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  • Legal serviceCan industrial land in Vietnam be converted into residential land

    Can industrial land in Vietnam be converted into residential land?

    “Hello Lawyer X. My family has a piece of land that has been identified as industrial land by a competent State agency. Now, due to the need, I want to convert this land to residential land, but I don’t know the law on this issue? Can industrial land in Vietnam be converted into residential land? What is the order of permitting the change of land use purpose and the implementation time? Looking forward to the…

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  • Legal serviceAgricultural land rental price in Vietnam

    Agricultural land rental price in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer. I plan to lease agricultural land from the state to do farming. However, I do not know how to calculate the 50-year agricultural land rental price in Vietnam? Because my understanding of the law is still not high, I really need the help and support of a lawyer, I hope the lawyer will provide me with information about the law on this issue. We look forward to hearing from you as soon as…

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  • Legal serviceGeneral regulations on the securities market in Vietnam

    General regulations on the securities market in Vietnam

    The securities market play an important role in motivating the economic development. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: Dear Lawyer! I am a foreigner investor and want to buy stock, bonds in Vietnam. I want to comprehend more about legal regulations on the securities market in Vietnam. What are primary policies on development of the securities market in Vietnam? What are measures for assurance of security and safety of…

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  • Legal serviceInterim urgent measures in commercial arbitration in Vietnam 

    Interim urgent measures in commercial arbitration in Vietnam 

    Vietnam Law has regulations on Interim urgent measures in commercial arbitration. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! Our company are having disputes with another company, which are resolved by commercial arbitration. I want to request for interim urgent measures. Therefore, I want to ask who has the right to request application of interim urgent measures in commercial arbitration in Vietnam? What are regulations on The arbitration council’s…

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  • Legal serviceInitiation of lawsuits in commercial arbitration in Vietnam 

    Initiation of lawsuits in commercial arbitration in Vietnam 

    Initiation of lawsuits is a very first step in commercial arbitration. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! Our company has a commercial dispute with another company in Vietnam. We intend to bring the dispute to a commercial arbitration center. I want to ask what are regulations on Petitions and enclosed documents in commercial arbitration in Vietnam? What are regulations on Time of commencing arbitral proceedings? What are…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for bank loans under Vietnam law

    Conditions for bank loans under Vietnam law

    Bank loans are one of the effective financial solutions, flexibly supporting many different credit needs, from consumption to business. Each bank will have a list of bank loan conditions associated with its specific loan products. However, the basic conditions for this type of loan are similar to that of most lending institutions. So about the matter “Conditions for bank loans under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in th article below. Legal grounds Law…

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  • Legal serviceRight to pick up children after divorce under Vietnam law

    Right to pick up children after divorce under Vietnam law

    Divorce is not simply the legal termination of a husband and wife relationship. Accordingly, even after completing the divorce procedure, the husband and wife will still have other relationships such as raising and visiting children when they divorce. Currently, many couples argue with each other over the issue of child visitation upon divorce. So about the matter “Right to pick up children after divorce under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article…

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  • Legal serviceEarly payment of land use levy in Vietnam

    Early payment of land use levy in Vietnam

    Land use levy is the amount of money that a land user must pay to the State upon being allocated land with collection of land use levy, permission to change the land use purpose, and recognition of land use rights. Thus, land use levy is the financial obligation of land users (including individuals using land) to pay the State for the used land area. So about the matter “Early payment of land use levy in…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the crime of selling land illegally in Vietnam?

    What is the crime of selling land illegally in Vietnam?

    The illegal sale of land is happening very often in recent times. Sale of land, also known as transfer of land use rights, is one of the rights of organizations and individuals using land. The Land Law already stipulates the conditions for land users to exercise this right to transfer. Some individuals and organizations, even though they know that they do not have the authority to sell land, still commit illegal acts. this. So about…

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  • Legal serviceIs it legal to withhold employee salaries in Vietnam

    Is it legal to withhold employee salaries in Vietnam?

    “Hello Lawyer. I am a fresh graduate. I applied for a job in a company, but when the labor contract was signed, the company asked to withhold the employee’s salary for the first month. So, please let me know if the provision of temporary salary detention is legal? I really need the help and support of a lawyer, I hope the lawyer can provide me with information about the law on this issue. We look…

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