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  • Legal serviceIn which cases bankruptcy procedure not applicable in Vietnam?

    In which cases bankruptcy procedure not applicable in Vietnam?

    Many businesses struggle to run effectively in the marketplace. The operations of the companies can’t run smoothly, even when they borrow money from banks and other external creditors to keep the business running and pay employees. They consequently gave bankruptcy some thought. However, not every entity can approach bankruptcy procedures. So, in this article, LSX legal firm will answer: “In which cases bankruptcy procedure not applicable in Vietnam?” Legal grounds Law on Enterprise 2020Law on…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on penalties for prostitution in Vietnam

    Regulations on penalties for prostitution in Vietnam

    Buying and selling sex is a crime that has been detected a lot nowadays. This behavior appears in the celebrity world. So what is the punishment for selling sex to foreigners? Regulations on penalties for prostitution in Vietnam? Follow the article below of Lawyer X for more information! Legal grounds the 2003 Ordinance on Prostitution Prevention and Control;Penal Code 2015 amended and supplemented 2017Decree 178/2004/ND-CP What is the crime of buying and selling sex? Pursuant…

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  • Legal serviceSanctions for sanctioning environmental protection violations in Vietnam

    Sanctions for sanctioning environmental protection violations in Vietnam

    Protecting the environment is protecting the living environment of people and also protecting our right to live in a healthy environment. So, Sanctions for sanctioning environmental protection violations in Vietnam? Please refer to the article below of Lawyer X for more information! Legal grounds Law on Environmental Protection 2020;Penal Code 2015 amended and supplemented in 2017;Decree No. 45/2022/ND-CP. Penalties for administrative violations Decree No. 45/2022/ND-CP was issued on 7/7/2022. Accordingly, a number of fines for…

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  • Legal serviceWill foreigners who buy sex in Vietnam be deported

    Will foreigners who buy sex in Vietnam be deported?

    Sir, I know that the crime of sex trafficking is strictly regulated in the Vietnamese legal system, as a Vietnamese citizen, I understand more clearly about the nature of the violation of the act of prostitution. I wonder if the act of buying sex for foreigners in Vietnam will have what sanctions to handle? Will they be deported when they commit the crime of buying and selling sex with foreigners? Ask a lawyer to help…

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  • Legal serviceService of changing Business Registration License in Vietnam

    Service of changing Business Registration License in Vietnam

    Changing the business registration license is a necessary procedure. Scale to do when your business has a change in the process of operation. Or for a certain reason the business is forced to change the information in the business registration license. At this time, the business owner must carry out the change procedure. This change procedure is not a simple one. Many readers messaged Lawyer X to ask about this procedure. Therefore, please refer to…

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  • Legal serviceInstructions on how to set up an individual business household in Vietnam

    Instructions on how to set up an individual business household in Vietnam

    Business households belonging to individuals or groups of Vietnamese citizens over the age of 18, having full civil act capacity, and households may only register their business at one location, employ less than ten employees and take full responsibility for their business. set of assets used in business activities. Business households are granted business registration certificates for commercial activities. Business households must have a fixed business location, do not hire regular workers, have no seal,…

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  • Legal serviceHow long does it take for the land to be abandoned in Vietnam

    How long does it take for the land to be abandoned in Vietnam?

    Land is always a valuable asset of every citizen. However, in some cases people will lose their land use rights. So about the matter “How long does it take for the land to be abandoned in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Constitution 2013Land Law 2013 What is land use right? Pursuant to the provisions of Article 53 – Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 2013, specifically: “Land,…

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  • Legal serviceDispute about the origin of land in Vietnam

    Dispute about the origin of land in Vietnam

    Land is always a matter of concern for many people. Today, land is more precious than ever and there are an increase number of disputes arising from the origin of land . So about the matter “Dispute about the origin of land in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 The classification of origin of land Land with papers on land use rights (defined in Article 100…

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  • Legal serviceHow to deal with land encroachment under Vietnam law

    How to deal with land encroachment under Vietnam law?

     One of the most common disputes in Vietnam is those related to land issues, which are mainly caused by the encroachment of one of the parties to the dispute. So about the matter “How to deal with land encroachment under Vietnam law?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Civil Code 2015Land Law 2013Decree 91/2019/ND-CP Will land encroachment lead to land disputes? According to the provisions of Clause 24, Article 3…

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  • Legal serviceBuying the reclaimed land under Vietnam law

    Buying the reclaimed land under Vietnam law

    Currently, there are many cases where parties transfer land use rights without papers. However, because some people have not understood the legal provisions, disputes on this issue occur very often. So about the matter “Buying the reclaimed land under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013;Decree 43/2014/ND-CP. What is reclaimed land? Reclaimed land is the way people call it, based on the actual use situation and…

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