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  • Legal knowledgeGeneral provisions on auction activities in Vietnam

    General provisions on auction activities in Vietnam

    Vietnam Law has general provisions on auction activities. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are principles for property auction in Vietnam? What are regulations on reserve price and appraisal of property to be auctioned? Thanks for answering my questions!” Legal grounds 2016 Vietnam Law on Property Auction. Principles for property auction Principles for property auction copmprise: – Compliance with law. – Assurance…

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  • Legal knowledgeRepresentative of state capital share and representative of corporate capital share in Vietnam

    Representative of state capital share and representative of corporate capital share in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on representative of state capital share and representative of corporate capital share. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are requirement that the representative of state capital share and representative of corporate capital share must conform to? What are regulations on appointment of a representative of state capital share and representative of corporate capital share? Thanks for answering my…

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  • Legal knowledgePowers and responsibilities of the representative of state ownership in Vietnam

    Powers and responsibilities of the representative of state ownership in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on powers and responsibilities of the representative of state ownership in the enterprises of which 100% charter capital is held by the state. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are powers and responsibilities of the Government in the enterprises of which 100% charter capital is held by the state in Vietnam? What are regulations on auditor of enterprises…

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  • Legal knowledgeManagement and utilization of capital and assets in the enterprise of which 100% charter capital is held by the state in Vietnam

    Management and utilization of capital and assets in the enterprise of which 100% charter capital is held by the state in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on management and utilization of capital and assets in the enterprise of which 100% charter capital is held by the state. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are regulations on charter capotal in the enterprise of which 100% charter capital is held by the state in Vietnam? What are regulations on investment, construction, purchase and sale of fixed…

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  • Legal serviceCopyright registration package in Vietnam

    Copyright registration package in Vietnam

    A work is created as a result of the author’s intellectual movement, development and creation. The registration of the copy will help the author have a clear basis when proving his rights. That is why, when the author finishes his work, he also wants to quickly register for protection. However, the registration process for protection is not simple. That is why choosing a reputable company to carry out is essential. Lawyer X is proud to…

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  • Legal serviceWhere to file a land dispute in Vietnam?

    Where to file a land dispute in Vietnam?

    Land is one of the most sensitive and valuable resources. In the law, land is divided into immovable property, and is a very controversial issue. So about the matter “Where to file a land dispute in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013Civil Code 2015 What is a land dispute? According to Clause 24, Article 3 of the 2013 Land Law, a land dispute is a dispute…

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  • Legal serviceWhen is the author concurrently the copyright owner in Vietnam?

    When is the author concurrently the copyright owner in Vietnam?

    Hello Lawyer, can you tell me when the author is also the copyright owner? And according to the law, what rights do copyright owners have? I sincerely thank! According to Vietnamese intellectual property law; Copyright holders are those who have power over the works they create or own, including authors and copyright holders. So the question arises when the author is also the copyright owner? Lawyer X would like to immediately answer the following: Legal…

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  • Legal serviceGuidance to look up copyright in Vietnam

    Guidance to look up copyright in Vietnam

    Searching for copyright, it will help us to assess whether the work is identical or similar to previously protected works, thereby ensuring the highest protection for the work. In the article below, Lawyer X will guide you to guidance to look up copyright in Vietnam quickly and save time. Hope this article brings a lot of useful things to you. Legal grounds Consolidation document 07/VBHN-VPQH in 2019 consolidating the Intellectual Property Law How to apply…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on common property of husband and wife in Vietnam

    Regulations on common property of husband and wife in Vietnam

    Hello lawyer! Due to the growing conflict between husband and wife, after 3 years of living together, my wife and I decided to divorce. I find the problem of determining my joint and separate property quite troublesome. So about the matter “Regulations on common property of husband and wife in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on Marriage and Family 2014Civil Code 2015Decree 126/2014/ND-CP Shared ownership of the…

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  • Legal serviceProcess of handling industrial design violations in Vietnam

    Process of handling industrial design violations in Vietnam

    Nowadays, with the development of information technology, the situation of industrial design infringement is increasing more and more. What acts are considered to infringe upon the rights to industrial designs? What is the current process of handling industrial design violations? Let’s find out with Lawyer 247 about this content in the article below. Hope this article brings a lot of useful things to you. Legal grounds Law on Intellectual Property – Consolidated Document 07/VBHN-VPQH 2019…

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