Block Title

  • Legal serviceRegulations on marriage fraud under Vietnam law

    Regulations on marriage fraud under Vietnam law

    Marriage is on the voluntary basis of both parties to establish a husband and wife relationship for the purpose of living together and building family happiness, however, in reality, there are many cases of marriage for economic benefits, not for the purpose of marriage. right to build family happiness or cheat to get married. So about the matter “Regulations on marriage fraud under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal…

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  • Legal serviceHandling fake marriage under Vietnam law

    Handling fake marriage under Vietnam law

    Hello LSX. I heard of a case that allowed a daughter to marry a Viet Kieu to be guaranteed and naturalized in a foreign country. So about the matter “Handling fake marriage under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on Marriage and Family 2014;Decree 82/2020/ND-CP. What is marriage? According to the provisions of the Law on Marriage and Family 2014, marriage is defined as follows: • Marriage…

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  • Legal serviceBusiness registration procedures for branches in Vietnam

    Business registration procedures for branches in Vietnam

    During the operation, the company must always ensure compliance with the regulations according to each type of company and business line. Business registration is required by law. However, many businesses are still confused in the business registration procedures. To answer all questions related to this issue, Lawyer X invites you to read the article “Business registration procedures for branches in Vietnam”. Does the branch have a business registration certificate? According to Article 84 of the…

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  • Legal serviceDoes the transaction office in Vietnam have a tax code?

    Does the transaction office in Vietnam have a tax code?

    In a market economy with fierce competition, many domestic and foreign enterprises choose to set up transaction offices. So what are the legal regulations on transaction offices? Is it the same as a representative office and a transaction office with a tax code? To better understand this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Does the transaction office in Vietnam have a tax code?“, as follows: Legal grounds Enterprise Law 2020 What is…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the procedure for investing in building a hospital in accordance with Vietnamese law?

    What is the procedure for investing in building a hospital in accordance with Vietnamese law?

    “Dear lawyer, our business is currently planning to invest in the medical field, specifically to build a hospital. However, we do not know the procedure to invest in building a hospital, need to build a hospital. How to carry out the process in accordance with the law. So can you help me with the procedure for investing in building a hospital? Please help.” Thank you for trusting us and sending us your questions. To answer…

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  • Legal serviceVietnamese localities can decide on their own whether to reopen karaoke and discos

    Vietnamese localities can decide on their own whether to reopen karaoke and discos

    The focus of the world today is the efforts of countries and international organizations in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is expected that with the vaccination rate of about 39 million doses of vaccine per day, by the end of the first quarter of 2022, the world can achieve a high immunity rate of 75% of the world population to be vaccinated. The question is how will the economy recover from…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the punishment for neighbors who still sing karaoke at night according to the provisions of Vietnamese law in 2022?

    What is the punishment for neighbors who still sing karaoke at night according to the provisions of Vietnamese law in 2022?

    Many people choose to sing karaoke as an elegant pastime after tiring days of work and study. However, the fact that you sing karaoke to relax is easy to affect the people around you. Does the law stipulate that singing karaoke affects others? Is it fine to play karaoke at 12 am? If yes, how much is the fine for this act? To clarify this, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “What…

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  • Legal serviceOwnership of residential land for enterprises in Vietnam

    Ownership of residential land for enterprises in Vietnam

    Depending on the business field, the law has different provisions on the duration, duration, form of ownership, rights and obligations for enterprises. So about the matter “Ownership of residential land for enterprises in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 What is land ownership? Land is an area of ​​land with a specific area, clearly divided boundaries and relatively stable properties. Or if there is a change…

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  • Legal serviceThe defendant's right to defense under Vietnam law

    The defendant’s right to defense under Vietnam law

    Hello LSX, My brother recently had a fight with a group of young people in a park in District 9 and was detained by the regional police and prosecuted for the crime of disturbing public order. Due to difficult family economic conditions, we cannot afford to hire lawyers to defend. I don’t know if my brother can defend himself? So about the matter “The defendant’s right to defense under Vietnam law” Lety’s find out with…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on convalescence benefits under Vietnam law

    Regulations on convalescence benefits under Vietnam law

    Hello LSX! I just went to the doctor and will need surgery. I don’t know according to the law, how many days will I be able to rest after surgery? So about the matter “Regulations on convalescence benefits under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on Social Insurance 2014Decision 166/2019/QD-BHXH Mode of convalescence after illness Conditions for enjoying convalescence after illness According to Clause 1, Article 29…

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