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What are the Conditions for establishing foreign language centers with foreign elements?

You are interested in What are the Conditions for establishing foreign language centers with foreign elements? so let's go check out the following article!

Today, in the time of international integration, not only that people communicate with each other in their mother tongue language, but also in many other languages. Therefore, the need to learn and improve foreign languages is skyrocketing. As a result, the need to establish foreign language centers is increasing gradually as well. What are the conditions for establishing foreign language centers? Let’s find out in this article with LSX Law firm.

  • Decree 73/2012/ND-CP

What are the Conditions for establishing foreign language centers with foreign elements?

To establish a foreign language center with foreign elements, you must meet different requirements from many competent authorities and agencies. First, you need to pick a name for the foreign language center, it must meet the following requirements:

  • The name of the training center must include consistent elements arranged in the following order: education/training” + “Field of education” + proper name.

The proper name of the foreign-invested center must not coincide with or cause confusion with the name of the other registered educational institutions, or enterprises. do not use words; symbols that violate the Vietnamese nation’s historical, cultural, ethical, and fine Vietnamese traditions.

The Center can have a transaction name in Vietnamese and the international transaction name in English (or in another common foreign language) with equivalent content.

  • The Center must have a transaction name in Vietnamese and the international transaction name in English (or in another common foreign language) with equivalent content.

For the teaching staff, it is necessary to meet the following requirements:

  • Teachers must have at least a college degree or equivalent; Have suitable knowledge for their assigned teaching profession.
  • The maximum student/teacher ratio is 25 students/teacher.

Conditions for establishment:

  • The project has an investment certificate;
  • Having a detailed scheme for the establishment of the institution;
  • When establishing a physical facility, there must be a document on land allocation or land lease issued by the Provincial People’s Committee. Which is enclosed with the investment project on the construction of the facility, including explanation and detailed design. Also, there must be details of the educational institution and the agreement on renting policies when renting available facilities. 
  • The facility must have appropriate classrooms in terms of lighting, tables and chairs, equipment, and teaching aids. It must have an area used for study and teaching that ensures an average of at least 2.5m2/learner for short-term training and retraining institutions and 04m2/learner for vocational training centers. 
  • Additionally, there should be offices of the Board of Directors, teachers’ rooms, libraries, and other functional rooms, necessary equipment for training and management;
  • For cases where the construction of facilities is not required, there must be an agreement on renting policies for the available facilities in accordance with the law: foreign-invested educational institutions registered to operate from In Vietnam for 20 years or more, there must be a plan to build the facilities of the educational institution and the approval of the Provincial People’s Committee on the allocation or lease of land for investment in the construction of facilities. 
  • Foreign-invested educational institutions registered to operate for less than twenty years are not required to build their own facilities. However, they must have contracts or agreements to lease schools, classrooms, workshops, etc. For a period of at least five years;
  • Have sufficient financial capacity: investment rate is at least 20 million VND/student (excluding land use costs). The minimum total investment capital is calculated based on the number of students at the time when the highest training scale is expected.

Dossiers for the establishment of foreign language centers with foreign elements?

Dossier for the director of the center who is a foreigner, including:

  • Registration for a long-term temporary residence with a visa;
  • Apply for approval and a work permit suitable for the position;
  • Health certificate;
  • Judicial record (consular legalized);
  • Documents proving professional qualifications (consular legalized);

In the application for the establishment of the center, there must be all the following documents:

  • A written request for permission to establish an educational institution;
  • Certified copy of Investment Certificate;
  • A detailed scheme on the establishment of an educational institution, clearly determining: The name of the educational institution; educational goals; scope of educational activities; diplomas, certificates forms; proposed structure for the organization, management, and administration;
  • The written approval of land allocation or land lease from the Provincial People’s Committee in case of building physical facilities (in which the address, area, and boundary of the land plot are clearly identified) and there is an agreement on renting policies of available facilities;
  • Investment project on construction of facilities, including the explanation and detailed design of the educational institution if the physical facilities must be built.
  • Documents proving financial capacity.

Procedures for establishing a foreign language center with foreign elements?

  • Within 05 working days after the dossier arrives, the agency in charge shall check the validity of the dossier and send the dossier to the concerned agencies and units for opinions;
  • In 30 working days after a complete and valid dossier arrives, the agency in charge shall make an inspection report and submit it to competent authorities for consideration and decision;
  • Within 10 working days after receiving the verification report, the competent authorities shall consider and decide whether to grant permission for the establishment of the educational institution.

Where to submit the documents: Hanoi Department of Education and Training.

Finally, hope this article is helpful for you!

If you have any questions; please contact Lawyer X for quick and best legal services: 0833102102.

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Conclusion: So the above is What are the Conditions for establishing foreign language centers with foreign elements?. Hopefully with this article can help you in life, please always follow and read our good articles on the website:

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