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Restrictions on protection of ownership rights under Vietnam Law

You are interested in Restrictions on protection of ownership rights under Vietnam Law so let's go check out the following article!

Protection of ownership can be restricted in some certain circumstances. Let’s find out this issue with Lawyer X through the following situation: “Dear Lawyer! I want to ask what are rights and obligations of owners and holders of other property-related rights in emergency circumstances? What are boundaries between immovable properties? Thanks for answering me!”

2015 Vietnam Civil Code

What are rights and obligations of owners and holders of other property-related rights in emergency circumstances?

– An emergency circumstance is a circumstance where in order to avert a danger actually and directly threatening the interests of the State or of a collective, or the legitimate rights or interests of their own or of other persons, a person has no alternative but to take an act which would cause lesser damage than the damage to be prevented.

– In an emergency circumstance, the owner and holder of other property-related rights to a property must not hinder another person from using his/her own property or hinder another person from causing damage to such property in order to prevent or abate the greater danger or damage that threatens to happen.

– The causing of damage in an emergency circumstance is not the act of infringing upon ownership rights or other property-related rights. The owner or the holder of other property-related rights shall be compensated for damage in accordance with the provisions of Article 595 of Civil Code.

Obligations to protection of the environment

When exercising ownership rights and/or other property-related rights, the owner or the holder must comply with the provisions of law on environmental protection; if he/she causes environmental pollution, the owner shall have to terminate the acts which cause the pollution, to take measures to remedy the consequences and to compensate for damage.

Obligations to respect and ensure social order and safety

When exercising ownership rights and/or other property-related rights, the owner or the holder must respect and ensure social order and safety and must not abuse his/her ownership rights to cause social disorder or unsafety, causing damage to the State interests, public interests or legitimate rights and interests of other persons.

Obligation to respect building regulations

When constructing a project, the owners and holders of other property-related rights must comply with the law on construction, ensure safety. It may not build beyond the height and distance specified by the law on construction and infringes the legitimate rights and interests of owners of adjoining and surrounding immovable properties.

Boundaries between immovable properties

– The boundaries between adjoining immoveable properties shall be determined in accordance with the agreement of the owners or in accordance with a decision of the competent authority.

The boundaries may also be determined in accordance with customary practice or according to boundaries which have existed for thirty (30) or more years without dispute.

The land user may not encroach upon the boundary or change the boundary markers, including boundaries being canals, irrigation ditches, trenches, gutters or boundaries of rice fields. Each entity must respect and maintain the common boundaries.

– A person having land use rights may use the airspace and the sub-surface according to the vertical dimensions of the boundaries around the land as prescribed by law and may not interfere with the use by other persons of the adjoining land.

A land user may only plant trees and performs other activities within the area covered by its land use rights and according to the defined boundaries. If the roots and branches of trees extend beyond the boundaries, such person must clip and prune the parts of the trees beyond the boundaries, except as otherwise agreed.

Restrictions on protection of ownership rights under Vietnam Law
Restrictions on protection of ownership rights under Vietnam Law

Boundary markers separating immovable property

– An owner of adjoining immoveable property may only erect boundary stakes and fences and build separating walls on the area covered by its land use rights.

– Adjoining land users may agree to the erection of boundary stakes and fences, the building of separating walls and the planting of trees on the boundary for use as boundary markers between the immoveable properties, and the boundary markers shall be under the multiple ownership of such persons.

Where a boundary marker is erected on the boundary by only one party with the consent of the owner of the adjoining immoveable property, such boundary marker shall be multiple ownership property and the construction expenses shall be borne by the party having erected the marker, unless otherwise agreed. If the owner of the adjoining immoveable property does not give consent and has legitimate reason, the owner having erected the boundary stake or fence or built the separating wall must remove it.

– With respect to boundary markers which are common house walls, the owner of the adjoining immoveable property may not cut out a window or air ventilating hole or drill the wall in order to install building structures, except with the consent of the owner of the adjoining property.

Where houses are separately built, but with adjoining walls, an owner may only drill and install building structures up to the space between the adjoining walls.

With respect to trees which are common boundary markers, the parties have equal obligations to protect the trees, and the fruits from the trees shall be distributed equally, unless otherwise agreed.

Safety guarantee with regard to trees or constructions posing risks of causing damage

– Where there is a danger that a tree or a construction will collapse onto an adjoining immoveable property, the owner must cut down the tree or repair or demolish the construction at the request of the owners of adjoining immovable property or a competent authority. If such person does not cut down the tree or demolish the construction, the owner of an adjoining immoveable property may request a competent authority to procure that the tree be cut down or the structure be demolished. The expenses for cutting down the tree or demolishing the construction shall be borne by the owner of the tree or the structure.

– When digging a well or a pond or constructing underground structures, the owner of the project must do so at the distance away from the boundaries provided by the law on construction.

When constructing a hygiene construction work, a storehouse of hazardous materials and other construction works likely to cause environmental pollution, the owner of that property must build it a distance far from the markers and in reasonable location, ensure hygiene and safety and do not affect the owners of other immovable properties.

– If damage is caused to the owners of adjoining or neighboring properties prescribed in Clauses 1 and 2 of Article 179, compensation must be made.

Installing doors and windows opening onto adjacent immovable property

– A house owner may only install entry and exit doors and windows opening onto adjacent houses or opposite houses and common walkways in accordance with the law on construction.

– The underside of awnings above entry and exit doors or the underside of awnings of windows opening onto common walkways must be at least two point five (-5) meters above the ground.

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Frequently asked questions

In an emergency circumstance, mustn’t the owner and holder of other property-related rights to a property hinder another person from using his/her own property?

In an emergency circumstance, the owner and holder of other property-related rights to a property must not hinder another person from using his/her own property or hinder another person from causing damage to such property in order to prevent or abate the greater danger or damage that threatens to happen.

May a house owner only install entry and exit doors and windows opening onto adjacent houses?

A house owner may only install entry and exit doors and windows opening onto adjacent houses or opposite houses and common walkways in accordance with the law on construction.

How shall the boundaries between adjoining immoveable properties be determined?

The boundaries between adjoining immoveable properties shall be determined in accordance with the agreement of the owners or in accordance with a decision of the competent authority.

Conclusion: So the above is Restrictions on protection of ownership rights under Vietnam Law. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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