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  • Legal serviceWhen do I apply for a permit to build a rural house in Vietnam?

    When do I apply for a permit to build a rural house in Vietnam?

    Housing is one of the issues that many people care about. But in the process of building a house there will be certain differences. Unlike the construction of urban houses, the construction of rural houses in some cases will be exempted from construction permits according to regulations. So about the matter “When do I apply for a permit to build a rural house in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal…

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  • Legal serviceWhat are the manifestations of domestic violence in Vietnam?

    What are the manifestations of domestic violence in Vietnam?

    Currently, when we are gradually developing the country, trying to build a civilized society, somewhere around us there are still cases of domestic violence. Domestic violence is always a burning problem in society, it manifests in many different ways and leaves many great consequences. Children most affected are children. Violent acts are divided into many types, divided into different types depending on each person’s perspective: visible violence and invisible violence; violence against women and children……

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on land inheritance under Vietnam law

    Buying land after divorce under Vietnam law

    Divorce is the termination of the husband and wife relationship according to an effective court judgment or decision. From the time of termination of the marital relationship, the husband and wife will no longer have any relationship with each other, unless the issues of children and property have not been resolved. So about the matter “Buying land after divorce under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on land Inheritance under Vietnam law

    Regulations on land inheritance under Vietnam law

    Hello LSX. Currently, I have a question related to the inheritance division procedure, hope to be supported by a lawyer. My father owned a piece of land, now my father suddenly passed away due to a traffic accident, did not leave a will and my grandparents also passed away for a long time. I have a question in this case my mother, me and my sister want to share this estate. So about the matter…

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  • Legal serviceTax on 100% foreign owned enterprises in Vietnam

    Tax on 100% foreign owned enterprises in Vietnam

    “Hi Lawyer, my company is a company with 100% foreign capital, so how is the tax declaration for my company regulated? Lawyer let me ask Tax on 100% foreign owned enterprise I would like to thank you very much for answering my question“. Thank you for sending us your question. To be able to provide you with tax information on 100% foreign owned enterprises in Vietnam, Lawyer X invites you to refer to our article…

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  • Legal serviceTax policy for export processing enterprises in Vietnam

    Tax policy for export processing enterprises in Vietnam

    Dear lawyer, I am one of the local export processing enterprises, witnessing the scene of people growing agricultural products that cannot be sold, so I opened a business to process dried fruit products for export. Because it’s just opened, it’s still quite difficult, I want to ask a lawyer to advise on tax policies of the state to partially support the costs of the business. Can a lawyer advise me what is the current tax…

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  • Legal serviceHow much is the fine for a noise violation in Vietnam?

    How much is the fine for a noise violation in Vietnam?

    Nowadays, noise pollution is a very common type of pollution in big cities, especially in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The current law has quite strict regulations on sanctioning when making noise for other people, depending on the severity of the violation, corresponding fines are given. So about the matter “How much is the fine for a noise violation in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Circular 39/2010/TT-BTNMT…

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  • Legal serviceEnvironmental protection tax incentives in Vietnam

    Environmental protection tax incentives in Vietnam

    Tax policy to protect the environment is an effective method to prevent environmental pollutants, harmonize the beneficial relations between society and businesses, strengthen social relations, encourage awareness of people in saving, reducing waste in the process of exploiting as well as using natural resources and strengthening measures to protect the environment. Tax incentives for environmental protection have seen many positive changes in recent years. To learn more about “Environmental protection tax incentives in Vietnam” and…

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  • Legal serviceTrademark registration process in Vietnam

    Trademark registration process in Vietnam

    Nowadays, brands, companies, etc. are increasing rapidly. This makes competitive pressure and the demand for exclusivity increase. When a business is formed, the first important thing they need to do is register for trademark protection. This brings a lot of benefits and benefits to businesses. So why is trademark registration so important, and what is the registration process like? Lawyer X will clarify in the most complete way in this article. Legal grounds Law on…

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  • Legal serviceCan a clinic in Vietnam be granted a practicing certificate?

    Can a clinic in Vietnam be granted a practicing certificate?

    “Dear lawyer, I just finished my medical college, currently working at a clinic in the district. Can a lawyer advise me when I work at the clinic, can I get a practicing certificate? What are the conditions for granting la? How long does it take to work at the clinic to receive a practicing certificate? Please consult a lawyer”. Thank you for sending us your question, to answer your questions as well as the question…

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