foreign investment in Vietnam?

    With the increasing development needs of the market economy, many projects and works are built with support from foreign investors. Therefore, our Party and State have long issued many policies to support and create conditions to attract large foreign investors to Vietnam. So about the matter “What is foreign investment in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds: Investment Law 2020 What is foreign investment in Vietnam? Foreign investment is…

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  • Legal serviceWhat conditions must investors meet to invest in Vietnam?

    Foreign investment consulting services in Vietnam

    Vietnam is a developing country with a market rich in potential and value, attracting more and more attention and attracting foreign investors. However, the differences in language, culture, customs, as well as the legal corridor, are a huge barrier that makes foreign investors encounter many difficulties when they want to invest in Vietnam. So about the matter “Foreign investment consulting services in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal ground Investment…

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  • Legal serviceCases of buying an apartment need notarization in Vietnam

    Cases of buying an apartment need notarization in Vietnam

    I plan to buy an apartment in the center of Ba Dinh district next month to be more convenient at work. I have found an apartment that is quite satisfactory, the seller requires notarization of the apartment sale and purchase contract, I have a question that “Cases of buying an apartment need notarization in Vietnam” Hope for assistance in solving this problem, thank you very much! Legal grounds Housing Law 2014 Circular 257/2016/TT-BTC What is…

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  • Legal serviceAre bonuses in Vietnam subject to PIT

    Are bonuses in Vietnam subject to PIT?

    Dear lawyer, I am currently working for a foreign company in Vietnam, I see that the company has a very good incentive system for employees, especially with a fairly high bonus, so I always Try your best to get the bonus. However, I have a question my company’s bonus is quite high, if so, will it be subject to personal income tax? What are the regulations on the amounts for calculating personal income tax? Are…

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  • Legal serviceThe process of buying apartments from investors in Vietnam

    The process of buying apartments from investors in Vietnam

    In our future plan, my wife and I have found a quite satisfactory shared apartment in Dong Da district and plan to buy this apartment. However, there are some matters that we don’t know much, For example, we don’t know what documents I need to prepare to buy this apartment. So about the matter “The process of buying apartments from investors in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Housing…

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  • Legal serviceHow to build roadside houses under Vietnam law?

    How to build roadside houses under Vietnam law?

    Regulations on housing construction height are extracted from QCVN 01:2019/BXD compiled by the National Institute of Urban and Rural Planning, submitted by the Department of Science, Technology and Environment, and approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Decision, Ministry of Construction promulgates according to Circular 2018. So about the matter “How to build roadside houses under Vietnam law?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Construction Law 2014 Circular No.…

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  • Legal serviceContract of mortgage of land use rights in Vietnam

    Contract of mortgage of land use rights in Vietnam

    Mortgage of land use rights is one of the basic rights of land users. To be able to mortgage land use rights will need to meet the conditions of land law. When mortgaging land use rights, the parties must sign a mortgage contract. In the article below, Lawyer X will share with you a sample of the Contract of mortgage of land use rights in Vietnam and relevant laws. Hope this article brings a lot…

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