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  • Legal serviceProcedures of consular legalization in Vietnam

    Procedures of consular legalization in Vietnam

    Dossiers and documents of foreigners who want to legally use under Vietnamese law must go through consular legalization procedures. In terms of consular legalization, the law has strict regulations about carrying out the procedures for consular legalization. To prepare for the procedure better as well as to avoid mistakes that lead to repeated travel, entities have to study the rules. So, in this article, LSX legal firm gives you a guide on: “Procedures of consular…

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  • Legal serviceRegulations on rice land acquisition in Vietnam

    Regulations on rice land acquisition in Vietnam

    Land for rice cultivation is very common in rural areas in Vietnam. However, in some cases such as accelerating urbanization, this land will be acquired. So about the matter “Regulations on rice land acquisition in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 What is land acquisition? Land acquisition is an action taken by the state to take back the land use rights of people, households, organizations and…

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  • Legal serviceDetermining land rent in industrial parks in Vietnam

    Determining land rent in industrial parks in Vietnam

    Industrial parks are springing up in many places across the country in recent times. However, not every investor can get a part of land in the industrial park. So about the matter “Determining land rent in industrial parks in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013Decree 46/2014/ND-CPDecree 135/2016/ND-CP Determining land rent in industrial parks in Vietnam For land lease pay annual land rent According to the provisions…

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  • Legal serviceManagement of land at commune level in Vietnam

    Management of land at commune level in Vietnam

    Land is always an area of ​​interest to many people. Each locality has different land management policies. Although the state has issued legal regulations on this issue, it is easy to see that the land management at the local level, especially the commune level, still has many shortcomings. So about the matter “Management of land at commune level in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Overview…

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  • Legal serviceWhat documents do food production need according to Vietnamese law?

    What documents do food production need according to Vietnamese law?

    The food business is an investment field that is always evaluated as potential and stable because the human need for food is a basic and urgent need. Because food is an indispensable basic human need. Since business lines are directly related to public health, business establishments must ensure safety conditions in order to be granted a Certificate of eligibility for food safety and hygiene. Thus, in the business process, food production documents are essential, it…

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  • Legal serviceCan farmland build houses according to current regulations in Vietnam?

    Can farmland build houses according to current regulations in Vietnam?

    Farmland or land used for farm economy is one of the types of land in the group of agricultural land. Currently, more and more people choose to develop their economy according to the farm model. Can farmland build houses according to current regulations in Vietnam? Refer to the following article of Lawyer X for answers on this issue. Legal grounds Land Law 2013 Types of farm land Farmland is a type of land in the…

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  • Legal serviceHow to convert farmland in Vietnam to residential land?

    How to convert farmland in Vietnam to residential land?

    Currently, the law does not have a specific definition of farmland, but it can be understood that farmland is a type of land belonging to the group of agricultural land used for production of agriculture, forestry, fishery, salt production, etc. Let’s learn about the issue of “How to convert farmland in Vietnam to residential land” through the following article by Lawyer X. Form of use of farmland According to the provisions of Article 142 of…

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  • Legal serviceWhich vehicles must change the yellow number plate according to the provisions of Vietnamese law?

    Which vehicles must change the yellow number plate according to the provisions of Vietnamese law?

    Currently, when participating in traffic, we encounter many different types of color license plates. It could be white, it could be blue, it could also be red. But the license plate we most often see must be the yellow one. Why do those cars have yellow number plates? Which cars have to change the yellow number plate? To answer this question, today, LSX Lawfirm will give you an article about “Which vehicles must change the…

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  • Legal serviceWhat is the procedure to change the yellow number plate to the white number plate in Vietnam today?

    What is the procedure to change the yellow number plate to the white number plate in Vietnam today?

    “Hello, Lawyer, I previously registered for a yellow number plate for the shipping business. However, due to my old age, I have switched to another job. Now I want to change the yellow number plate to a white number plate. What is the procedure to change the yellow number plate to the current white number plate? What is the difference between the yellow number plate and the white number plate according to the regulations? Please…

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  • Legal serviceIs it possible to use gold bars to pay for land purchases in accordance with Vietnamese law?

    Is it possible to use gold bars to pay for land purchases in accordance with Vietnamese law?

    “Hello, Lawyer. My family forgot to save some gold bars, now my family wants to buy land. My lawyer asked me if I can use gold bars to pay for the land purchases. What is the law on the use of gold bars? Is it free to buy and sell? Looking forward to being answered by a lawyer, I sincerely thank you!”. Thanks for your question. To answer the above question, today, LSX Lawfirm will…

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