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  • Legal serviceDo signboards require permission in Vietnam?

    Do signboards require permission in Vietnam?

    When individuals, agencies, organizations or businesses want to promote their brands, improve their reputation as well as bring products and goods to the public, an indispensable activity is the advertisement. Advertising is the use of means by individuals and organizations according to their own purposes to bring products to people for the purpose of bringing profits to the subject of advertising. So about the matter “Do signboards require permission in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is alimony under Vietnam law?

    What is alimony under Vietnam law?

    In the daily life, divorce is something no one wants. But in reality, divorce will lead to many changes, arising, and termination of some rights and obligations, in which it can be said that divorce is the main cause of alimony obligations. So about the regulation of the law and anything related to the matter “What is alimony under Vietnam law?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on Marriage…

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  • Legal serviceCommon property of husband and wife under Vietnam law

    Common property of husband and wife under Vietnam law

    The institution of property of husband and wife has always been of interest to legal researchers, researched, and built into a separate, basic, and most important institution that is hard-coded in the Law on Marriage and Family through period. I find the problem of determining my joint and separate property quite troublesome. So about the matter “Common property of husband and wife under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal…

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  • Legal serviceWhat content does a citizen ID card with a chip include in Vietnam?

    What content does a citizen ID card with a chip include in Vietnam?

    he Ministry of Public Security started issuing barcode ID cards from 2016, so far 16 provinces and cities have been equipped with infrastructure to issue with over 16 million cards. In the remaining provinces and cities, citizens are using 9-digit and 12-digit ID cards. However, when the project to issue ID cards with electronic chips is started and implemented synchronously across the country, not all citizens are required to change to ID cards with electronic…

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  • Legal serviceHow are roadside encroachment handled in Vietnam?

    How are roadside encroachment handled in Vietnam?

    The orderly police, the quick response police, the mobile police, the police for the administrative management of social order within the ambit of their assigned functions and tasks, have the authority to sanction acts that encroach upon the hearts of the people. roadside. So about the matter “How are roadside encroachment handled in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Road Traffic Law 2008 Decree 100/2019/ND-CP What is roadside encroachment?…

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  • Legal serviceHow is illegal racing handled in Vietnam?

    How is illegal racing handled in Vietnam?

    Illegal racing is one of the most common problems in today’s society. This behavior is potentially very dangerous for the racers themselves as well as other road users around. There are many punishments to handle with this kind of behavior depending on their level of seriousness. So about the matter “How is illegal racing handled in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Decree 123/2021/ND-CP Criminal Code 2015 Understanding what…

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  • Legal serviceLabels of imported goods in Vietnam

    Labels of imported goods in Vietnam

    Nowadays, in the market, commercial activities thrive strongly. Goods are more diverse and richer in both quality and types not only domestically produced goods but also imported goods from other countries. Each type of good is labeled to help consumers have more information to shop and choose goods. In this article, LSX legal firm would like to provide you with regulations regarding: “Labels of imported goods in Vietnam” Legal grounds Decree 43/2017/ND-CP Decree 111/2021/ND-CP Regulations…

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  • Legal serviceCauses of business and commercial disputes in Vietnam

    Business and commercial disputes in Vietnam

    Commercial activities conducted for the purpose of profit-making, including buying and selling of goods, providing services, investing, promoting trade, and other activities for profit-making purposes. Commercial dispute means conflicts and disagreements over rights and obligations between parties in the process of carrying out commercial activities. In this article, LSX legal firm will give you an insight into: “Causes of business and commercial disputes in Vietnam” Legal grounds Law on Commercial Arbitration 2010 Civil Procedure Code…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for transferring the name of a red book for donation in Vietnam

    Procedures for transferring the name of a red book for donation in Vietnam

    LSX Legal firm received a question from our customer: “How does the law regulate the issue of land donation? I have a lot of land and want to give it to my daughter on the occasion of her marriage. However, I do not know how to transfer the name of a red book as a gift. Do I need to pay taxes when giving land to my daughter? How do I carry out the procedures…

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  • Legal serviceHow many principles to protect cyber security in Vietnam?

    How many principles to protect cyber security in Vietnam?

    With the development of science and technology, network security becomes more and more important as smartphones, computers and tablets are an integral part of our daily work and personal lives. Along with that is the degree of dependence on online tools, besides it also requires regulations on security and safety when using the network of each individual. To answer the question “How many principles to protect cyber security in Vietnam?”, you can refer to our…

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