Block Title

  • Legal knowledgeObligations and rights of cadres and civil servants in Vietnam

    Obligations and rights of cadres and civil servants in Vietnam

    Vietnam has regulations on obligations and rights of cadres and civil servants. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what areobligations of cadres and civil servants towards the Party, State and people in Vietnam? What are Obligations of cadres and civil servants in the capacity as heads? What are right of cadres and civil servants to be provided with conditions to assure public-duty performance?…

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  • Legal knowledgeGeneral regulations on cadres and civil servants in Vietnam

    General regulations on cadres and civil servants in Vietnam.

    Vietnam law has general regulations on cadres and civil servants. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are principles in public-duty performance in Vietnam? What do cadres, civil servants mean in Vietnam? What are principles of management of cadres and civil servants? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2008 Vietnam Law on Cadres and Civil servants  Principles in public-duty performance – Compliance with…

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  • Legal knowledgeExplanation of the constitutions laws and ordinances in Vietnam

    Explanation of the constitutions, laws and ordinances in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on explanation of the constitutions, laws, and ordinances. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are rules for explanation of the laws and ordinances? Who has the power to request explanation of the Constitutions, laws, and ordinances? Thanks for answering my questions!” Legal grounds 2015 Vietnam Law on Promulgation of Legislative documents Cases and rules for explanation of the…

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  • Legal knowledgeRules for application and publishing of legislative documents

    Rules for application and publishing of legislative documents

    Vietnam law has regulations on effect of legislative documents; rules for application and publishing of legislative documents. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are regulations on Publishing legislative documents on Official Gazette in Vietnam? What are Effective dates of legislative documents? Thanks for answering my questions!” Legal grounds 2015 Vietnam Law on Promulgation of Legislative documents Publishing legislative documents on Official Gazette…

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  • Legal knowledgeFormulation and promulgation of decisions of the people’s committees of provinces in Vietnam

    Formulation and promulgation of decisions of the people’s committees of provinces in Vietnam

    Decisions of the people’s committees of provinces are important legislative documents. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to know who have the power to request for formulation of decisions of the People’s Committees of provinces? What are regulations on drafting decisions of the People’s Committees of provinces? Thanks for answering my questions!” Legal grounds 2015 Vietnam law on Promulgation of legislative documents Request for formulation…

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  • Legal knowledgeFormulation and promulgation of resolutions of the people’s councils of provinces in Vietnam

    Formulation and promulgation of resolutions of the people’s councils of provinces in Vietnam

    Vietnam law has regulations on Formulation and promulgation of resolutions of the people’s councils of provinces. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask who has the power to request for resolution formulation of the people’s councils in Vietnam? What are documents for requesting resolution formulation? Thanks for answering my questions Legal grounds 2015 Vietnam Law on Promulgation on Legislative documents Regulations on Request for…

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  • Legal serviceHow is land inheritance tax in Vietnam calculated

    How is land inheritance tax in Vietnam calculated?

    Inheritance is the inheritance of the surviving people’s inheritance of property left by the deceased. The land is also a type of property, so it can still be inherited. However, certain types of property such as land are subject to tax upon inheritance. Here, let’s find out with Lawyer X about the issue of “How is land inheritance tax in Vietnam calculated?” through the following article! Legal grounds Civil Code 2015 Land inheritance tax in…

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  • Legal serviceRights of an inheritance manager in Vietnam

    Rights of an inheritance manager in Vietnam

    Inheritance is the inheritance of a deceased person’s property by a living person. Inheritance requires a manager. So, what are the rights of an inheritance manager in Vietnam? Let’s find out with Lawyer X through the following article! Legal grounds Civil Code 2015 Who is the administrator of the inheritance? Pursuant to Article 616 of the 2015 Civil Code, the estate administrator is the person appointed in the will or appointed by agreement of the…

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  • Legal serviceLand allocation without land use fee under Vietnam law

    Land allocation without land use fee under Vietnam law

    Land allocation without land use levy is understood as a case where the State allocates land without land user having to pay land use levy if it falls into one of the cases prescribed by law. So about the matter “Land allocation without land use fee under Vietnam law” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. What is land allocation? According to the provisions of Clause 7, Article 3 of the 2013 Land…

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  • Legal serviceConverting farmland to residential land in Vietnam

    Converting farmland to residential land in Vietnam

    Currently, the law does not have a specific definition of farmland, but it can be understood that farmland is a type of land belonging to the group of agricultural land used for production of agriculture, forestry, fishery, salt production,…So about the matter “Converting farmland to residential land in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Form of use of farmland According to the provisions of Article 142…

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