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Review of police professional duties in Vietnam

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Nowadays, many people want to apply for admission to police and army schools. However, not everyone knows about their rights and responsibilities when participating in this environment. So about the matter “Review of police professional duties in Vietnam” Let’s find out with LSX in the article below.

Legal grounds

  • Decree 129/2015/ND-CP
  • Law on Military Service 2015
  • Law on People’s Public Security 2018

What is police duty?

The police‘s duty is to protect the Fatherland, this obligation is recognized in Article 8 of the 2018 People’s Public Security Law performing the obligation to defend the Fatherland in the people’s armed forces.”

Thus, this is the fact that an individual of the enlistment age as prescribed by law will participate in the defense of the Fatherland in the people’s armed forces for a certain period of time.

Conditions for participating in the police service

Every citizen when reaching the age of enlistment has the right to participate in military service, police service, militia and self-defense force. Each branch will have different entry conditions. So what conditions do citizens want to join the police service?

To be able to participate in the performance of police duties, citizens must meet the following conditions:

• Have a clear background;

• Strictly abide by the Party’s guidelines and guidelines, and the State’s policies and laws; having no criminal record, not being examined for penal liability, probation, not during the period of being applied the measure of education in communes, wards or townships or sent to compulsory medical establishments, medical establishments compulsory education; having good qualities, ethics and conduct, being trusted by the masses of the people in the place of residence or place of study or work;

• Ensuring the political standards of non-commissioned officers and soldiers serving under the regime of duty in the People’s Public Security.

• Have a high school diploma or higher. Mountainous communes, islands, ethnic minority areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions may recruit citizens with lower secondary school diplomas.

• The body is well-balanced, not deformed, deformed and meets the health standards to fulfill the obligation to join the People’s Police.

Review of police professional duties in Vietnam

According to the provisions of Article 9 of Decree 129/2015/ND-CP on the transition to professional service mode:

“first. Non-commissioned officers and conscripts have from full 24 months to less than 36 months of active service, attain the title of soldier who has completed tasks or more, and ensure the standards and conditions for service according to the professional regime in the army. The People’s Public Security Forces shall be considered and admitted to the People’s Public Security academies and schools according to the regulations on enrollment of the Ministry of Public Security. Upon graduation, they will be conferred the rank of professional officer or non-commissioned officer.

2. Non-commissioned officers and soldiers who do not fall into the cases specified in Clause 1 of this Article, upon the expiration of their active service period, fully meet the criteria to meet the requirements of use of the People’s Public Security, if voluntarily and the public People’s security needs, they will be considered to switch to professional service mode. Subjects, criteria and rate of conversion to professional service for non-commissioned officers who have expired active duty shall be prescribed by the Minister of Public Security. The selection process must ensure openness, democracy, transparency and fairness to all subjects.

It can be seen that if you meet the above conditions, you will be considered by the unit to take the exam to enter the People’s Police academies and schools according to regulations, if you pass, you will be able to attend these schools, but if you fail then you must continue to join the police service until the expiration of 3 years. After doing this, you will have to be discharged and become an ordinary citizen, based on the provisions in Article 11 of Decree 129/2015/ND-CP on demobilization:

“1. Non-commissioned officers and soldiers who have expired their active service period specified in Clause 3, Article 4 of this Decree may be discharged. In case of ineligibility to continue performing the service, non-commissioned officers and soldiers may be discharged from the army before the deadline. Conditions and procedures for early discharge from the army shall be prescribed by the Minister of Public Security.

2. Non-commissioned officers and soldiers who fulfill their obligations to join the People’s Public Security Forces, upon returning to their places of residence, work or study within fifteen working days, must go to the military service registration agency to register for military service for the reserve rank.”

Regimes and policies for citizens performing police duties (non-commissioned officers, conscripts)

During the time of active service and upon discharge, non-commissioned officers and conscripts are entitled to the regimes and policies prescribed for non-commissioned officers and soldiers serving in the people’s armed forces specified in Article 2 of this Law. 50 Law on Military Service 2015 and documents detailing its implementation.

