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  • Legal serviceEnvironmental crimes are regulated in which Vietnam law?

    Environmental crimes are regulated in which Vietnam law?

    Environmental crimes are acts that are dangerous to society, infringing on social relations in the field of environment related to the protection of the natural environment, rational use of natural resources and conservation of the environment and environmental protection for humans. Thereby causing serious damage directly or indirectly to the natural environment and human living environment. So about the matter “Environmental crimes are regulated in which Vietnam law?” Let’s find out with LSX in the…

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  • Legal serviceOrigin of land use in the red book under Vietnam law

    Origin of land use in the red book under Vietnam law

    Hello Lawyer X! The land use book will have a section stating the origin of land use, this is the information to know where the land user has the right to use the land. From there, use the land for the right purpose and origin of land use. I’m about to make a red book, but I don’t know how to determine the origin of land use. So about the matter “Origin of land use…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for capital contribution to JSC in Vietnam

    Procedures for capital contribution to JSC in Vietnam

    The Enterprise Law 2020 has created an equal business environment among entities, recognizing the right to do business. Joint stock company is a popular type of business and is chosen by many people when it is established because of many advantages, including the advantage of easily raising capital. What is the procedure for capital contribution to JSC in Vietnam? Please refer to the following article of Lawyer X. Legal grounds: Enterprise Law 2020Decree 01/2020/ND-CP. The…

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  • Legal serviceHandling overdue land under Vietnam law

    Handling overdue land under Vietnam law

    Land is an area of ​​land with a specific boundary, location, area and relatively stable or variable but cyclical and predictable properties that affect land use in the future. present and future of natural, socio-economic factors such as: soil, climate, topography, geomorphology, geology, hydrology, vegetation, resident animals and production activities of People. Land limit is a term that refers to the limit of agricultural land that individuals and organizations are entitled to use for production.…

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  • Legal serviceDividing land use rights after divorce in Vietnam

    Dividing land use rights after divorce in Vietnam

    Nowadays, along with the industrialization and modernization, the demand for land use is increasing day by day. In order to achieve development and make optimal use of land resources, Vietnamese law has introduced legal provisions on land use rights, meaning both to help the State effectively implement the management of land. and protect the rights of land users. Therefore, the current Land Law 2013 has very specific provisions on the legal nature of land use…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on the employment of elderly workers in Vietnam

    Regulations on the employment of elderly workers in Vietnam

    Does working with the elderly need to sign a labor contract? Many companies continue to hire older workers based on their job readiness and professional readiness, which brings many benefits to companies. In order to continue employing older people, companies must pay attention to several aspects related to working conditions and working hours. Find out with Lawyer X about regulations on the employment of elderly workers in Vietnam. Legal grounds Labor Code 2019 Can elderly…

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  • Legal serviceUnlawful agreements when signing labor contracts in Vietnam

    Unlawful agreements when signing labor contracts in Vietnam

    When signing a labor contract, there are many cases where the employer takes advantage of the ignorance of the employee to set up illegal agreements forcing the employee to comply. In order to help employees avoid the negative, in order to protect their rights, Lawyer X would like to summarize a number of unlawful agreements when signing labor contracts in Vietnam. Please read the article below! Legal grounds Labor Code 2019Decree 12/2022/ND-CP Regulations on labor…

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  • Legal serviceProcedure for exclusive trademark registration in Vietnam

    Procedure for exclusive trademark registration in Vietnam

    Currently, most businesses are very interested in trademark protection to limit acts of trademark infringement, and at the same time protect the honor and reputation of the business itself. However, many businesses wonder about the regulations related to the issue of exclusive trademark registration. So about the matter “Procedure for exclusive trademark registration in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Consolidation document 07/VBHN-VPQH 2019 Law on Intellectual Property 2005…

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  • Legal serviceThe compensation for land for perennial crops is under Vietnam law

    The compensation for perennial crops land under Vietnam law

    Land for growing perennial crops is a type of land in the group of agricultural land specified in Article 10 of the Land Law 2013 in Clause 1. Circular 27/2018/TT-BTNMT stipulating the inventory and statistics of land promulgated together with Appendix 01, the land for planting perennial crops is the land used for planting perennial plants. A land where crops are grown once and have the characteristics of growing and harvesting from that crop for…

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  • Legal serviceCompensation for building houses on agricultural land in Vietnam

    Compensation for building houses on agricultural land in Vietnam

    Hello, my name is Hai, my family previously built a house on agricultural land. This land is according to the information in the planning of the road and now my family has received a permit to move to prepare for construction. However, I wonder if my house will be compensated when moving because I have built a house illegally before. So, can a lawyer help me build a house on agricultural land with compensation or…

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