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  • Legal knowledgeChanges in registration contents of RO of private enterprises

    FDI enterprises have to audit financial statements in Viet Nam

    Auditing financial statements in order to evaluate the truthfulness and reasonableness of financial statements in accordance with accounting standards and accounting regimes promulgated by competent agencies and organizations; increase users’ confidence in financial statements. Let’s learn more about FDI enterprises have to audit financial statements with LSX Law firm. Legal grounds Law on Independent Audit Decree No. 17/2012/ND-CP guiding the Law on Independent Audit Does a foreign-invested company have to audit financial statements? Accordingly clause…

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  • Legal knowledgeFees for licensing the establishment of representative offices in Vietnam

    Procedures for investment capital contribution in Vietnam

    The State treats investors equally; adopt policies to encourage and create favorable conditions for investors to conduct business investment activities and to develop sustainably economic sectors. One of the most popular forms of investment in Vietnam for foreign investors is: Capital contribution; share purchase; purchase of capital contribution to an enterprise. Let’s find out procedures for investment capital contribution in Vietnam with LSX Law firm in the following article. Legal grounds Enterprise law 2020 Investment…

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  • Legal service

    Dossier for the registration for trade names protection in Vietnam

    Practically, using a trade name means performing an act for commercial purposes. Indeed, trade names mostly appear in transaction documents, signs, products, etc. goods, goods packaging; and means of services provision and advertising. Yet, if one wishes to protect its trade names, he/she must carry out the procedure following the law. So, what is the dossier for the registration for trade names protection in Vietnam? LSX will give you a brief in this article. Legal…

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  • Legal service

    What are the protection conditions for trade names in Vietnam?

    When having a trading name, businesses may wish to protect it legally. In fact, in Vietnam, any trade name will need to fulfill the requirements of the law; in order to register protection. So, what are the protection conditions for trade names in Vietnam? Let’s find out in this article. Legal ground 2005 Intellectual Property Law Definition of trade names Accordingly, a trade name is the name of an organization; or individual used in business…

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  • Legal knowledge

    What is Industrial Property?

    In order for modern society to achieve great achievements in science, engineering, and technology as it is today, people have maximized the creative ability of the brain. For a long time, people have been protecting the fruits of creative works in many ways. In particular, the law plays an important role when stipulating specific legal regulations on industrial property rights in particular and intellectual property rights in general, in order to protect the rights of…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Procedures for trademark registration

    Trademark is an important factor for consumers to distinguish goods and services of different individuals or organizations. Therefore, the state must protect trademarks and deter other individuals/organizations from using and counterfeiting trademarks. So, what are the procedures for trademark registration? Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm. Legal Ground Law on Intellectual Property 2005 amended and supplemented in 2009;Decree 131/2013/ND-CP;119/2010/ND-CPDecree 105/2006/ND-CP Consulting Contents Trademark is a special sign (tangible and intangible) to identify…

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  • Legal servicea foreign bank branch

    Dossier of application for a license to establish a foreign bank branch

    Dossier of application for a license to establish a foreign bank branch. What is a foreign bank branch? Conditions for licensing the establishment of foreign bank branches. Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Legal grounds – Law on credit institutions 2010, amended and supplemented in 2017 – Circular No. 40/2011/TT-NHNN – Circular No. 28/2018/TT-NHNN – Circular No. 25/2019/TT-NHNN  What is a foreign bank branch? As can be seen, a foreign…

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  • Legal knowledge

    How will trademark infringement be handled?

    Trademark is a sign that distinguishes goods between businesses. In addition, trademarks also help consumers recognize and evaluate a company’s product reviews. In fact, trademarks hold an important place in the trade of goods, services. A trademark that is trusted by consumers; or becomes famous not only in the country but also in other countries will mark the name of the business enterprise. As a result, many trademark infringement acts have occurred. So how will…

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  • Legal servicea joint venture bank, a bank with 100% foreign capital

    Dossier to establish a joint venture bank a bank with 100% foreign capital

    Dossier to establish a joint venture bank, a bank with 100% foreign capital. What is a joint venture bank? What is a bank with 100% foreign capital? Conditions for licensing the establishment of a joint venture bank, a bank with 100% foreign capital. Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Legal grounds – Law on credit institutions 2010, amended and supplemented in 2017 – Circular No. 40/2011/TT-NHNN – Circular No. 28/2018/TT-NHNN…

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  • Legal service

    Procedure for the registration of inventions under Vietnamese Law

    Accordingly, if the owner of any invention wishes to register the invention in Vietnam, they must carry out the required procedure. So, what is the procedure for the registration of inventions under Vietnamese Law? Let’s find out with LSX! Legal ground 2005 Intellectual Property Law Dossier for registration of inventions Hence the regulation of Intellectual Property Law, a dossier for the registration of inventions will contain the following documents: Patent nameBrief technical description, drawings, diagramsKnown…

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