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  • Legal serviceRegulations on food hygiene and safety in restaurants in Vietnam

    Regulations on food hygiene and safety in restaurants in Vietnam

    Hello Lawyer, Can you tell me about the violation of regulations on food hygiene and safety in restaurants in Vietnam? I would like to thank you very much for answering my questions. Thank you for sending us your question. To ensure hygiene and food quality standards in the food service business, it is imperative that restaurants in Vietnam comply with regulations on food safety and hygiene. Top. According to the provisions of law if the…

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  • Legal serviceHow many times can a surrogate mother in Vietnam take leave for antenatal care?

    How many times can a surrogate mother in Vietnam take leave for antenatal care?

    “Hello, lawyer. I am a surrogate for my siblings’ children. I am a worker at an enterprise and have full social insurance participation. So I would like to ask that during the surrogacy period, I can take leave. How many times can a surrogate mother in Vietnam take leave for antenatal care? Are these maternity leave days entitled to the benefits? After I give birth, what is the maternity regime like? when I give birth?…

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  • Legal serviceHow to determine crime and penalty frame under Vietnam law?

    How to determine crime and penalty frame under Vietnam law?

    According to the current legal regulations, there are many different types of crimes, with each type of crime stipulating different punishment frames. So about the matter “How to determine crime and penalty frame under Vietnam law?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Penal Code 2015 amended and supplemented in 2017 What is the penalty? Pursuant to Article 26 of the Penal Code: Punishment is the most severe coercive measure of…

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  • Legal serviceRights and obligations of involved parties in proceedings in Vietnam

    Rights and obligations of involved parties in proceedings in Vietnam

    The Civil Procedure Code 2015 stipulates the order and procedures according to Vietnamese law, including documents for initiating a civil case, jurisdiction of the Court, first-instance and appellate procedures, etc. So about the matter “Rights and obligations of involved parties in proceedings in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Civil Procedure Code 2015 Who are the involved parties in a civil case? Litigants in civil cases include: Plaintiff: A…

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  • Legal serviceWhat if the traffic police is beaten while performing his duties

    Can the traffic police use force or not in Vietnam?

    When participating in traffic, everyone must obey the orders of the traffic police. Violations will be subject to corresponding penalties. So about the matter “Can the traffic police use force or not in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Decree 27/2010/ND-CPCircular 65/2020/TT-BCA What are the duties of the Road Traffic Police? According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 9 of Decree 27/2010/ND-CP, stipulating the mobilization of other police…

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  • Legal serviceProcess of checking food safety and hygiene in Vietnam

    Process of checking food safety and hygiene in Vietnam

    Hi Lawyer, Can you tell me about the new food safety inspection process in 2022? I would like to thank you very much for answering my questions. Thank you for sending us your question. To ensure food safety and hygiene at food production and business establishments; consumer food; on a monthly basis; or unexpectedly; Vietnamese competent authorities will conduct food safety and quality inspection nationwide. So according to the current law, how is the food…

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  • Legal serviceProcedures for registration of food hygiene and safety license in Vietnam

    Procedures for registration of food hygiene and safety license in Vietnam

    Registration of a food hygiene and safety license is an important legal procedure through which the state can control business entities related to food safety and hygiene. Food Hygiene and Safety License is a certificate of food safety issued by a company doing business related to the food sector. This helps the competent authority to intervene early to detect fraudulent companies, bringing peace of mind to consumers. But not everyone knows the process and procedures…

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  • Legal serviceMake a license for food hygiene and safety by the Vietnam law

    Make a license for food hygiene and safety by the Vietnam law

    Individuals, organizations and enterprises, when operating in the production and trading of food products or catering services, need to apply for a certificate of satisfaction of food safety conditions to be allowed to do business. In addition, for actual product manufacturing facilities, this is also a basic condition for organizations and individuals to register to announce their products later. So how to make a food hygiene and safety license? And where to issue food hygiene…

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  • Legal serviceCivil transactions are invalid under the Vietnam Civil Code

    Civil transactions are invalid under the Vietnam Civil Code

    Civil transactions in accordance with the law are contracts or unilateral legal acts. Conditions for a civil transaction to have legal effect are specified in detail. When the parties enter into a civil transaction without meeting the statutory conditions, that civil transaction will be invalidated. So about the matter “Civil transactions are invalid under the Vietnam Civil Code” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Civil Code 2015 What conditions must…

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  • Legal serviceFast household separation service in Vietnam

    Fast household separation service in Vietnam

    Hello lawyer, My wife and I have been married for more than 1 year and have 2 children. But now I still live with his parents and still share the same household registration book. Currently, we want to separate the household registration book to move out in the next year. My lawyer asked me, how to separate the household registration book? What documents need to be prepared? Ask a lawyer to advise me. Thank you…

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