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  • Legal serviceRegulations on donating land for rural roads in Vietnam

    Regulations on donating land for rural roads in Vietnam

    Hello LSX. I currently live and work in my locality, recently it was decided in my area to rebuild rural roads. I have a question, how many meters must the widest rural road be in accordance with the regulations. In addition, I want to donate a bit of the remaining land of my house to build a road for the village, but I don’t know the current regulations on donating land for rural roads. So…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on financial statements in Vietnam 

    Regulations on financial statements in Vietnam 

    Vietnam law has regulations on financial statements. To know more about this issue, we can find the answers for these questions: What are regulations on Financial statements of accounting units in Vietnam? What are regulations on Financial statements of the State? What are Manners and deadline for publishing financial statements? Lawyer X hope that the following article will provide you vital information! Legal grounds  2015 Vietnam Law on accounting  Financial statements of accounting units  –…

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  • Legal serviceGeneral regulations on accounting records and accounting books in Vietnam 

    General regulations on accounting records and accounting books in Vietnam 

    Accounting records and accounting books are very important in accounting activities in Vietnam. What are Contents of accounting records according to Vietnam’s Law? What are regulations on making and retention of accounting records in Vietnam? Let’s answer these questions with lawyer X through this article! Legal grounds  2015 Vietnam Law on accounting  Contents of accounting records  An accounting record must have:  Name and number of the accounting record;  Date of the accounting record;  Name, address…

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  • Legal serviceCan non-agricultural land be used as a factory in Vietnam?

    Can non-agricultural land be used as a factory in Vietnam?

    At present, it can be said that for a developing country like Vietnam, the advocacy as well as the issuance of preferential policies for individuals and organizations to make the transition from purely agricultural to modern industrial orientation is very important. of course the government is concerned. Therefore, the fact that our State has given a lot of incentives has made individuals and organizations oriented to develop strongly in recent years. So about the matter…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is land use levy debt under Vietnam law?

    What is land use levy debt under Vietnam law?

    When a household, individual or economic organization, a person with Vietnamese nationality living and settling in a foreign country, or a foreign-invested enterprise wants to ask the State for permission to change the use purpose. If they ask for land allocation or recognition of land use rights by the State, these subjects must fulfill the obligation to pay land use levy. The payment of land use levy has an important meaning in ensuring the above…

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  • Legal serviceGeneral legal regulations on accounting in Vietnam 

    General legal regulations on accounting in Vietnam 

    Accounting activities are very important to business of any enterprises. It is necessary to learn and understand how the laws regulate accounting in Vietnam. What are accounting principles prescribed by Vietnam law? What are Accounting standards and codes of ethics for accountants? Let’s find out through this article with Lawyer X! Hope that you will find the answers you are looking for! Legal grounds  2015 Vietnam Law on Accounting  Regulations on Accounting objectives  – Collecting,…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on road transportation activities in Vietnam 

    Regulations on road transportation activities in Vietnam 

    Vietnam Law has regulations on road transportation activities. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what do road transportation activities in Viet Nam include? What are regulations on Working time of automobile drivers in Viet Nam? What are regulations on Commercial transportation by car? Thanks for answering my question?”  Legal grounds 2008 Vietnam Law on Road traffic    Working time of automobile drivers  – In…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on operators of vehicles joining in road traffic in Vietnam

    Regulations on operators of vehicles joining in road traffic in Vietnam 

    Vietnam Law has general regulations on operators of vehicles joining in road traffic. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear lawyer! I want to ask what are regulations on driver licenses in Vietnam? What are regulations on Age and health of drivers? What are regulations on Driver training, examination to grant driver licenses? Thanks for answering my questions!”  Legal grounds 2008 Vietnam Law on Road traffic      Regulations on Driver licenses …

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  • Legal serviceCases of coercive land recovery under Vietnam law

    Cases of coercive land recovery under Vietnam law

    Coercive land recovery means a competent State agency recovers the land use rights of the person to whom the State grants the land use right, or recovers the land of the land user who violates the land law when there is a land use right. decision on land acquisition that the land user does not comply with. So about the matter “Cases of coercive land recovery under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in…

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  • Legal serviceHow to deal with illegal land allocation under Vietnam law?

    How to deal with illegal land allocation under Vietnam law?

    Currently, there are still cases of households and individuals using the allocated land illegally. According to Clause 1, Article 23 of Decree No. 43/2014/ND-CP, land allocated against the authority (incorrect jurisdiction) includes cases where the head of a residential area or the commune-level People’s Committee allocates land improperly. according to the provisions of the law on land from time to time. At the same time, land allocation without authority also includes cases where an organization…

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