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  • Legal serviceIs a tree falling on a car insured in Vietnam?

    Is a tree falling on a car insured in Vietnam?

    Nowadays, insurance policy is getting a lot of attention. We can buy insurance for ourselves, for friends, relatives even property. Soa bout the matter “Is a tree falling on a car insured in Vietnam?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Civil Code 2015 Law on Insurance Business 2000 amended and supplemented 2010Decree No. 03/2021/ND-CPCircular 04/2021/TT-BTC Regulations on ensuring safety in case trees are at risk of damage According to the…

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  • Legal serviceCan I get on a flight in Vietnam if I drink alcohol

    Can I get on a flight in Vietnam if I drink alcohol?

    Nowadays, the number of computer users is increasing day by day. Airlines have different rules about boarding conditions. So about the matter “Can I get on a flight in Vietnam if I drink alcohol?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Circular 13/2019/TT-BGTVT Can I get on a flight in Vietnam if I drink alcohol? Clause 1, Clause 2, Article 58 of Circular 13/2019/TT-BGTVT stipulates the aviation security inspection and supervision…

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  • Legal serviceWhat policy does the Vietnam state have for the police army

    What policy does the Vietnam state have for the police army?

    Today, the national defense and security forces are holding a very important position for the independence and sovereignty of the nation. The army and police are daily maintaining the peace of the country. So about the matter “What policy does the Vietnam state have for the police army?” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Law on People’s Public Security 2018Law on officers of the Vietnam People’s Army 2014 The concept…

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  • Legal serviceDispute to cancel the authorization contract as per law in Vietnam

    Dispute to cancel the authorization contract as per law in Vietnam

    I’m a freelancer, so I didn’t delve into the issues related to this type of authorization contract. What is the authorization contract, the conditions for filing a lawsuit requesting the cancellation of the authorization contract or the procedure for canceling the authorization contract, etc. are things that I still do not know? So, can the lawyer answer questions related to the Dispute over the cancellation of the authorization contract in accordance with the law? Thank…

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  • Legal serviceCharacteristics of indirect taxes in Vietnam

    Characteristics of indirect taxes in Vietnam

    Today, taxes are a matter of great concern. In it, there are many taxes associated with our daily life. So about the matter “Characteristics of indirect taxes in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in article below. Legal grounds Tax Administration Law 2019 What is indirect tax? An indirect tax is a tax for which the taxpayer is not the one paying the tax. Indirect tax is a form of indirect tax through an intermediary…

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  • Legal serviceContract for sale/lease-purchase of individual houses in Vietnam

    Contract for sale lease-purchase of individual houses in Vietnam

    The contract of sale/lease-purchase of individual houses in Vietnam is issued together with the Government’s Decree 02/2022/ND-CP issued on January 6, 2022 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law. Real estate business. The following article of Lawyer X will guide customers to form a contract for sale/lease-purchase of individual houses. Legal grounds Decree 02/2022/ND-CP What is a contract for the sale of a detached house? Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 105,…

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  • Legal serviceLevy exemption when changing land use purpose in Vietnam

    Levy exemption when changing land use purpose in Vietnam

    Nowadays, land is a matter of great concern to many people. In which, there are many cases of land use right transfer in practice. So about the matter “Levy exemption when changing land use purpose in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below. Legal grounds Land Law 2013Decree 45/2014/ND-CP Levy exemption when changing land use purpose in Vietnam Change of land use purpose is a change in land use purpose compared to…

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  • Legal knowledgeAgricultural land use regime according to Vietnam land law

    Agricultural land use regime according to Vietnam land law

    Agricultural land is an important type of land according to Vietnam land law. Let’s find out this issue with lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! What is allocation quotas for agricultural land in Vietnam? What are regulations on agricultural land used by households, individuals or communities? Thanks for answering my questions, Legal grounds 2013 Vietnam Land law Regulations on allocation quotas for agricultural land – The allocation quotas for land for annual crops,…

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  • Legal knowledgeLegal regulations on land use term in Vietnam

    Legal regulations on land use term in Vietnam

    Vietnam land law has regulations on land use term. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! When may land users use land for a long and stable term in Vietnam? What types of land are used for limited term? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2013 Vietnam Land law Land used for long and stable term Land users may use land for a long and stable term in…

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  • Legal knowledgeLand finance and land price according to Vietnam land law

    Land finance and land price according to Vietnam land law

    Land finance and land price are important matters in land management. Let’s find out this issue with lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! What does financial revenues from land mean in Vietnam? What are bases and time for calculation of land use levy and land rental? Thanks for answering me!” Legal grounds 2013 Vietnam Land Law Financial revenues from land – Financial revenues from land include: + Land use levy upon land allocation…

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