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  • Legal serviceSubjects granted diplomatic red passports in Vietnam

    Subjects granted diplomatic red passports in Vietnam

    Passport is one of the most important documents to get a visa because without a passport. The visa will not be issued because the visa is closed or stamped on one or more pages of the passport. Some countries and territories issue separate visas, but leave the visa. must always be clamped with the passport to carry out immigration procedures. Many readers wonder what is a diplomatic passport? Subjects granted diplomatic red passports in Vietnam?…

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  • Legal serviceHow to calculate excise tax on alcohol in Vietnam

    How to calculate excise tax on alcohol in Vietnam

    Hi Lawyer, my brother has a plan to open a winery specializing in selling premium wines. However, on the subject of tax, I have heard that there is an excise tax on alcohol. Why is alcohol subject to an excise tax? How to calculate excise tax on alcohol in Vietnam? Are there any cases where alcohol is not subject to excise tax? Looking forward to helping my counsel. I would like to express my sincere…

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  • Legal serviceGranting land use right certificates for enterprises in Vietnam

    Granting land use right certificates for enterprises in Vietnam

    My name is Van Thang, I am currently working at a food business. In the near future, my business plans to build a warehouse on an area of ​​more than 2000 m2. However, we are not very clear about the procedures for applying for a Land Use Right Certificate. So about the matter “Granting land use right certificates for enterprises in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law…

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  • Legal serviceHow to check real estate records according to Vietnam law?

    How to check real estate records according to Vietnam law?

    My name is Hieu Hoang, my father had a piece of land before he died. This land has been kept by my father for more than 50 years. In addition to the red book, a number of relevant legal documents have all been lost. So now I want to find and check if these documents are still legal or valid. So about the matter “How to check real estate records according to Vietnam law?” Let’s…

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  • Legal serviceHow to handle cases of destruction of business assets in Vietnam?

    How to handle cases of destruction of business assets in Vietnam?

    Recently, LSX legal firm has received a question from our customer: “A while ago, I went to Bac Giang and joined a company in an industrial area. Due to anger at the company’s unreasonable policies, while angry, I broke the glass door and some furniture of the factory. Is my behavior subject to criminal prosecution? How do I deal with it?” In this article, we will provide you with information about: How to handle cases…

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  • Legal serviceWhat content should an employment contract contain in Vietnam?

    What content should an employment contract contain in Vietnam?

    After passing interviews for a job, the employer and employee have to enter into a labor contract. The contract gives legal grounds for the parties to get involved in the labor relation legally. However, not everyone understands well regarding employment agreements. So, in this article, LSX legal firm would like to give you: “What content should an employment contract contain in Vietnam?” Legal grounds Labor Code 2019Civil Code 2015 Employment contract/Labor contract Article 13 of…

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  • Legal serviceCan production forest land be planted with fruit trees in Vietnam?

    Can production forest land be planted with fruit trees in Vietnam?

    Today, in production forests in Vietnam, there are many situations where people voluntarily intercrop fruit trees such as oranges, tangerines, pomelos, etc. into the production forests that the State has assigned. This has caused controversy among the people about whether fruit trees can be planted on production forest land or not. So about the matter “Can production forest land be planted with fruit trees in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below.…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the process of converting rice land in Vietnam?

    What is the process of converting rice land in Vietnam?

    Hello Lawyer. My name is Han. I want to ask about “What is the process of converting rice land in Vietnam?” At my family, there is a need to convert rice land because the land is not cultivated. What types of land can be converted to use land for rice cultivation by the law? Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 What is rice land? Pursuant to the…

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  • Legal knowledgeMethods to assess bids, proposals in Vietnam

    Methods to assess bids, proposals; consideration for recommendation as the winning bidder in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on methods to assess bids, proposals; consideration for recommendation as the winning bidder in Vietnam. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are methods to assess Bids for packages of the non-consulting service provision, goods procurement in Vietnam? What are regulations on consideration for recommendation as the winning bidder for packages of the consulting service provision in Vietnam? Thanks…

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  • Legal knowledgeTraining and retraining of public employees in Vietnam

    Training and retraining of public employees in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on training and retraining of public employees. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what is the regime of training and retraining of public employees in Vietnam? Who have responsibilities for training and retraining public employees in Vietnam? Thanks for answering my questions!” Legal grounds 2010 Vietnam Law on Public Employees Regime of training and retraining of public employees –…

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