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Procedures for registration of animal feed business in Vietnam

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Currently, the animal feed business is one of the potential industries and attracts a lot of attention. In the article below, Lawyer X will share with you the procedure for registering an animal feed business. Hope this article brings a lot of useful things to you.

Legal grounds

  • Enterprise Law 2020

What is the animal feed?

Animal and aqua feeds are products that animals eat and drink (or add to the rearing environment for aqua feed) in fresh, live or processed, or preserved form, including feed nutrition and functional food in the following forms: raw materials, single foods; complete compound feed; Concentrated feed, supplementary feed, feed additives, and products added to the rearing environment (for aqua feed) to create natural food, stabilize the farming environment and increase the efficiency of use. food.

Trading in animal and aqua feeds includes activities of production, processing, trading, export, and import of animal and aqua feeds.

a) Production of animal and aqua feed means the performance of a part or all of the activities of production, processing, distribution, packaging, preservation, and transportation of animal and aqua feeds.

b) Processing of animal and aqua feed means the process of performing part or all of the stages of production of animal and aqua feed to create products at the request of the ordering party.

Conditions for registration of animal feed business.

Conditions for establishments producing and processing animal feed.

  • The place of production and processing must be located in an area that is not polluted by factors such as waste, toxic chemicals, and livestock barns.
  • The production area has walls and fences separating it from the outside.
  • Having an environmental impact assessment report or an environmental protection plan by the law on the environment.
  • Meeting the requirements for workshops and equipment: having suitable production lines; having technical solutions to ensure ventilation and moisture resistance; having warehouses to preserve raw materials; having measuring equipment and instruments; having solutions on equipment and tools to control impurities; have solutions for fire and explosion prevention and fighting according to the provisions of law; Have suitable dust collection and waste treatment equipment.
  • The person in charge of technology has a university degree or higher in one of the majors in animal husbandry, animal husbandry – veterinary medicine, veterinary medicine, food technology, and biotechnology.
  • Have or hire a laboratory to analyze the quality of animal feed during production and processing.

Conditions for establishments trading animal feed.

  • Animal feed, at the place of sale and storage, must be separate from pesticides, fertilizers, and other toxic chemicals.
  • Having equipment and tools to preserve animal feed according to the instructions of manufacturers and suppliers.
  • There are solutions to prevent mice, birds, and other harmful animals.

Conditions for establishments importing animal feed.

Organizations and individuals importing animal feed must have or rent a warehouse to preserve animal feed that meets the requirements on preservation conditions to ensure goods quality, environmental protection, and as recommended by the manufacturer.

Dossier for registration of animal feed business includes what?

For domestic production of animal feed.

Application for registration of animal feed allowed to be circulated in Vietnam;

  • A copy of the notice of receipt of the announcement of regulation conformity on the conditions of the establishment producing and processing animal feed;
  • The original or certified true copy of the contract for processing animal feed;
  • The original or a copy of the following papers: applicable publication standards, notice on receipt of announcement of regulation conformity, a decision on recognition of new animal feed (if any);
  • Particularly, the original or a copy of the test result sheet of the product’s quality and safety criteria in the announced applicable standards and the respective national technical regulations;
  • Sample label of the product (with the manufacturer’s stamp of confirmation).

For imported animal feed.

  • An application for registration of imported animal feed permitted for circulation in Vietnam;
  • Certificate of free sale or equivalent document of imported animal feed, issued by the competent authority of the country of origin according to regulations;
  • A copy of one of the manufacturer’s ISO, GMP, HACCP, or equivalent certificates;
  • The product information sheet provided by the manufacturer includes: Names of ingredients, quality criteria, safety criteria, uses, and instructions for use;
  • The published and applied standards of the organization or individual registering the import of animal feed permitted for circulation in Vietnam; product sub-labels are shown in Vietnamese according to regulations;
  • Test results sheet of product quality and safety criteria issued by a testing laboratory designated or recognized by a competent authority of the country of origin;
  • Sample label of the product (certified by supplier or importer);

Procedures for registration of animal feed business.

To have a license to trade in animal feed, we can register in two forms as an individual business household, or a company.

Set up an individual business.

For the establishment of an individual business household, the procedures for registration of an animal feed business are as follows.

1. Individuals, groups of individuals, or representatives of business households shall send an application for individual business household registration to the business registration office of the district where the animal feed business is located. Contents of the application for individual business household registration include:

A business household name, business location address;

Amount of business capital;


Full name, number, and date of issue of the people’s identity card, residential address, and signatures of individuals establishing business households.

Attached to the application for business household registration, there must be a copy of the people’s identity cards of the individuals participating in the household business.

2. Upon receipt of the application for registration of animal feed business, the business registration authority of the district will hand over the receipt and issue the Certificate of individual business household registration within five working days, from the date of receipt of a valid application and if the following conditions are satisfied:

  • Business lines not on the list of prohibited industries and trades;
  • The name of the business household that intends to register is by regulations;
  • Pay the fee in full.

In case the application for registration of animal feed business is invalid, within 05 working days, the business registration agency must notify in writing the contents that need to be amended and supplemented to the household founder. Individual business.

If after 05 working days, the business household registration certificate is not received or the notice requesting to amend the dossier is not received, the business household registrant has the right to complain as prescribed.

Open a company.

For the registration of animal feed business when establishing a company, the application includes:

  • Business registration application form.
  • Charter of the company.
  • List of members of the company
  • Copies of personal identification documents

The order of procedures for registration of animal feed business is as follows:

The company founder shall submit a complete business registration dossier as prescribed by the competent business registration agency. Note that you must register the correct animal feed business code

The business registration agency is responsible for reviewing the application and issuing the business registration certificate within 03 – 05 working days. If the application for registration of the Business Registration Certificate is refused, a written notice shall be sent to the person carrying out the procedures for registration of the animal feed business.

The business registration authority issues the business registration certificate; the agency may not require the enterprise founder to submit additional documents that are not specified in the regulations.

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Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to process animal feed business registration procedures?

No more than 25 working days.
– Time limit for checking application components: No more than 05 working days from the date of receiving the registration dossier.
– Time limit for content appraisal of dossiers and issuance of written certifications: No more than 20 working days from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers.

How much is the registration fee for an animal feed business?

Fee: 1050000 VND (For aqua feed)
Fee: 50000 VND
(When the fee for recognition of aqua feeds allowed to be circulated in Vietnam: 50,000 VND/time)

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