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Classification of investment projects in groups A B C according to the provisions of Vietnamese law

You are interested in Classification of investment projects in groups A B C according to the provisions of Vietnamese law so let's go check out the following article!

Classifying investment projects A, B, and C not only helps investors make suitable investment plans but also prepares dossiers of application for investment licenses conveniently, quickly, and accurately. . Regarding the classification of investment projects, Lawyer X received the following question:

“Hello Lawyer X. I am Nguyen Van M. Dear Lawyer, I am currently implementing a few small projects in Quang Nam province. However, as far as I know, each type of project group A, group B or group C will require different approval authorities as well as different types of papers and reports. But I don’t know how to distinguish which group the projects I’m working on belong to? So can you help me classify projects in group A, group B, and group C? Thank you, Lawyer”:

So how does Vietnamese law stipulate the classification of investment projects in groups A, B, and C? Let Lawyer X answer for you in the following article.

Legal basis for classification of investment projects in groups A, B, and C

Law on Public Investment 2019

Criteria to classify investment projects in groups A, B, C

According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 6 of the Law on Public Investment 2019, the criteria for classifying investment projects according to groups A, B, and C are prescribed as follows:

Besides, based on their importance and scale, public investment projects are classified into national important projects, group A projects, group B projects, and group C projects according to the criteria specified in Articles 7, 8, 9, and 10 of this Law.

Thus, investment projects of groups A, B, and C will be distinguished from each other through the importance and scale of the project, along with the number of other criteria specified in the articles of association. other laws of the Law on Public Investment. These criteria will be expressed through two main contents of each investment project, that is, the total investment amount and the investment field of the investment project.

Classification of investment projects

ClassifyInvestment sectorGroup A investment projectGroup B investment projectGroup C investment project
1The project is in the field of defense and security with a top-secret level Projects for the production of toxic substances and explosives Infrastructure projects of industrial parks, export processing zones, high-tech zones  Only Group A projects (except for projects of national importance)  
2Traffic, including bridges, seaports, river ports, airports, railways, national roads Electrical industry Oil exploited Chemicals, fertilizers, cement Machine building, metallurgy Mining and processing of minerals Construction of housing area  From 2300 billion VND or moreFrom 120 billion VND to less than 2,300 billion VND.Under 120 billion VND.
3 Traffic Irrigation Water supply and drainage, waste treatment, and other technical infrastructure works Electrical Engineering Manufacture of information and electronic equipment Pharmaceutical Material production Mechanical works, except for machine-building and metallurgy projects Post and Telecommunication  From 1500 billion VND or moreFrom 80 billion VND to less than 1,500 billion VND.Under 80 billion VND.
4Agricultural production, forestry, aquaculture The national park, nature reserve New urban area technical infrastructure Industry  From 1000 billion VND or more  From 60 billion VND to less than 1,000 billion VND.Under 60 billion VND
5Health, culture, education Scientific research, information technology, radio and television Storage Travel, sport Civil construction, except for the construction of residential areas Projects in the field of defense and security    From 800 billion VND or more  From 45 billion VND to less than 800 billion VNDUnder 45 billion VND

Please read more: What is an investment project? Characteristics and classification of investment projects in Vietnam

Frequently asked questions:

Why is it necessary to classify investment projects?

The purpose of investment project classification is to:
– Decentralization of management: Prime Minister, ministries, branches, People’s Committees of provinces, districts, and communes.
– Selection of investors; project management forms.
– Decide the investment and construction sequence (pre-feasibility report, feasibility report…); design sequence; time limit for funding if it is budget capital; capacity conditions of individuals and organizations participating in the project; a form of contractor selection; the warranty period for the works; a form of management and use of the project.

Are the classification criteria for group A, B, and C projects fixed or adjustable?

The criteria for classifying projects in groups A, B, and C may be adjusted, and the Government shall submit them to the National Assembly Standing Committee for the decision to adjust the above criteria. So, the adjustment of criteria for the classification of investment projects shall be made in case the price index has large fluctuations or there is a major adjustment in the decentralization of public investment management related to the criteria for the classification of public investment projects or There are other important factors affecting the classification criteria of public investment projects.

In addition to classifying investment projects by total investment and investment fields, other criteria can be classified according to other criteria?

In addition to classifying investment projects by total investment and investment fields, it is also possible to classify investment projects according to the following criteria: Source of investment capital; investment nature; territory.

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