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  • Legal service

    Searching for business registration of individual business household in Vietnam

    Individual business household is one of the types chosen when an individual or household wants to do a small business. When establishing a business household, it is required to register as an individual household business. When cooperating with other companies, they may ask to see the business registration. Therefore, looking up individual household business registration is very necessary. Legal ground Law on Enterprise 2020 Individual business household Business household registration carried out by an individual…

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  • Legal serviceCases of copyright infringement and penalties in accordance with Vietnamese law

    Cases of copyright infringement and penalties in accordance with Vietnamese law

    Recent piracy is becoming a burning issue in society as many “hit” songs or million-view movies are recorded and broadcast on unofficial platforms for profit. So; cause a lot of damage to the author. So what are the cases of copyright infringement and how are they punished? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Cases of copyright infringement and penalties in accordance with Vietnamese law”, as follows: Legal grounds Law on Intellectual Property…

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  • Legal form

    Standard form of Single Status Certificate in Vietnam 2022

    Single certificate is an administrative document; used to confirm an individual’s marital status to carry out procedures such as marriage registration, performing the transaction of transferring land use rights, and other procedures. However, a lot of people don’t know how to write this kind of paper. So, LSX legal firm provides this article to give instructive information of “Standard form of Single Status Certificate in Vietnam 2022”. Legal grounds Law on marriage and family 2014…

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  • Legal serviceThe latest marriage record procedure according to Vietnamese law

    The latest marriage record procedure according to Vietnamese law

    Just like other civil status judicial procedures such as birth registration, marriage registration, confirmation of marital status, etc… The marriage note is also an important procedure. The implementation of this procedure marks a person who has performed the procedure of marriage abroad. However, when carrying out this procedure, many people are still confused because they do not understand the legal provisions. Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “The latest marriage record procedure…

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  • Legal servicebank card transactions

    Procedures for changing the legal representative of Vietnam

    In some special cases such as the death or disappearance of the legal representative of the company, etc., what is the procedure for changing the legal representative? Today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Procedures for changing the legal representative of Vietnam“, as follows: Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020 Regulations before carrying out procedures to change the legal representative Accordingly to the Enterprise Law 2020; for cases where the legal representative is missing,…

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  • Legal serviceInheritance rights of stepchildren in case of dispute in Vietnam

    Inheritance rights of stepchildren in case of dispute in Vietnam

    At each historical period, The nuclear family form is a factor that creates the social structure that will change in accordance with the objective circumstances. So; nowadays a family is not just a wife; husband; common children but also includes children of a spouse. When society arises stepfather relationship; stepmother and stepchild, new laws are prescribe for adjustment; including the law on inheritance. However, In fact, many individuals still confused about how to regulate the…

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  • Legal service

    Conditions for establishing a limited liability company in Vietnam

    The current Vietnamese legislation has regulations that are very open for business establishments. A limited liability company (LLC) is a business model with many advantages in terms of organizing and managing system. Therefore, many individuals and organizations aim to build their business as a limited liability company. However, when establishing a limited liability company, people must met certain conditions prescribed by the law. What are those? Follow this article to have an insight into the…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Advisory on establishing a single-member LLC in Vietnam

    In the present time, establishing a single-member limited liability company (LLC) is the ideal choice for many people. However, many of them do not know how to set up a single-member LLC. So, LSX legal firm will provide you with advice on establishing a single-member LLC in Vietnam. Therefore, LSX law firm will advise you on Advisory on establishing a single-member LLC in Vietnam Legal ground Law on Enterprise 2020 What is a single member…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is an international travel business?

    Solution when buying land with suspended planning in Vietnam

    The land is a rather special asset and receives the top attention of everyone. On the other hand, buying and selling land is now quite common, in some unfortunate cases, we can buy land with suspended planning. What should we do then to protect our legal rights? The following article, Lawyer X will help you answer questions related to the issue of “Solution when buying land with hanging planning in Vietnam”, as follows: Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceBoard of Directors in Joint Stock Company according to Vietnamese law

    Establishment of a foreign-invested company engaged in shipping business in Vietnam

    Foreign investors with modern equipment and extensive experience in the maritime sector in general; As well as shipping in particular, will have a great advantage if you contribute capital to establish a company with foreign capital doing shipping business in Vietnam. However, the issue of sea and islands is national sovereignty; and has a direct impact on national security. Therefore, Vietnamese law has quite strict regulations for foreign investors when doing business in this field.…

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