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  • Legal knowledge

    Foreign investors establish video game companies

    With many preferential and supportive policies for foreign investors, in recent years, the number of foreign investors investing in Vietnam has been increasing. One of the industries often chosen by foreign investors is the video game business. In addition, video game business is one of the conditional business fields; so when foreign investors establish video game companies, they need to meet the requirements and conditions. To understand more about this issue as well as understand…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Foreign investors establish delivery service business in Viet Nam

    Vietnam is considered as a large market to develop the express delivery service industry both domestically and internationally. Seeing that potential, many companies have been established by foreign investors to provide express delivery services. As a foreign investors establish delivery service business in Viet Nam; what procedures should be followed? Let’s go with LSX Law Firm to find the answer through the following article! Legal grounds Decree No. 118/2015/ND-CP Decree No. 78/2015/ND-CP Law on Investment…

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  • Legal knowledge

    Foreign investors establish accounting company in Vietnam

    Currently, small and medium-sized companies often prefer to use accounting services instead of setting up a separate accounting department in the company. Therefore, the establishment of companies providing accounting services is increasingly focused; especially companies of foreign investors. As a foreign investors establish accounting company in Vietnam; what documents; and procedures should be prepared to avoid legal risks? Let’s find out with LSX Law firm through the following article! Legal grounds Investment Law 2020 Enterprise…

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  • Legal knowledgeProcedures for separation of a limited company with 100% foreign capital

    Procedures for merging foreign-invested enterprises in Viet Nam

    Business merger is always a problem that makes businesses, especially foreign-invested enterprises, difficult in preparing documents with complicated processes. Understanding that situation, LSX Law firm will provide you with the necessary information and procedures for merging foreign-invested enterprises to meet the merger of businesses in Vietnam. Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020 Decree 47/2021/ND-CP detailing the Law on Enterprises; Decree 01/2021/ND-CP on enterprise registration; Competition Law 2018. Procedures for merging foreign-invested enterprises Accordingly the spirit of…

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  • Legal serviceEstablishment permit adjustment Representative Office

    Procedure for company mergers under Vietnamese Law

    When operating a business in Vietnam, there might be cases where entrepreneurs wish to merge their businesses with another. Under this circumstance, the enterprise law requires businesses to carry on the procedure for company mergers; which may sound complex. Therefore, in this article, LSX will give you a brief on the issue. Legal ground 2020 Enterprise Law What is company mergers? Company mergers mean one or several companies (hereinafter referred to as the merged company)…

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  • Legal serviceConditions for granting a license to establish a foreign representative office

    Responsibilities of agencies in consular contact organizations

    Responsibilities of agencies in consular contact organizations. Coordination in organizing consular contacts and Consular contact time. Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Legal grounds Circular 01/2018/TTLT-BCA-BQP-TANDTC-VKSNDTC Decree 120/2017/ND-CP Responsibilities of agencies, organizations, and individuals in consular contact organizations Responsibilities of agencies in consular contact organizations: Firstly, Heads of detention facilities shall organize consular contact for diplomatic missions and consular offices with foreign nationals held in custody or temporary detention; and…

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  • Legal service

    What is consular contact? Consular contact organization

    Determination of nationality of persons held in custody or temporary detention. What is consular contact? Consular contact organization. Cases that do not resolve consular contact. Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Legal grounds Decree 120/2017/ND-CP Determination of nationality of persons held in custody or temporary detention According to Article 11 of Decree 120/2017/ND-CP, the determination of nationality of persons held in custody or temporary detention is as follows: Specifically, in…

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  • Legal service

    Dossier of application for approval of investment policy for 100% foreign-invested enterprises

    When a foreign investor enters Vietnam to invest in a project, he/she must carry out procedures to apply for an Investment Registration Certificate. However, before carrying out the procedures to apply for an Investment Registration Certificate, in some cases, the investor must register the investment policy under the authority of the Prime Minister or the provincial People’s Committee. Dossier of application for approval of investment policy for 100% foreign-invested enterprises?  Let us learn about this…

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  • Legal service

    Regulations on foreign organizations in Vietnam

    Regulations on foreign organizations in Vietnam. What is a foreign organization in Vietnam? Nationality of a foreign organization. Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Legal ground Enterprise Law 2020 Decree No. 12/2012/ND-CP Definition of a foreign organization Foreign organization means an organization established under foreign or international law. According to the provisions of Clause 32, Article 4 of the Enterprise Law 2020; a foreign organization is an organization; established in…

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  • Legal service

    Steps to establish a company with 100% foreign capital

    To establish a 100% foreign-invested enterprise; a foreign investor must apply for an Investment Certificate and send it to the Investment Certificate-issuing agency. Steps to establish a company with 100% foreign capital? Let us learn about this topic with LSX Law firm below: Steps to establish a company with 100% foreign capital Step 1: Register the investment policy at the competent authority to establish a company with 100% foreign capital When a foreign investor enters…

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