Block Title

  • Legal serviceDoes the will need a witness in Vietnam?

    Does the will need a witness in Vietnam?

    A will must not be abbreviated or written in symbols, if the will consists of many pages, each page must be numbered and signed or marked by the testator. In case a will has been erased or corrected, the person who wrote the will or testified to it must sign his/her signature next to the place where the will is erased or corrected. So about the matter “Does the will need a witness in Vietnam?”…

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  • Legal serviceWhen is the contract of mortgage of land use rights in Vietnam invalid

    When is the contract of mortgage of land use rights in Vietnam invalid?

    Hello lawyer, before, my family’s land was household land because my father was in the name of the land use right certificate. I have all 4 siblings. My younger brother mortgaged the household land while the rest of the members didn’t know anything. Is this contract void? When is the contract of mortgage of land use rights in Vietnam invalid? Looking forward to helping my counsel. I would like to express my sincere thanks to…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on future house purchase and sale contracts in Vietnam

    Regulations on future house purchase and sale contracts in Vietnam

    Condominiums have become a popular form of housing in cities, especially big cities. The image of high-rise apartment buildings has now become a symbol and a way of life for many people. But to build an apartment building takes a lot of time and cost. This leads to the situation that many apartment buildings, although nearly completed, were unable to be completed due to lack of capital. To solve this problem, many contractors have opened…

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  • Legal serviceWhere can I register my birth certificate again in Vietnam

    Where can I register my birth certificate again in Vietnam?

    Birth certificate registration is an important document to carry out and solve the necessary legal problems of each individual in the future, making a great contribution to civil status management. However, in the process of storing and moving for many reasons, it is inevitable that individuals and families lose or damage or damage birth certificates. So about the matter “Where can I register my birth certificate again in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in…

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  • Legal serviceObligations of the parties in the property loan contract

    Obligations of the parties in the property loan contract in Vietnam

    Property loan contract is a common civil contract under which the lender delivers the property to the borrower; when due, the borrower must return to the borrower property of the same type in the correct quantity and quality and only pay interest if so agreed or prescribed by law. So about the matter “Obligations of the parties in the property loan contract in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceRegulation on resettlement land area in Vietnam

    Regulation on resettlement land area in Vietnam

    Currently, the status of resettlement in our State’s land policy is considered as one of the hot issues, often causing a lot of controversy between the people and the government. The Government’s compensation, site clearance and resettlement support still face many difficulties. This is partly because the policies regulating resettlement for people are not suitable enough and partly because people do not fully understand their rights and obligations when there is a decision on land…

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  • Legal serviceWomen's rights in divorce according to Vietnam law

    Women’s rights in divorce according to Vietnam law

    Hello LSX, after 5 years of living together, my husband and I are not compatible, so we will go to court for divorce soon. As far as I know in divorce, there must be more favorable regulations for women, I wonder what those rights are, so that I can refer to it in my upcoming divorce process. . To answer the question “Women’s rights in divorce according to Vietnam law” and to understand some issues…

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  • Legal serviceExperience in making a deposit to buy a house in Vietnam

    Experience in making a deposit to buy a house in Vietnam

    When performing a real estate transaction, for various reasons, the parties agree to deposit a sum of money to ensure the performance of their obligations. Through a deposit, the parties can achieve their goals as the seller is assured that the buyer will buy and the buyer is guaranteed from the seller not to sell to other third parties or the seller does not. price increase during deposit. So about the matter “Experience in making…

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  • Legal serviceCompany defer salary payments for employees in Vietnam

    Company defer salary payments for employees in Vietnam

    Hi Lawyer, I signed a labor contract to work for a company within 3 months. In the contract, it is clearly stated that salary will be paid on the 28th of every month. However, when I asked about the pay day, the company announced that I would postpone my salary this month and will pay it next month because I was off close to the date of receiving my salary. So I want to ask…

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  • Legal serviceTax on contractors buying foreign software in Vietnam

    Tax on contractors buying foreign software in Vietnam

    “Hello Lawyer X. My company is currently the investor of 1 project. We decided to choose a contractor online, but since this is our first time, we are not very clear on the issues related to this. So, hope the lawyer can help me answer the tax on contractors buying foreign software in Vietnam. Ask a lawyer for help”. In foreign investment activities, the phrase contractor tax is very common. So, what is the law…

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