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  • Legal servicewhere-to-pay-non-agricultural-land-tax-under-vietnam-law

    Where to pay non-agricultural land tax under Vietnam law?

    In Vietnam, non-agricultural land is one of the most popular forms. According to the law, when using non-agricultural land, land users will have to pay non-agricultural land tax. But many people still do not know which authority to submit the application to. So about the matter “Where to pay non-agricultural land tax under Vietnam law?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Law on non-agricultural land use tax…

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  • Legal serviceLand acquisition for national security and defense in Vietnam

    Land acquisition for national security and defense in Vietnam

    Land recovery has been regulated since the first Land Law of our country in 1987 in Article 14. It stipulates that land should be recovered when it needs to be used for the needs of the State or the whole society. Because for the recovery of land for national security, it is necessary to strictly stipulate the order and procedures for land recovery in order to ensure democracy, publicity and fairness in the ground clearance…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on management and use of apartment buildings in Vietnam

    Regulations on management and use of apartment buildings in Vietnam

    Vietnam Law has regulations on management and use of apartment buildings. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are regulations on classification of apartment buildings in Vietnam? What are regulations on useful life of apartment buildings? What are regulations on Regulations on Management board of the apartment building? Thanks for answering my questions!” Legal grounds 2014 Vietnam Law on Housing Classification of apartment…

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  • Legal serviceThe regulation on construction on forest land in Vietnam

    The regulation on construction on forest land in Vietnam

    In our country, land is a priceless property that attracts many care from the individuals. Forest land plays an extremely important role in the logging industry because of its use value. Therefore, learning about this soil is extremely important for its sustainable development.So about the matter “The regulation on construction on forest land in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Circular 25/2009/TT-BNN What is forest land?…

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  • Legal serviceHow is production forest land regulated in Vietnam?

    How is production forest land regulated in Vietnam?

    There are many forms of land in Vietnam according to the regulations of the law. Currently, forest land is an extremely valuable and important resource for our country. It plays a huge role in the fight against natural disasters, storms and economic development. So about the matter “How is production forest land regulated in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 What crops can be grown on…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the land price adjustment coefficient under Vietnam law?

    What is the land price adjustment coefficient under Vietnam law?

    In Vietnam, land is a property that is most valuable. Land is an exciting investment field with real estate projects. The real estate business is governed by land prices. To ensure the stability of land prices, the land price adjustment coefficient was established. So about the matter “What is the land price adjustment coefficient under Vietnam law?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Decree 44/2014/ND-CP What is…

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  • Legal serviceforms-of-business-in-land-use-rights-in-vietnam

    Forms of business in land use rights in Vietnam

    In Vietnam, nowadays the state allows people to use land use rights in business. That is why there are many real estate companies born in Vietnam, of which one of the the most famous real estate companies are Novaland, Vinhome Groups, Dat Xanh Group and so on. So about the matter “Forms of business in land use rights in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Law…

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  • Legal serviceRegistering mortgage of land use rights under Vietnam law

    Registering mortgage of land use rights under Vietnam law

    Hello LSX. Nowadays, land is becoming a matter of great concerns to many individuals. I learned that the law on mortgage of land use rights is one of the basic rights of land users. Now my family’s business is at a loss, so we have to mortgage our land use rights. So about the matter “Registering mortgage of land use rights under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds…

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  • Legal serviceSolving land disputes without statute of limitations in Vietnam

    Solving land disputes without statute of limitations in Vietnam

    When it comes to land disputes, most of the parties in the dispute are interested in the statute of limitations for initiating lawsuits. Regulations on land law will vary depending on the type of dispute, but the statute of limitations for initiating a lawsuit will vary. So about he matter “Solving land disputes without statute of limitations in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Civil Procedure…

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  • Legal serviceHow to apply for a social insurance unit code online in Vietnam?

    How to apply for a social insurance unit code online in Vietnam?

    “Hello, Lawyer. My name is Thuy Trang, I am currently working at a local business. I have been assigned the task of issuing a Social Insurance unit code to process some related documents. However, I really don’t know how to do this and with the nature of the job, it is difficult to travel, can I apply for a social insurance unit code via the online website? How is social insurance online? Ask a lawyer…

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