Article 50. Regimes and policies for non-commissioned officers, soldiers serving active duty, demobilization and their relatives

1. For non-commissioned officers and soldiers during active service:

a) To be assured of timely, sufficient and correct supply of food, foodstuffs, military equipment, preventive and curative drugs; be guaranteed accommodation, monthly allowance, necessities and cultural and spiritual needs suitable to the nature of the army’s tasks; regimes are guaranteed during holidays and Tet; be guaranteed health care when injured, sick, or have accidents according to the provisions of law;

b) From the thirteenth month onwards, they are entitled to leave according to the regime; other irregular leave cases prescribed by the Minister of National Defense;

c) From the twenty-fifth month onwards, an additional 250% of the monthly allowance for the current military rank shall be enjoyed;

d) The family’s population is counted when the family is assigned or adjusted to the area of ​​housing, land for housing construction and arable land;

đ) The time of active duty service shall be counted into the working time;

e) Preferential postage;

g) Having achievements in combat, work or training that are commended and rewarded according to the provisions of law;

h) In case of injury or illness while on duty, they are entitled to preferential regimes as prescribed by law;

i) The State guarantees the social insurance and health insurance regime according to the provisions of the Law on Social Insurance and the Law on Health Insurance;

k) To be entitled to temporarily postpone payment and not charge interest on loans from the Bank for Social Policies who are members of poor households, pupils or students before joining the army as prescribed by law;

l) Priority in military enrollment.

2. Relatives of non-commissioned officers and active-duty soldiers:

a) Natural father and mother; father, mother-in-law or father, mother-in-law; legal custodians; wife or husband; The natural and lawfully adopted children of non-commissioned officers and active-duty soldiers are entitled to the health insurance regime in accordance with the Law on Health Insurance, and the hardship allowance guaranteed by the state budget;

b) Lawful natural or adopted children of non-commissioned officers and active-duty soldiers are exempted or reduced from tuition fees when studying at public and non-public general education institutions in accordance with the law on exemption regimes, reduce tuition;

c) In case non-commissioned officers and active-duty soldiers die or die while on duty, their families are entitled to preferential regimes as prescribed by law.

3. For non-commissioned officers and soldiers upon discharge:

a) To be provided with transportation allowance, travel allowance, demobilization allowance;

b) Before enlistment, studying or receiving a call-up letter to study at schools of vocational education and training institutions, higher education institutions may reserve their results, receive and

c) Receive a job creation allowance;

d) Before enlistment, while working at a state agency, political organization or socio-political organization, when demobilizing, that agency or organization must be responsible for receiving, re-arranging and re-employing jobs guaranteed income not lower than before enlistment; in case that agency or organization has been dissolved, the immediate superior agency or organization shall have to arrange suitable jobs;

đ) Before enlistment, while working at an economic organization, when discharged from the army, that organization must be responsible for receiving, arranging jobs and ensuring salaries and wages commensurate with the working position and salary. salary and wages before enlistment; In case an economic organization has terminated its operation, dissolved or gone bankrupt, the settlement of regimes and policies for non-commissioned officers and demobilized soldiers shall be the same as those of employees of economic organizations that is prescribed by law;

e) Have their social insurance benefits settled in accordance with the Law on Social Insurance;

g) For non-commissioned officers and soldiers discharged from the army as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 43 and Clause 1, Article 48 of this Law, when they return to their respective localities, they will be prioritized for job arrangement by authorities at all levels, agencies and organizations and add points in enrollment and recruitment of civil servants and public employees; During the probationary period, they are entitled to 100% of the salary and allowances of the recruitment rank corresponding to their training level.

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Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to perform police duty?

The time limit for performing the obligation to join the CAND is 24 months. The Minister of Public Security shall decide to extend the term of active duty service of non-commissioned officers and conscripts for no more than 6 months in the following cases:
To ensure combat readiness;
Performing the task of preventing and combating natural disasters, epidemics, and rescue.

What is the rank and rank of citizens performing police duties?

Citizens performing the obligation to join the People’s Police, are conferred or promoted to the rank of:
For the rank of non-commissioned officers, including:
Master sergeant
For soldier ranks, including:
First soldier.

What does dossier for selection of citizens to perform police duties include?

Citizens participating in the selection and performing the obligation to join the People’s Police shall submit the following documents to the commune-level police station where the citizen has permanent residence:
The declaration of registration for performance of the obligation to join the People’s Police, certified by the People’s Committee of the commune where the person resides or by the agency or organization where the citizen is working or studying.
Certificate of military service registration.

Conclusion: So the above is Review of police professional duties in Vietnam. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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