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  • Legal serviceHow is the plan to use public land under Vietnam law?

    How is the plan to use public land under Vietnam law?

    Currently, the issue of land is always a matter of interest to many readers. For each different type of land, each locality will have different management methods with different regulations. So about the matter “How is the plan to use public land under Vietnam law?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 What is public land? – According to Clause 1, Article 132 of the 2013 Land Law,…

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  • Legal serviceThe process of bidding investment projects using land in Vietnam

    The process of bidding investment projects using land in Vietnam

    In Vietnam, one of the auctions that are most interested by investors is the open bidding to select investors to implement investment projects using land, also known as project auction. land-use project. So about the matter “The process of bidding investment projects using land in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Civil Code 2015Land Law 2013Decree No. 25/2020/ND-CP Conditions for determining investment projects using land in Vietnam According to…

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  • Legal serviceGranting land use right certificates for enterprises in Vietnam

    Revoke the wrong land use right certificate in Vietnam

    The wrongly allocated land that has been transferred to be recovered is not a legal issue that many people are concerned about. The Land Law stipulates cases in which a Certificate of land use right is granted. So about the matter “Revoke the wrong land use right certificate in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Which land use cases are granted certificates of land use rights,…

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  • Legal serviceBuilding houses on encroached land under Vietnam law

    Building houses on encroached land under Vietnam law

    Hello LSX, currently the house my family is living in for 5 years is built on encroached land. The local government sent a notice to my family, asking my family to move out and with a fine. So about the matter “Building houses on encroached land under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Construction Law 2014Decree 139/2017/ND-CP What is encroachment land? Encroached land is the land obtained from…

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  • Legal serviceFees when changing land use purpose in Vietnam

    Fees when changing land use purpose in Vietnam

    When there is a need to change the land use purpose, such as from residential land to commercial and service land, we must carry out the procedures for changing land use purpose. However, certain fees must be paid. So about the matter “Fees when changing land use purpose in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 What is land use change? Pursuant to the latest current regulations,…

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  • Legal serviceLand compensation for planning green parks in Vietnam

    Land compensation for planning green parks in Vietnam

    Hello LSX. My name is Minh Hoai, I have bought a piece of land. However, I was just about to build a house when I was informed that this land is in the planning of a green park. So about the matter “Land compensation for planning green parks in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Conditions for enjoying land compensation in Vietnam Under Land law 2013,…

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  • Legal serviceWhen can you sign indefinite term contract in Vietnam?

    When can you sign indefinite term contract in Vietnam?

    LSX legal firm recently received a question from a customer: “I have applied for a job and passed the job interviews. I wonder if I could make an agreement to go into the contract with an indefinite term. How does the law govern the act of entering into an indefinite-term labor contract?” In this article, we would like to help you answer the question: “When can you sign indefinite term contract in Vietnam?” Legal ground…

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  • Legal serviceIllegal termination of labor contract in Vietnam

    Illegal termination of labor contract in Vietnam

    Currently, unlawful unilateral termination of the contract, also known as illegal termination of the contract, appears a lot in the labor market. This may damage the interest of employers and employees at various levels. Individuals do not always know how to protect their rights when facing this situation. In this article, LSX legal firm will provide you with information regarding: “Illegal termination of labor contract in Vietnam” Legal grounds Labor Code 2019Civil Code 2015 Unilateral…

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  • Legal servicePublicizing administrative procedures on land under Vietnam law

    Publicizing administrative procedures on land under Vietnam law

    Administrative procedures are one of the issues of state administrative management, related to many areas of life, including land. So about the matter “Publicizing administrative procedures on land under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Classification of administrative procedures on land According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 195 of the 2013 Land Law, administrative procedures for land include the following 7 groups of…

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  • Legal serviceAnnual land use plan at district level in Vietnam

    Annual land use plan at district level in Vietnam

    Land is one of the issues that easily cause conflicts as well as problems in planning and use. Every year, governments at all levels need to make land use plans. So about the matter “Annual land use plan at district level in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 What is land use plan? Every year in our country, the competent authorities in accordance with regulations make…

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